Quick Question IS DUDLEY BLACK?

I remembered him saying that, but at the time it never listed him as a moderator, now it does, so I assumed they worked something out.
I already PMed him and told him I’d be happy to do it, but I guess we need to give that guy that banned widow a call instead.

Yeah, PM Mr. Wizard.

So I guess making a thread titled “Quick Question: Is Ryu Japanese?” would be a bad idea?

I dunno. Still looks black to me. If Capcom didn’t want him to seem black, they would have done a U-turn and say something like he was sick on that day (Birdie anyone? :lol:)

The fact that you are saying he is English MEANS you are saying he could be of any race. Saying someone is ‘English’ or ‘American’ only defines nationality and not race in anyway. Therefore, you saying he is English and nothing else suggests you have no conclusive reason to believe he is a particular race as English is strictly a nationality and not a race. This means that the offical line is that Dudley can be ANY race. Hence a statement like ‘he is not black’ cannot be supported by the above. Seriously, it is not difficult to see the contridiction there.

It is a FACT that to be English has no bearing on race, not my added opinion. So my saying you only believe he is English MEANS you make no presumptions of his race by definition. To then say he is not black then contradicts that statement. Even if you don’t want to accept its a contradiction, the fact remains that you are wrong. Dudley COULD very well be black, and there is NO reason to believe otherwise.

Mohammed Ali

Pretty much. And “Is Necro Dhalsim’s mutated brother?” is out as well.

"1! 2! The END!"
OWNED. Good job, Cassius! Stop posting, TAS. :tup:

Ladies and gentlemen, we now return to the show. Before the break, we saw our masked African-American Avenger, RandomNigga battling The Anus Salesman. Can our hero save SRK from the rampant self-righteous bullshit? Will TAS be tricked yet again into being sodomized by Japanese nerds?

This from the guy who uses television stereotypes to insult me?

It’s human nature to reproduce. I can understand how being one of several bastard siblings born to a whore can confuse you, but some of us like to have our children in wedlock. We do this by the conventional method of intercourse. Not all of us have your ability to merely spit into a vagina and produce half-japanese children.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. You don’t suck Japanese cock because you like the Japanese, you suck Japanese cock because you like cock. :tdown:

Of course, you’re amusing to me right now (in a purely insulting manner, mind you).You say you’re in the entertainment industry? It figures; you’re a fucking joke.

By George, I think he’s got it! …oh, no wait, that was more low tier sarcasm. The fact that noone has really disagreed with me proves my point, doesn’t it?

No I don’t, that was you. Hello? McFly! Do I need to requote what you said?

note the following quote appears for the second time in this thread, third if you count it’s original inception, possibly more. Please feel free to skip it, unless of course you are TAS in which case I urge you to put the dick down and pay close attention:

Now, my login isn’t TAS and my anus isn’t bleeding, so I couldn’t have posted that. I can’t control you. I just own the fuck out of you.

Not saying you don’t, but if you do I’ll be surprised. More so by the fact that you’re able to count it.

Seriously, you can’t go a single post without making shit up, can you? When did I say I boycott anything? I freely admitted I buy the products you tard. I think that “boy” and “cot” are just rolling off your Freudian tongue.

Feel inferior much? You were the one who started that whole “I’m better than you” dialogue. I never claimed it prior, even though we both know it’s true. I don’t feel like quoting so let me just break down the sequence of events.

TAS: I’m better than you.
RN: Actually, I’m better than you.
TAS (while seizuring): UR noT BEtrtr Thna NE1!!!

And you’re right, except you. I’m clearly much better than you.

No, just you. I mean shit how many times are we going to go through this? Is this why videogames take so long? Can we get a competent person to replace you?

You’re acting like I care. You were the one who started bragging about it to compensate for the inferiority complex you developed once it became clear you were losing.

Since we all know the Devil is white, I don’t think that’s possible. I COULD be Jesus though. You never know.

Hello TAS. What’s happening? Um, I’m gonna need you go ahead and come in tomorrow. So if you could be here around nine, that would be great. (starts to walk away) Oh, oh, yeaI forgot. I’m gonna also need you to look up when it’s appropriate to use quotation marks. Oh, uh, and one more thing: getting fucked in the mouth only equals “alotta sex” for the guy ramming you. Thanks.

Are you people mental?

haha yo the settings must be on practice mode because I haven’t seen you shove a foot that far up someone’s ass so easily, in a long time. Just practicing combos and shit.

I deleted this post before, cause i felt you were already destroyed enough.

But TAS, PLEASE tell me you were typing with your toes during a stroke or washing fritos crumbs off your keyboard in the dark when you made these posts.

I give the benefit of doubt when I say I refuse to believe that you are capable of letting out so much stupid within each and every post.

Wha? Are you even looking at his 3rd Strike portrait? His skin is just tan there. He’s continued to get lighter with each game, just like timeline wise Ryu’s hair and skin continued to get darker.

See, they made a light skinned character a dark skinned character, now they gotta go the other way.

Yes, Dudley could be any race, but I did NOT say it like that. If I wanted to say that I wouldve said “Dudley can be any race” in that post.

Yes I know that.

No, my point is we can only call Dudley English, cause thats all he is, he’s not white and he’s not black, he’s just defined as English.

Not by your reasoning/explanation, but by mine it can.

Oh shut the fuck up you moron. You’re the whole reason this shit started in the first place, since you were the biggest one of the assholes here that acted like Dudley was black and nothing else, you fucking iggnorant asshole.

And come up with your own replies, dont be some little bitch and try and jump on someone elses, just cause I made you look like an idiot earlier in the thread.

am i? hold on a sec, last time i checked YOU are the one everyones laughing at. quit covering the situation with a blanket cause you got caught red handed with cum stains all over your mouth. :karate:

God, why do you keep even posting? Are you that egotistical that you have to always have the last word? Or do you have something to prove to everyone about yourself?

You’re are posting NOTHING, just meaningless spam. At least when Im fighting with Nigga or aurguing with mohammeda1i, its about something, where as with you, you just keep posting for whatever twisted personal satisfaction of your own, probaly attention, or something worse.

So what, now you’re jealous that Im getting so much more attention then you?

yeah im jealous of getting caught under the table with executive japanese businessmen. infact i think we all are jealous of you i mean who wouldnt want to be a fakeass bitch crying over his one incher? :sad:

wah wah come on come on keep posting, tell us more of what capcom said after you swallowed.

You’re only further proving my point that you feel you need alotta attention, have to have the last word, are egotistical, etc, etc.

Oh and leave the dick sucking jokes to nigga, cause uhm…you suck at them.

hmm :rolleyes:

Go ahead, keep it up.

See, I already know what Im like, I dont have to be told unlike you.

Here are 3 pictures of Dudley from each of the games.
In the first SF3 game he has very dark skin colour, and looks like a black man beyond doubt. In SF3:2I he looks lighter (lightest out of the 3 games that is), though this seems to be more due to lighting, and he still looks quite dark though so maybe south indian brown, but this is a comon colour for people termed as black. In SF3:3S he looks darker again. He also looks like a black man as well (except the nose). If it were my guess, I would say he is half black and half white based on his skin tone, and facial features. Though using this logic, it would mean Ryu from SSF2 was also half white which we know isn’t true :lol:

But they did this change very quickly. In SF1 Birdie was white, and in SFA1,2 and 3, Birdie was black. They even explained it in the game. If they were doing the same here they would have made it clear in SF3:SI (or SF3:3S at the very least) that he isn’t black, and kept that change in SF3:3S together with an explination of what happened (i.e. too much sun or whatever). None of that happened.

To say Dudley is British MEANS you aren’t saying anything about his race. It’s like saying “Dudley is male is official and hence Dudley isn’t black”. It’s is clearly wrong as you cannot infer that information from the statement.

Now this is just plain stupid. Saying ‘he’s not white and he’s not black, he’s just defined as English’ is like saying ‘he’s not male and he’s not female, he’s just defined as English’. It’s not only wrong but it’s dumb as well.
Dudley is of a certain race, we all are. English is not a race and hence you cannot say that is his race. There must therefore exist a race that he belongs to. This race could be black. His pictures seem to support this idea.
However, to say he isn’t black isn’t supported by him being English. Being English isn’t a substitute for race, gender or anything else other than nationality (which in this case would be British).

So please tell me how your reasoning can support that Dudley isn’t black. Note that saying he is English doesn’t work because such a statement has no bearing on race at all (as I have pointed out countless times already).

Seriously TAS, as a mate I suggest you concede on this point. I’m not saying you should believe Dudley is black, but at least admit where you were wrong. I agree with Sano in so much as this thread needs to die (as funny as RandomNigga is).

Mohammed Ali

do you? it took a slaughter of a good thread to shove it in your face! haha come on post again how i want attention you played out shit.

No it didnt, you act like this is the only thread here like this, and as fucking retarded and forgetful as you are you seem to forget nigga said he “handed me my ass” in another thread, and you for some idiotic reason think this thread is some how diffrient then that one was.

You DO want attention jackass, look how you KEEP posting, when you have NOTHING to actually say.

man i dont care if anyone in the world sees this post, its great to piss you off because you keep posting and never back down, even when you know your wrong like a homo on an rpg forum that critiques everyone to feel good.

its awesome, it started off with me asking WTF your weakass shit was you told nigga and its ended with you doing the five knuckle shuffle alone in the dark. im leaving the thread with a great stfu sent straight from snowy iran to your cum stunk room in japan.


Well finally.

Okay, I knew your comprehension levels were low (along with the fact you cant come up with any insults that nigga hasnt already dished out) but I thought you would’ve at least remembered the fact that I dont live in Japan, but then again you couldnt even remember a question you asked 30mins ago.

Yeah, snowy Iran must be so nice compared to well…every other country huh?