Psychoanalysis from someone with a B.A. in psychology…
What kinds of meds are you taking? I assume they were prescribed by a psychiatrist? If not, you need to should seek one right away if you’re taking some serious drugs because you will need to be weaned off of it properly. Stopping psychotropic drugs abruptly can be very dangerous.
>There’s no palpable worry there, they have been prescribed, as with in on/off nature all my life, by a licensed professional every time. This is just the latest chapter in a serious of mild successes and catastrophic failures in that area, bookended at the next/previous junctures by vices and sublime observation under a variety of conditions in lax and sublime study.
You sound like you’re decently well read and/or more intelligent than the average joe. Was all your intospection pointed out to you by a professional, or are these things that you have read and in turn, are applying these labels/symptoms/introspections to yourself?
>Neither. By “reading between the lines” of the original verbal manifestation of my plight (or “shit I was sayin in the first place”, but I’m guess I’m keeping up the abject flowery of language overload), I would’ve thought you would’ve ruled out certain things, such as that I’m quoting or psychosomatically inducing much of or all of what seems to constitute my own hell. I have tested myself in various states of mind, various conditions, without even trying to embark on any kind of experiment - just naturally experiencing triggers, stimuli, and the complete lack of either, and everything in-between. I’ve been consistent in my diagnosis’ of myself over a good portion of a 3 decade lifespan, and I’m not well-read, unless you count 60’s and 70’s Marvel comic books or Irvine Welsh novels that have mostly Scottish punter slang.
It’s good that you’re open with how you feel but things like this are much better discussed with a professional, a psychologist. They will help you out faster than you could imagine.
>Been there, done that. Hopefully I’ve just been saddled with blithering idiots or, more likely, people that are just ineffectual at their chosen craft - so that there will be hope in the future. The reasoning and goal behind my post is a common consensus if I could hope for as much, and/or stories from those with any exposure to anything resembling this kind of clusterfuck of a mental-illness amalgam.
Saying you’re just a “sociopathic” mess… You’re not describing a sociopath whatsoever. A sociopath is something with severe mental issues and if found to have that diagnosis, would not be allowed to live commonly like anyone else. They would be institutionalized. For the readers and for yourself, an example of a sociopath could be someone walking down a street with blood all over themselves (the blood of the person they killed), knife in hand, saying some crazy shit like, “Red is my favorite color”, or “Tom the (invisible) guy standing next to me said I should kill that lady over there”…
>ok, lol, my contention was that sociopathic meant “person driven to actions to provoke reactions/controversy, for sometimes baffling-in-daily-practice simple sociological data collection purposes”. I don’t look up most things, I go by feel, and that’s how I understood the concept. What were you describing is how I’d describe “psychotic”, and the examples you gave… dude, seriously? Most people who are nuts don’t have compulsions and addictions to murder or harm, and that wasn’t “crazy shit” you were spouting about “Red is my favorite color” or a suggestion from an invisible person. That’s simplistic, out-of-touch views stereotyping levels of thinking that are just as intricate as any common interweaving of layered thoughts, if not arguably moreso. Crazy shit is like saying stuff that most wouldn’t even be able to form a solid opinion of, and write it off in an attempt to save their own brain from exploding. But other than that, I appreciate what you’ve said, and if the convo is to be continued further through whatever means, I wouldn’t object.
Overall Man, you’re not going to get the answers to your lifes problems in the SRK forums (No offense SRK people). You really should seek a Psychologist.