"Rage quit" and "Taunts"

In my experience the rage is far worse with MvC3, although I’ve had a handful (maybe ten) of rage quits over the couple hundred ranked fights I’ve had so far. As for taunting, I never do it at all, it’s just not my style. But as everyone said above, if you play Dan and you don’t taunt repeatedly throughout the match, win or lose, you’re failing at the Saikyo arts.

I’ve rage quit a couple of times in MvC3 due to lag. The game was going at like 0.3fps; I couldn’t take it anymore so I just turned off the ps3 lol.
The reasons in the OP for rage quit is just laughable. You don’t quit because you don’t feel like playing anymore (why didn’t you feel that way moments into the game or before the game started? The match isn’t a 90min long movie), you quit because your opponent knocks the appetite out of your teeth. He makes you feel not like playing anymore. Either that or it’s connection issues or my aforementioned lag rage.

As for taunt, I rarely use it, but I’m glad it’s in the game. When my opponent taunts, I try a lot harder. It’s as if my ego is screaming at me “THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAA!” and at the end, if I win, it’s extremely satisfying and if I have a chance, I’d taunt back (not in mail, just in game!). If I lose, I feel that I deserve to be taunted, and that my opponent is good.
However when I’m matched with a total noob who keeps on pressing buttons constantly and looks like he just got the game from Gamestop 20min b4 he played me, then I taunt him almost constantly, as to say “thanks for the waste of time, stay in practice mode for now jesus”.

you have my sympathy, good sir

That is the Funniest thing I have EVER READ!!!

YES YES i do expect you to stay 30 more seconds so i can finish bodying you. and if you leave because your bored you are rage quitting!!! if you are bored dont even join the next game. NUB SCRUB!!

Well…I wonder if he decided to read through this with his real account since c19932 was created just to post this. Either that or he was trollin.

I hope this guy wont get 3s online

this kid will pull out some columbine shit when he dies to taunts all day

I taunt because I rarely get the chance to actually dizzy someone (I play Vega, and footsie orientated. So If I stun you, I take liberties XD). Other than that, I usually only taunt the kind that basically spin the stick and mash DP in your links hoping you drop them. Because that’s ASKING to be mocked when you can only land DP my doing that.

Rage quit…can’t say I’ve done it. I turned my console off earlier at the end of a loss because pizza guy waiting at the door with my food but I don’t really consider that rage XD.

Yeap. Absolutely hate getting a reversal during a BnB combo. I pretty much never taunt unless I press the wrong combination of buttons.

Rage Quitting is now just the generic term for ‘quitting like a little bitch’ but whichever way you slice it, its about lack of respect for your opponent which is why people get annoyed.

If you play someone and they have the skill to beat you, give them their reward. In a lot of ways, ragequitting is actually more acceptable. At least its a heat of the moment thing, rather than a calculated act of cowardice.

I know its not the same thing, but its why SF4 volt on the iphone is utterly unplayable. 99% of people on there dont ‘feel like’ giving up their points.

Well said you shmexy man, well said. We live again!

At first I thought “man why would you necro this thread?”

Looks at the post “djblastard” quoting kaxblastard.

Oh, there it is again. Stop trying to troll. Everyone is tired of it.

Here’s how it should work:

  1. Developer designs game so that opponent disconnecting is a forfeit.
  2. Forfeits award a win to the opponent and a loss to the forfeiter.
  3. If someone forfeits, you accept it and move on to the next match.

The following is bullshit:

  • Rage quitter lists/sites. They’re a witch hunt at best.
  • Rage quitter “hell,” where devs try to match up quitters against each other. A poor excuse for doing what should be done, above.
  • People claiming they “know it was a rage quit.” You don’t know shit.

The preceding was 100% correct, accurate, and awesome.

As for taunts: who cares.

My “taunt” to this thread=

how to taunt without taunting:
use deejay

It doesn’t matter what you think.

I am your champion and you will bow down.

Ha, I’m the only one left to reply to. I guess I was stupid to pay attention to you when nobody else does. I’ll stop now.