Sure, it gives everyone a laugh and I guess you could flame the guy on XBox Live or PSN, but are you really going to take the time before starting a match to browse the entire database to see if the player you’re facing off against is on the Wall of Shame?
Also, it probably takes a chunk of time to actually capture the picture, upload it, and post it, all of which could have been used to get another match in. People care way too much about their BP.
how does someone call that a ragequit? the first round was very very close it’s not like he would have had a bunch of time from getting knocked down to dc.
i know this might sound crazy to people… but connections on the internet get disconnected and reformed a LOT, everyone just needs to relax. short of the guy dc’ing in the middle of your ultra/super that is about to win the last match don’t call it ragequit so dang fast.
As I stated in another thread, I have been disconnected in 4 bar player matches with friends…while we were talking and laughing and whatnot…so I am quite sure that these disconnects were totally NOT deliberate at all.
I guess the idea of giving people the benefit of the doubt is a lost concept.
I play my brother often and we usually have about 4 bars but almost always will get disconnected once or twice. The only thing I can think of is his wireless connection dropping. He uses the wireless adapter for the xbox360 and I don’t.
I hear that! My apartment came pre-wired with ethernet jacks in each room so I have my router and cable modem right behind the tv. The router runs to a gigabit switch in the wiring closet that feeds the rooms. Not a bad setup for an apartment I must say.
Had two people in a row ragequit on me today so far. One guy was French and he showed the French people really are cowardly by quitting after I perfect his Abel with Sagat. Then the next guy quits after what I thought was a decent output from a Cammy player but I beat him and he quits so I make fun of him for being from Germany.
There needs to be some kind of symbol or something next to a players name for everytime they have ragequitted.
Just for the people who dont know about that Wall of Shame.
This way all the honorable players can face each other, and all the true scrubs can face each other.
They should put up a detection system where if the person disconnects at a reasonable time you can say yes to change his title to the rage quit title or just say no because you didn’t think it was a rage quit. That would be win.
I just got my PS3 and SFIV, and while waiting on my PS2->PS3 converter, I’ve been playing on pad. I’m doing decent, or as good as I can on a pad. The first 17 matches were against Ken or Ryu, which was unsettling, but as I got up to 1k BP, I started to play other characters.
In my 30 or so matches thus far, I’ve been ragequit against 6 times. I don’t mind that necessarily. It comes with the territory. However, there was one FRUUUUUUUUUUUUUSTRATING one. I was playing a Gief named HEADCRUSHER99 (dead giveaway, huh?), and he beat me the first round. I’d never played a Gief before, and didn’t realize that lariat was a fucking brick wall. I’m playing Akuma, so I just jump back fireball, then hcb fireball, repeat, repeat. He just kept walking towards me and getting hit, and couldn’t get around it. I beat him that round, and the next round, he is doing the same thing. He gets hit by every fireball. He has around 1/4 left, walks back, stops, and pulls.
I don’t mind playing sore losers who just can’t handle it… but this guy realized that his tactic didn’t work, and although he wasn’t a terrible player, he just decided to give up and not try to adapt. Shit like that pisses me off.
Afterwards, he sends me a message “NO POINTS FOR YOU”… and that’s it. It was my first PSN message. Joy!
I ended up getting disconnected while I had the lead in a Balrog/Sim match yesterday. I was playing Sim, had the lead and disconnected and that’s even when we had a three bar connection.
Turns out my ISP had service down in my area for an entire hour. :mad: