Random Ibuki Tricks

EX-neckbreaker is invincible to Rufus’s galactic tornado (the spinning hits, at least: they must count as projectile hits). Also, if Rufus does s.HP HP-tornado in a blockstring, if you block s.HP high, you can EX-neckbreaker his HP-tornado (but if you block s.HP low, you’re stuck in block stun for the whole thing). You can DP (EX-kazegiri) between the hits as well, but it does only half the stun and looks less flashy.

If you do raida in the corner and do three command dashes with perfect timing you can end up on the opposite side of the opponent or directly next to him for a mix up. If you do it right though, it looks really tricky since you are so close and moving so much and can go to either side. Here it is in this video at 3:30


Which version of the command dash do you use?

Wouldn’t command dash spam be beaten by mashed throws?

Surprised I cant find this anywhere, but I have done it by complete accident a few times and then recently actually started doing it for the hell of it. It’s risky, but a trick no less.
Raida works as an anti air, it basically sucks them out of the air. I haven’t done any extensive testing, figured someone already would have found this, as I’ve mostly done it by accident going to back for b.mp anti air. Though the times I did do it, it seems rather solid, but I cant say for sure what attack the opponent was jumping in with cause it just sucks them down all weird like. It’s also a little difficult to do a half circle on reaction like that, but pretty cool non the less if it turns out to be a good thing.

No its actually useful to point this out because I have been trying to use it for a while now for a specific type of AA situation. When they jump and you slide or CD under or through them people would wait and then grab their landing. Sometimes this gets teched though.

So what I am trying to do is imediately raida after a crossup where I will beat anything they do, whether they attack, don’t attack and if you do it right they won’t hit the ground for a tech or block. Even if they do hit the ground they may expect a tech in which case raida will beat it.

Actually, you can do a lot better than this. Some of your options are:

  • (blocked point-blank only) dash forward, cl.lp mp (2 hits) hp xx neckbreaker
  • (blocked a short distance away) dash forward, cl.lp mp (1 hit) hp xx neckbreaker
  • dash forward, s.mk xx neckbreaker
  • dash forward, U1
  • dash forward, U2
  • wait until Cammy lands / is about to land, U2

In Ibuki mirrors, Ibuki can always punish a blocked Raida with s.mk xx whatever, although blocking an EX-Raida low makes the timing a bit tricky. During Raida’s recovery, Ibuki’s hitbox extends forward so that she can be punished more easily, even from max range.

I wouldn’t rely on Raida for general-purpose anti-air. E.g. try to Raida Ibuki’s j.mk when she jumps towards you. Often you’ll get a trade, dealing no damage to the opponent.

This can’t be possible unless your opponent isn’t going for a block string or hit confirms after the crossup, since Raida has a huge 6 frame startup.

It is possible, as I get behind my opponent quite often after jumpins in my recent videos. Maybe not after a slide, but after a forward dash or CD it is possible. Also after a slide you can catch them on the ground. Also I believe raida is 5 frames, but I could be wrong, ill check later.

After the slide you can catch them with raida if they try to tech your throw which many people do anyways.

@spinning beat- you start with lk dash, and then do mk dash, and then either mk dash or HK dash. If your timing is not perfect though, you can easily substitute the first lk dash with a forward dash or substitute the second mk dash with lk dash.

It was Kazekiri in 3S, so some people still call it that. It’s a minor thing really, since they both mean the same. Kaze - wind and Giri/Kiri - cut. At least they’re not saying kazegirl right? lol

Did you guys see Alioune’s post in the video thread? I felt that it kinda belongs here in the tricks section.

EDIT: So much for that, incoming patch… lol
? Ibuki’s invincibility window being too long on wakeup.
? The 2nd hit of Ibuki’s Spinning Kicks missing Chun-Li.