R.I.P YusukeUrameshi, aka Yusuke_The_Detective

Fuck December dude. I always find out bad news. One year my best friend dies on Christmas, last year my Ex died, then I see this as I get on to SRK.

R.I.P Bro, I didn’t know him, but losing anyone FGC or not sucks. I’m gonna marathon Yuyu this week.

Damn, for real? This sucks.
I don’t hang around here that much, but his posts were hilarious and he seemed to be a nice guy.


Rest in peace, cool fuckin’ dude.

R.I.P. man.

He seemed like a real nice guy, and I enjoyed his comments.


Should there be a memorial thread on SRK for SRKers that have passed on?

r.i.p. man. my heart’s always heavy when we lose one of our own. i know you’ll rep the fgc up there.

Ugh I hate hearing stories of people dying at such young ages. I’m only 20 and I foolishly live each day thinking nothing bad will happen to me. I underestimate death and after hearing about this, it motivates me to do more with my life and not waste it.

R.I.P Yusuke my man. I won’t forget that one interaction we had on here where we shared our love for Yu Yu Hakusho haha.

This news hit me harder than I expected. RIP @Yusuke_The_Detective Only got to talk to him a little bit on here but he was a really solid guy. Makes me wonder if I’ve ever run into him at any Chicago Tournaments or get togethers.

@“Geese Pants”
@“Dj Hyper Kid”

Us Chicago guys should really make more of an effort to hang out. For all you 3s and ST players there’s a solid gathering of people that regularly play at Logan Arcade on weekends.

**If anyone that was close to him is interested I’m sure we could plan a memorial 3s get together in his honor.
I’m sure Yusuke would approve of our set-up.


R.I.P man. Damn

That’s wild man. I just remember him being incredibly level headed. He had the aura of a OG. Goes to show you never know when your time could be cut short.

RIP to the young warrior.

Damn i was just in chicago back around that time. What the hell, did he go to the ignite casuals?

Went to post something in the tekken thread and i had a half finished reply to him there.


Damn man. You got me tearing up.

Not to pile on, but I’ve got stuff from him in my inbox. We were going to work on a project with @Manx. It never came to fruition, but we were pretty excited at the prospect.

Don’t cry.

I was about to teach that younging about how Tekken has always been anime. Nigga coming around thinking that just because T7 got some crazy shit that it’s suddenly anime. Should’ve detectived up some older games. :lol:

This is messed up. I never knew the guy, or even saw his posts, but losing a member of the FGC at such a young age really messes me up on an existential level. He was only a year younger than I am right now.

Rest in Piece my man, I always said that the world needed less Azrael players, but this certainly isn’t what I had in mind. Careful what you wish for I suppose.

I wonder sometimes how many cool people I meet online and never see again have passed and nobody they made friends with ever knows. They just stop logging on one day and people eventually forget. RIP to Yusuke and everyone that never got theirs.

Did not know personally but I liked a few of his posts.