Racing thoughts

OK, I’ve been playing fighting games for a long time (I won’t say how long cuz it’s kinda shameful in that light lol), but I’ve never been able to conquer my own barrier of distracting horseshit that’s in my way everytime I try to pretty much do anything in life. I’m taking meds to treat other things, but this particular problem isn’t even indirectly targeted by what I’ve been taking so far. When in a conscious state, my mind is filled with soundbytes and, to a lesser extent, imagery that pervades and leaks into daily sensory perception, and needless to say it’s been holding me back my whole life. I just might not be enough of a fighter to find a way to go around this or cultivate/adapt it to even be an anti-caveat benefit, but it’s perplexed me for 3 decades now and consumating the interests I’ve come to hold dear usually suffers for it, in my inability to truly delve into them like I should (it’s like being on a treadmill with the goal cookie perpendicularly hanging in front of you, an existential tease.)

My question is, are any of you stricken with any mental imbalances or other internal maladies that get in the way of what should be progress? Because even if I weren’t actively aware of what’s wrong with me, this wouldn’t be adding up with the hours and experience put in to this whole pseudo-lifestyle (pseudo for me, in any case, though not from a lack of trying I would argue.)

Anyone with a similar story or have a friend who is, and/or any idea of any cathartic/buffering exercises of any nature that can help my mind not play like autopilot 24/7? Caffeine helps, but also backfires so it’s dangerous for someone as sensitive to such things as myself and alcohol is also a double-edged sword, but is the most effective thing I can find to “slow everything down to a zen pace” unfortunately. And weed is out of the question, I’m just a sociopathic mess on that…

But mind-altering substances aside, any suggestions? (and if this is not enough info, of course I’ll try to provide specific areas of play degradation)

bump… even though this is perhaps hopeless to net a reply of any sort…

I am certainly not one to help you but you should change the title of the thread to something that tells people what your looking for because I guarantee all the people who came in here saw the title, looked at the length of the post, and said tldr and went off. I’m sure there’s people qualified to answer your question but advertise it a bit more.

so should I repost the same message, with a more attractive and encapsulative title?

No, just one that says something about the content instead of sounding like ramblings. I’m also not too sure how much info you’ll get from this forum specifically since it’s more for tips and tutorial stuff, although I’m not sure where else it should go.

cool story bro

Psychoanalysis from someone with a B.A. in psychology…

What kinds of meds are you taking? I assume they were prescribed by a psychiatrist? If not, you need to should seek one right away if you’re taking some serious drugs because you will need to be weaned off of it properly. Stopping psychotropic drugs abruptly can be very dangerous.

You sound like you’re decently well read and/or more intelligent than the average joe. Was all your intospection pointed out to you by a professional, or are these things that you have read and in turn, are applying these labels/symptoms/introspections to yourself? I ask because lots of people read Psychology books and start thinking that they have the illnesses that they read about. I know that sounds pretty extreme but it really happens and quite commonly. For instance, people will read about “Anxiety” and will assume that they have “Generalized Anxiety Disorder”…

It’s good that you’re open with how you feel but things like this are much better discussed with a professional, a psychologist. They will help you out faster than you could imagine.

Saying you’re just a “sociopathic” mess… You’re not describing a sociopath whatsoever. A sociopath is something with severe mental issues and if found to have that diagnosis, would not be allowed to live commonly like anyone else. They would be institutionalized. For the readers and for yourself, an example of a sociopath could be someone walking down a street with blood all over themselves (the blood of the person they killed), knife in hand, saying some crazy shit like, “Red is my favorite color”, or “Tom the (invisible) guy standing next to me said I should kill that lady over there”…

Overall Man, you’re not going to get the answers to your lifes problems in the SRK forums (No offense SRK people). You really should seek a Psychologist.

>Amen, brutha (see above)

oh, sorry, I don’t know how to post replies to individually selected lines of quotes. I said what I said with a “>” before it, and space denoting a move on to the next matter to address.

Were you going to follow up with anything? All that advice was directed towards you…

dude, read in the quoted italics area… geez didn’t the “(see above)” or amendment post gushing that I couldn’t quote and respond to each disparate statement tip you off?

He replied, within the quote.

thanks Inverse… I’m not tryin to be an ass, I just haven’t figured out to make those quote bubbles and regular text statements to follow them. Any tips/instructions on how to do that?

Copy, paste. For the most part. Add [ quote ] and [ /quote ], on the blurbs you want quotes. (Without the spaces obviously).

Anyway, honestly man, it just sounds like gaming might not be your thing. Only you will know what you can focus on to be able to conquer your malady. We cannot see the world through your lenses. If anything, I’d just focus on the less subtle things and get yourself into the deep desire to kick someones ass. Focus on ending your opponent.

Do you do any exercise? Do you run, jog? Anything like that? Do you have a job? Trying to find things you CAN focus on, and seeing how you relate to them. Maybe actually do some focused exercises, like sprints or hitting a bag. Something you can direct focus on. Gaming is a short term focus activity, matches are short. I would think if you can focus on something for bursts, you’re bound to be able to put some energy into it for it to become adaptable. Don’t try to slow down your thinking, I would expect increasing your intensity of focus would work better.

[quote=“Inverse, post:14, topic:92915”]

Copy, paste. For the most part. Add [ quote ] and [ /quote ], on the blurbs you want quotes. (Without the spaces obviously).

Anyway, honestly man, it just sounds like gaming might not be your thing. Only you will know what you can focus on to be able to conquer your malady. We cannot see the world through your lenses. If anything, I’d just focus on the less subtle things and get yourself into the deep desire to kick someones ass. Focus on ending your opponent.

Do you do any exercise? Do you run, jog? Anything like that? Do you have a job? Trying to find things you CAN focus on, and seeing how you relate to them. Maybe actually do some focused exercises, like sprints or hitting a bag. Something you can direct focus on. Gaming is a short term focus activity, matches are short. I would think if you can focus on something for bursts, you’re bound to be able to put some energy into it for it to become adaptable. Don’t try to slow down your thinking, I would expect increasing your intensity of focus would work better/QUOTE]

I’ve tried everything, I’m an ex-boxer/kickboxer so exercise is no stranger to me. Sometimes really working out or running a lot just leaves me more hyped up and flipping out, and other times it gives a good burn or runner’s high. I used to get into random fights with people for a while, until I couldn’t stand being such a prick asshole anymore just to get my kicks to bring about a more balanced mind and way of feeling. That’s its own mindfuck in the long run.

And if gaming is not my thing, then I’ll still have music so that’s not the end of the world… but if I didn’t want to hold on to any last vestige of hope for this, I would just be in denial and self-delusion. Now, that can’t be the case when I’ve exhausted so many avenues beyond the accepted norm of breaking point, can it?

These can be symptoms of severe stress or a long list of psychiatric illnesses, however they are most commonly found in patients suffering from forms of PTS, Clinical Depression if left unchecked and allowed to to progress into an extremely unstable state, both diagnosis’s of Bipolar Disorder, extreme insomnia, schizophrenia, etc. They can also be symptoms of neurological or CNS disorders of which I would be less able to provide any description of. They can also be symptoms of prolonged exposure, or short term exposure with long lasting effects, to a myriad of chemicals. Fuck these are even symptoms of alien abduction phenomenon (not that I’m trying to scare you or even remotely suggest that’s at all a possibility).

Basically what I’m trying to stress is that even if every qualified MD on SRK came to this thread and did a lengthy online QA with you, it would still be medically irrelevant as much of the deductive testing that is required to understand what is at the route cause of your distress can only be determined with proper examination.

My suggestion which I believe will be the majority of the serious responses your going to receive here is to simply seek out your medical professional in charge for what ever it is they are treating you with ATM and tell them about these symptoms. Then simply ask for a referral to someone. Most likely it will be a psychiatrist or a team of psychologists who will try to determine if the issue is or is not psychological in nature. From there on continue to seek references until you find the specialist whom is certain they understand what is causing these anomalies in your perception.

Good Luck.

PS - Just a friendly suggestion about the vernacular applied in your first post. Although no one here is doubting that your are an intelligent and articulate individual, please for the courtesy of other SRK members keep the intricacies of your posting language to around a Grade 12 level if possible at all times. This is mainly for the benefit of the many SRK members who have been using this board for years but are of a non English speaking background. As I’m sure you’re aware if we allow are selves to venture further into post graduate level terminology we certainly run a risk of losing out on many individuals whom might have something quite valid to add, but feel they are unable to because they did not understand, or cannot articulate the language with regards to the source material.

Lol. Just realizing that now. When I saw “see above”, I was thinking, “Why are you telling me to re read my own quote?”

This is the truth. You’re not going to fix any serious life issues in a thread on Real psychological help can take years depending on the severity of your issues.

One last thing prnzokoshiro. Did you take lots of hardcore drugs and/or still do? If youre tossing back ecstasy pills and LSD frequently, then your problems will persist.

Quick Man… I… just don’t have the inspired steam in me right now to debunk anything you say, you win, you’re right, it’s as you say etc. If what I said on the ersatz italiicized clarifications aren’t enough to make you understand, then, as usual we’ll just do the same song and dance; they’ll never be a place for my outmoded rhetoric.

Yeah, cool, this is a world I feel comfortable with living in.

oh, and, alright dude, I’ll try to keep things trimmed down and low-brow with some brevity. Words just flowed that way in that earlier post and I went with it, I’ll be mindful to eliminate future over-articulation. No, seriously, that’s good advice, no sarcs.