Ragequitters be damned - The Bads Loser Wall of Shame

It is annoying to be ragequitted on, especially when you never leave a match you get your ass whooped in, resulting in a loss of many points but never gaining any when you had the win…but this is so stupid. Stop giving ragequitters so much attention they dont deserve it.

At the end of the day you need to ask yourself why you even care about Battle Points in the first place.

You’re an idiot, the idea is to avoid rage quitters, if you recognize a name, you know to leave before you start.

It’s pointless. Who can remember all this?

I just save my energy and move on now. Or at least I tell them to quit at the medals screen so I keep my points.

i guess i’ll go play more to see who quits on me.

The guy asked for an opinion, i gave mine. What i use to compare is beside the point.

But your opinion is stupid.

So you guys are telling me none of you have experienced a dc at a very inappropriate time in a match where you are losing or something?

Online is garbage and I am suprised rage quittin is still such an issue. With this big forum and loads of quality players around I don’t see much reason to play randoms. At least the people on your friend list will understand if the connection goes to shit which will avoid false accusations.

Depends on how much you want bps I guess.

Where did the term, “rage quit” originate?

To say his own personal opinion is stupid is just ignorant and wrong on so many different levels.

except for the fact that he compared making fun of someone for quitting a game out of rage to accusing someone of child molestation

Idealism at it’s best.

Looking at this thread and the amount of other threads and blogs dedicated to looking down on the “rage quitter” I’d say that it isn’t exactly that bad of an analogy as it pertains to this community. I’d say the general dislike is equal. You can’t just say apples to oranges that’s stupid in order to somehow dismiss his thoughts because in reality there is no such thing as apples to oranges.

pandacraft’s life lessons #43:
Opinions are more often then not, poorly informed.

Are you trying to convince me that:

accusing someone of being a bad sport in an online game
= accusing someone of murder without sufficient evidence
= accusing someone of child molestation
= the beginnings of the holocaust?

Because that’s something I just can’t get behind.
Dig this:

Regardless, either I’m not expressing my ideas accurately enough or they’re just not getting across, so I’m not gonna worry about arguing this anymore. Instead, I’ll just enjoy the website.

I didn’t really think that there was an issue going on in this thread. If the guy has shown up more than once dcing at the moment that they are going to lose I’d say it’s easily less of a coincidence.

Nothing is exactly the same as anything else. If the threshold for a proper analogy is a tautology then analogies cease to exist, and we know they do exist.

Of course nothing is exactly the same as anything else, but what I have been arguing this whole time is that the differences in the ideas compared in the analogies are relevant enough to the discussion to discredit the analogies.

Never play this guy

0111 kira 1110 is his name he plays with sakura he will pull on your ass if he is behind on life be warned.:nono:

Don’t mistake a difference of scale to one of kind. the analogy was a comparison between two unproven causes based on circumstantial evidence. It is irrelevant if one ‘crime’ is much more severe then the other, in fact that is often the point.

I was beasting some dude on PSN the other night and he disconnected. His handle was jetsyrup.


:confused: @ personal insults. Why would anyone want to remember all these usernames? BP doesn’t mean jack **** at the end of the day.

I have 2600+ BP right now, that doesn’t stop me from thinking that someone with 1300 BP can whoop my ass if I ran into them. It also doesn’t mean I couldn’t whoop someone with 4000+ BP ass’