R.I.P. Philip Seymour Hoffman

A gun would do the job just fine.

Bunch of judgmental squares in this thread is what I’m seeing. :coffee:

Take your drugs. Share your needles. Your choice. My choice to not care if some druggie dies chasing that high.

you were told wrong.
Codeine is a morphine, morphine is made from opium. Heroin is made from opium. Same thing, just at a different strength.
The effects are the same though.
But I guess comparing codeine to heroin is like comparing coffee to cocaine. They both speed up your metabolism, give you lots of energy and make you feel stronger than you really are, but still the strength of each drug is so varied its hard to compare one to the other. So I guess that’s why you were told codeine isn’t like heroin.

Man, you OD one time and you’re no longer an award winning actor, you’re just a strung out junkie? You guys are harsh. It’s not like he injected heroin into your mom and killed her. He’s just a dude who fucked up.

after the fucking miles long list of people who’ve OD’d on heroin, if you’re stupid enough to try it out, not only do you deserve death, but you do not deserve my pity. I don’t care if he won 20 Oscars. That is a meaningless fucking object compared to being a fucking junkie. Maybe I should go cry over some whore who gave really good BJ’s and OD’d.

Damn Levar Burton going in!

That poor man. Well, I’m off to snort cocaine for the first time. Don’t worry this can’t possibly go wrong.

Butterfly in the sky. I can go twice as high.

Who the fuck cares what “tier of celebrity” he was? Seriously, how does that factor into this IN ANY WAY?! A very talented man who gave some of the best performances of the last 20 years died due to his addiction. His sickness. Would you say the same thing about someone who dies to cancer? Addiction is a disease. It’s not weak will power. It’s a sickness in his mind that he has very little control over. The fact that he kept himself clean for 23 years does not mean it was easy. It doesn’t mean in those 23 years he was OK. It means he fought really hard for really long but in the end, he lost out to his addiction. His celebrity has nothing to do with it. Whether you know who he is has nothing to do with it. He put a face on addiction, on the fact that money and adoration and fans can’t help you. Think about that next time you want to say an addict has low will power. You have no idea. If you think it’s just a weak will you don’t understand addiction. You don’t know what it’s like to fight that fight for so many years. You have no idea how fragile it is and how quickly you can give back in to it and get lost there. A man died. A man who had friends and family and people who loved him. People who counted on him. He died because he had a disease and he couldn’t fight it anymore. His immune system was shut down. A man died, and people arguing over what tier celebrity he was…

that visual is pretty hilarious

I’m thankful for not understanding what it’s like to be addicted to something…unless you count the internet for some silly reason (though that’s obviously not really the same)…

Still, at some point he’s the one who started this shit. He chose to “shoot up” one day and got that ball rolling. Seems like a simple thing to just generally take care of yourself and your physical well-being in life…and making sure to NOT indulge in what is possibly the most addictive, dangerous drug out there… that falls into that category of “taking care of yourself”. It’s not even like this is some mysterious new drug that no one yet knows the results…we know from years upon years upon years of people dying that this is obviously a terrible idea, and it is beyond foolish to even try it 1 time.

One of my old friends from high school died of an overdose some years ago… and I didn’t really feel sorry for him either. I felt pity for his family, but not him. He’s the moron that got the bright idea to start up a cocaine habit one day…the results of that stupid, self-destructive habit/addiction are never a surprise. People have more control over their actions than some seem to believe. At least at the very start of an addiction, you had the choice of whether to get into that or not…as with most things, some people make the correct decision…and there will always be some people who make the retarded decision…much like someone who waits for the train to pass…compared to the one who saw the train coming up fast and decided "y’know…I can probably beat that…".

I cannot help but to process this comment as a challenge. I consider willpower as one of my defining strengths, yet I cannot rest until I submit to this challenge laid before me.

Drug addiction isn’t like cancer. It’s like raw dogging a two dollar hooker then being surprised you got AIDS.

You can’t choose cancer, you can choose not to try heroin, ever.

No, you can choose to avoid things that cause cancer, just like you can avoid things that you will be addicted to, however make no mistake, addiction is a mental sickness, it’s a disorder. I’ve spent my entire life around addiction. I have seen those who have cleaned up and I have seen those who have not. Don’t make any mistake about the willpower of any of them, some people just don’t have that strength in them, but it’s no different than any other disease or mental disorder. Addicts will be addicts because there is something different in their brain. If you aren’t an addict, you can’t understand. It’s something stronger than logic. These are sick people, people who need help. What you see as selfish behavior is really the manifestation of a severe mental illness. Some people hear voices, some people need to wash their hands 500 times an hour, some people are addicts. Some people can function as addicts, some can not. Some get help for their addiction and never fall off the wagon, a whole lot do fall off though. You don’t get to choose when you get cancer, and you don’t get to choose whether you are an addict. My older brother fell off the wagon after 15 years of sobriety. He got himself right into treatment and thankfully he is still with us. It goes both ways. However, that doesn’t make one person stronger, because like most mental disorders, some people can control their addiction, and some people are controlled by them. However, it NEVER goes away. NEVER. There’s no cure. There’s no “One day I’ll be fixed.” You are an addict for life. Good times or bad, you are an addict. So think about that when you have a bad day, when shit seems to be overwhelming you, imagine in all that you also had to say “No thing I’d be willing to lose my life over because it makes me so happy, no I will not do you.”

Not all cancer is forseeable or avoidable. Some are genetic, many develop cancer even while developing more or less OCD about avoiding it.

Unless you live in a bubble. And even then all you need is one gene to mutate in early adulthood.

he was the best actor in boogie nights…

And addiction is something you are born with. It may not ever manifest, but it probably will. Cancer forms, addiction is there from day 1.

lol at Sovi3t trying to convince himself that because he’s out of the loop on who PSH is that so is everyone else. Not all of us missed out cuz some fat bitch was sitting our face the last 15 years.