Racing thoughts

Why would you try to debunk anything I say? I’m just trying to give you some advice.

I’ve already repeated myself once though so I’m done here. Good luck to you.

What’s that site about handicapped gamers? I can’t remember the name for the life of me but it was an awesome site.

Perhaps something on there could help?

I honestly think that a lot of people have many of the same symptoms that you do. I’m not one to tell you what to do with your medicating, but I can tell you that I always have something going on in my head as well. I really don’t believe that the mind rests or was even supposed to rest. We dream, even while we are asleep.

It seems to me like you may just be more outspoken than others? Maybe you get critisized for your actions a bit more because of it. My mother was diagnosed as being bi-polar 2. She was medicated for it, always changing prescriptions, which only gave her more symptoms, rather than actually doing anything about it. Eventually, she gave up on western medicine. She takes vitamins, she quit smoking, she has been holding a job for several years now and just recently bought her house after stopping her medication and visits to the psychiatrist.

I don’t suggest that you start or stop anything right away, because it can be deadly, but you may just need to look at an alternative source to level yourself once in a while. Your mind will always be moving. My head is always going 100mph. I just keep occupied and take it with a grain of salt. I don’t take medication or self medicate, but I drink recreationally, with friends over food or just to hang out and have a beer once in a while.

Take it from someone who has seen a lot of circus in the psychiatric field; you don’t need to classify any of your actions as a diagnosable disorder. It’s normal for people to go through shit, even for a stint of time.

I hope this helps.

Wondering the same thing, LSD did a number on my brain about 5 years ago. Took me a while to get back to a “normal” state of mind.

I have to pop in and say that this is a really good post.

Same thing here, Brother. I started trying LSD and I did a fair amount of Ecstasy one summer… The stuff just changes you. Plus I was going through family and friend issues. LSD just makes you not normal. Even John Lennon said that he felt like he was losing touch with the regular way of things (though he was doing a shit ton more acid than I was). An old friend of mine had a great line that I always remembered, “LSD is what puts Bums on the street”. I think there’s some truth to it. People just blow their minds wayyy to much and they change on deep psychological levels. Not like, “oh you take acid and now youve become depressed”, for me it was “Okay, I took acid and now I don’t want to talk to people anymore”. Fucking crazy drug. Definitely a drug that I’m glad is illegal.

LoL, ecstasy does not “change” you. Completely different property, outside of serotonin based side effects, ecstasy doesn’t do much else to your chemistry. Especially in the long run. Its side effects are very similar to SSRI usage. Let’s try to keep things in perspective. “LSD putting bums on the street.” is laughable too~, no offense. There are a ton more factors that put someone on the street than a drug with low addictive properties (if any at all outside of psychological), life is a lot more complicated than that. Though I don’t think this forum is the place for this conversation.

I get baited for free, I swear.

Ok since nobody else posted it, it’s:

Truly a great site. They not only deal with physically handicapped players but people with colorblindness and the such. Perhaps you can find something more related to you off of there.

I’ve dabbled in pretty much every one you could think of, but the only one I was on for any lengthy term was meth amphetamines (yes, I know, BOO HISS tweakers suck), so that may have significantly aggravated my dilemma. But if I could have a do-over in life, I wouldn’t change a thing almost without exception.

To everyone else, thank you, I will take most of what you guys are saying under critical advisement, as well as check out the ablegamers site… if anybody has more to add or ask, it’s more than welcome. I’ll try to make my next post more appropriate to the Dojo.

It sounds like you haven’t really studied this stuff seriously since you’re talking down “serotonin based side effects”. In my college Bio Psychology I read about research which showed that serotonin receptor sites shut down after repeated use of ecstacy and don’t kick back on. That’s not really a light side effect like a headache that you may get from taking too much flu medicine or some shit.

The LSD line is for a laugh and obviously other life factors have an influence. How addictive LSD is does not even need to be considered in this case. The drug is just fucking powerful and does crazy shit to your head.

In my experience, and maybe the guy who posted above my last post feels the same way, it doesn’t take much to blow your mind.

It really doesn’t. In my experience im talking about a ONE TIME lsd trip that changed my life. I’m not at all implying that anyone who does lsd will be affected in the same way I was though. In the months after I had symptoms comparable to prnzokoshiro’s. And it took about a year and a half for those symptoms to diminish.

Edit - Oh and to Inverse, LSD can most certainly “change” you, i’d say even though the hell it put me through, it changed the way I think positively. And I think most people who have done hallucinogens will tell you that it in fact has “changed” them in some way.

Can I just state that while some people may see psychologists as “blithering idiots” they are trying to more or less guess what disease you have from the symptoms that you have. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and a depression you only get during the winter months share symptoms and each has a different treatment, some which if mistreated can exacerbate symptoms of others. It’s not like a psychologist can run a litmus test and pick your illness. >_>

Sorry, I just get a bit ticked when people insult shrinks.

But, as with the other people in this thread, I do suggest going to see one instead of asking the internets.

I know what you’re saying. The Psychology of today is totally different than the Psychology of 50 years ago. Some of the shit they did back then was legit though, like Freud’s Free Association; that’s the shit that started it all, and I’ve had it done on me and it works.

Psychology is still really weird though and just like anything else, it truly is a “Practice”. Just because you know how to study and memorize shit for a test doesn’t make you intelligent.

When looking for a therapist, you really have to have a bond. You have to like the guy for christs sake!

Funny story, I saw this one Psychologist (I’ve seen 3 total for the record), and she was this fat middle aged woman, and like when I would tell her some sexual shit, I could tell that she was hella judging me. It was super funny. I got my ass the fuck out of there. “Yeaaaa, ummmm, I’m feeling better now. SEE YA!”

Neat. But what happens if you find someone seriously disturbed, but you aren’t sure if they’re an immediate danger to themselves or others? You can’t have them committed.

I was going around on TVTropes today, and reading the “So bad it’s Bad” section. It’s great for laughs…till I made the mistake of looking at the webcomic section. There is this guy who is seriously disturbed, and could quite possibly hurt someone in the future…maybe. He has a hate base dedicated to making him miserable, but some people apparently just want him to get help~ there are no fans. But how do you get help for someone like that: The guy supposedly has an ego the size of a jumbo jet and might even be delusional (among other things.) So I doubt he’ll walk into a shrink’s office.

Should I post a link?

But how do you get help for someone who’s not whipping a knife around?

(I know this is a little off topic, but might as well.)