Quitting SFIV, and it's because there is no competition

Afro Legends learned to play on GGPO. Online can make you better you just gotta forcus on improving your game nd fixing your faults and no relieing on someone else to kick you in the ass to do it.

I know what you mean. Online it is very possible to play using fundamentals and such that we see in high play and lose to someone who doesn’t know what footsies are. Alot of time these are easy wins but kens EX srk does a lot of damage and since you cant cross up SRK’s as well anymore you get hit on wakeup alot. I rarely tech throws offline even when I see them coming. I don’t blame the netcode though, I need better competition.

Nothing is perfect. :razz:

A popular fighting game like SF IV or the upcoming Tekken 6 will have a high ratio of talentless scrubs.

Boring to fight,but the most important thing is that they did pay the 60$ to assure that Capcom will make fighting game for decades to come. :lol:

Actually Host Advantage plays a very critical role in Halo lans, especially in Halo 2. So yes, it always exists.

Online is just practice, for when you don’t have offline play available to you.

Nothing more.

play with local people online? we have threads on srk for that purpose. I play with local players in my area online and there isn’t any lag. I land 1 framers just fine.

i think online play can help you develop the mental side of your play. you can see what type of reactions you get from your mixups, blockstrings, etc.

the bad side of it is that if you play online exclusively, it can teach you a lot of bad habits. for example, because its much harder to tech a throw online, maybe you habitually mash out DP’s or in less extreme circumstances, you mash jab. you never learn to just patiently block, and become suceptible to counterhits, and dp bait

or on the flip side you never learn to patiently approach opponents. online blanka slides, bison slides, ex sonic booms, spiral arrows, and the like are nearly impossible to block on reaction. so you never learn how to approach without jumping

also being good or bad online proves only that you are good or bad online. a good player can suck online, or a bad player can be good online. it proves nothing

online is a mixed bag, you just have to know what to keep, and what to throw away.

Hey look, Texas is mad. Haha

Thats because GGPO is infinitely better than SF4 netcode, that said it isn’t perfect by any means but definitely the best online experience for fighters so far (IMO).

Since this is a thread about netplay, anybody whos bothered go add to this thread at the Capcom forums, the thread is a show of support for better netcode for the next iteration of SF4.

Cool Story Brah.

It’s good training for EVO. "you have not earned a trophy!"

But seriously, most people I face on PC ver makes for a very smooth match.
And footsies and basic strategies still apply, it’s not just a game about links and combos. So to say you can learn nothing ever online seems odd.

I know it’s why I am

I have a limited amount of local comp, so it’s always a treat to play online against a player using characters none of my local friends use, like Dhalsim or Rose.

Personally I like playing online for the experience. Frankly, I lose online about half as much as I win, but that’s because I like to learn from my matches, plus I like to try and experiment with new stuff a lot. So online play is really fun and good for some experience, I think.

What are you talking about?

Daigo throws FB’s all day…**

Although I agree that local arcades is where the competition is at, online still gives you knowledge of a match up. That said, the character specific match up will not be the same experience at the local arcade.

I’m in G2-D, and I actually thought I had a decent Guile. I don’t have to say that I got raped to hell the first couple of times I went to my local arcade. That was about 2 months ago. I couldn’t get a win, at all. This last time I went there I managed to get a 9 fight win streak.

Since I’ve been going to my local arcade, I’ve found the online matches a little more predictable, a little slower (meaning opponent reaction time) but still a lot of fun. There’s still a lot of tough fighters online, dude, you probably don’t run into many cuz of your skill level.

I thought you were in SG (above G1) and that’s why you were quitting.

Same here (“I like to learn from my matches, plus I like to try and experiment with new stuff a lot”)

Championship Mode is not the place to go for good comp. Especially G1, where it gets even worse - I got to G1 pretty early and just had to stop playing it as you got nothing but weirdo scrubs who grinded GP obsessively without knowing how to play the game.

Just get some friends on your list who you have a good connection with and you’re good. SFIV’s online is getting a bit too much shit in this thread; with good connects I have no issue with links but I’m not at the mercy of American internet connections :smiley:

Though online does help you get better (I believe it does cause otherwise I wouldn’t have been doing well at all at Otakon), it’s not the best. The difference between local and online is noticable and every frame counts. Links combo much better cause I notice that sometimes when I try doing Dhalsim’s BnB, it doesn’t combo even if it seems like I linked it correctly and as a result, I get Tiger uppercutted during the link :<.

Even if there’s just a hint of lag, but it doesn’t seem like it’s noticable, the button execution speed does change whether you can see it or not (for example, Akuma’s Raging demon and he’s already next to you when you’re getting up, you have to input your super or ultra before he grabs you). Plus throw teching, it can be annoying to do online sometimes when you try playing defensively and it’s much more possible to do in a local match (not to say it’s not possible online, but it’s less possible than it should normally be).

Id say in 90% of games there was NO LAG, even vs people who only had 3 bars outta 5.

I have cable internet, so maybe thats why I dont lag. Try to switch internet providers and see if the lag improves. The good thing about sf 4 online is that when even if someones connection or pc slows down, there is no teleport effect like in other games, things just go in slow motion, but once again this only happens in 10% of games AT MOST. My PC was mid-end at best when i bought it for 600 2.5 years ago, a single core AMD 3700 and Nvidia 7900 GS video card with 3 GB of RAM.

I got the game last week for PC, havent played a SF game since SF alpha 2 on the playstation and I thought playing online was pretty fun.

After like 70 unranked games with the keyboard, I bought a 19 dollars gamepad and played like 20 championship games (around 9 tournaments), won 2 tournaments, 2 2nd place finishes and now Im G3-B.

After reading this thread, my belief is that to be a top player you need

-practice against different matchups and people: PLAYING ONLINE IS BETTER FOR THIS, unless you can afford to travel to different cities like jwong
-have arcade experience to play well under pressure

So ideally you need BOTH online experience and arcade experience.

Finally, for someone who enjoys competitive play (vs other humans) and who plays for fun, I love SF 4 online:

-cheaper, no coins or gas money required
-I get MORE challenges online, like once every arcade round, at any hour of the day
-The arcade isnt always crowded, and sometimes people just wait for you to finish before playing

However you get your competition do it. or GTFO.

Man when is IV Dash coming out?

hold up. So they beat YOU, and yet THEY still suck? I won’t even dignify that with a response, say for ‘scrub mentality at it’s finest’.

So all they do is hurl fireballs? Well maybe it’s because you’re zangief, homeboy. did that ever cross your mind? They sure as he’ll wouldn’t try and stand toe to toe with you. And if they did and you won, you’d probably call them scrubs for not taking advantage of their projectiles. Whatever happens, the opponent will always be a scrub, right?

Unless of course you know them personally, like your friend who is on pat with daigo without throwing fireballs…

Are you related to dsp?