I didnt have anything to do with CFJ, nor was it something I had any control over, nor do I actually work for Capcom, I’ve only worked with them.
The reason Capcom decided to make CFJ was because they saw people were actually in favor of a “Capcom All Stars” type game, just not that 3D one they started developing, and Capcom lost quite a bit of money on developing Capcom Fighting All Stars since it never was released, so CFJ was an easy game to slap together and put out to try and make up for the financial loss of CFAS.
Are you THAT desperate for attention that you HAD to post that? Seriously what the fuck were you thinking when you posted that shit? I mean there was obviously no need to post it, the aurguing had stopped yet you posted just to fill some sortta worthless satisfaction of yours?
attention? no but there was a damn need to post that, let me ask again WTF was THAT?! I think it can go down in the books as the most hilarious attempt at a diss.
Explain to me, actually try and explain why what you posted HAD to be posted? This should be good since you wont be able to come up with anything, not anything reasonable anyway.
Okay well let me draw it out in crayoln for you since you obviously dont understand comedy.
See when it comes to the world around us there are ALOT of cliches, steriotypes, whatever, and “married men have no sex” is one of them. I mean god, havent you ever seen a sitcom? (Everybody Loves Raymond would be the most perfect example of using this, since they do it all the time)
Also incase you didnt know…
Micheal Jackson is weird, and likes little kids.
Hugh Hefner likes Viagra.
Paris Hilton is a whore.
Men are diffrient from Women.
any other obvious media cliches/steriotypes you want to me to point out to you so actually know whats funny, or whats part of comedy, and what jokes are generaly used in all forms of media?
thats weak and still sad you CONSIDERED no wait, ACTUALLY POSTED that as a diss. There was no comedy there, just a grade A reason to go choke yourself with a used condom. No way im sitting by watching something like that fly towards nigga.
so wheres your reasonable reason for posting that? yeah you got whuped, so stick your crayons up your ass already, no need to see those again.
SagatRyu - Thanks for the further additions. I had no idea my favorite seiyuu Yuji Ueda who does the voice of that bad ass in my avatar also had a part in Inu Yasha. Man, he gets around.
No, the sad part is that you didnt even understand such a common joke, and I had to spell it out for you, although thats probaly not as bad as the fact that all you’ve posted is just spam.
Uhm then tell that to comedy writers, cause they make money off it. More money then you’ll ever make, so go ahead, say it isnt funny, while everyone that writes it laugh at people like you all the way to the bank with their big fat ass checks.
Oh okay so you dont believe nigga can handle himself and you have to post for him since he’s obviously not capable of doing it himself, what with you being part of his posse and all.
How fucking retarded are you that you forgot something you asked 30mins ago?
I mean what else ya got to post that will only further your stupidity, cause this stuff is working wonders.
Yeah, obviously, of the two of us in this pointless aurguement I was the one that got whuped, I was the one you dost understand simple comedy, I was the one that had no faith in nigga, I was the one that forgot something he posted 30mins ago, so yeah, I was defenitly the one that got whuped between the two of us.
i created dudley as a self portrait i’m black and dudley is black shh don’t tell anyone it was me i created yun too i made him like me but short and asian
I am personally offended that you mentioned “Everybody Loves Raymond” instead of “Married with Children”. :tdown:
And yeah, reading over this thread, that was the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw the words “married”, “sex” and “not a problem” in the same sentence.
lol you are one dumb mofo TAS. Let me explain it to you S L O W L Y. All we know is that Dudley is English. English can mean any race. I am English, even though my family originates from Asia. Dudley being English tells us nothing (I repeat, NOTHING) about his race. So by you saying “DUDLEY IS NOT BLACK” would be a contradiction as you completely outruled the possibility of him being black at all, even though YOU YOURSELF SAID there is nothing known other than he is English. Tell me if I am going a bit too fast for you.
Okay then, why is everyone here saying he’s black then? If the only thing stated about him is taht he’s English.
That is NOT a contradiciton, a contradiction would be me saying he’s not black then later saying he is black.
Dudley is not black, there’s been no official statements or proof of his ethnic backround and/or nothing else that makes him “obviously” black, thus he is he is not black. The only “black part of him” would be that a black boxer was one of his insperations.
Thus what I said is not a contradictiotn. He’s English, nothing else (officialy) and that is NOT a contradiciton.
Oh this coming from someone who by his own logic would figure Yun & Yang arent Chinese simply beacuase their insperations Troa and Duo arent Chinese.
Um… Maybe because he has very dark skin? It doesn’t take an overactive imagination to think Dudley is black I mean WTF. Is there any proof that M. Bison (boxer) is black?
You are saying he is English which means “he COULD be black”, then you are saying “he ISN’T black”. Do you honestly not see a contradiction? I mean for fuck sake, when you’re wrong you should have the balls to admit it rather than acting like such a dick.
Read my above responce. You’re sounding more and more stupid BTW.
No. I said that we cannot tell what he is, but if you just LOOK at Dudley, he is likely (note I said LIKELY) to be black given that not ONLY is his skin colour VERY dark like that of someone who is black, but he was ALSO partly based on various black boxers.
God you’re are pathetic, at least nigga made somewhat of an effort, but you’re nothing, a nobody trying to ride his wave. The fact that you keep posting is only making it worse on yourself and everyone else here.
Yes, from the notes on his character designs, and he was drawn to look exactly like Mike Tyson.
Yeah but if you look at the SF3 artwork Dudley has only continued to get lighter, for instance take a look at his 3rd Strike VS portrait (which is probaly his most seen piece of art since people would always see it when playing) and he’s only tan in the pic, dosnt look black at all in skin tone or facial features or anything.
No, YOU’RE saying “he COULD be Black” not me. Im saying he’s English and thats it, Im NOT thinking of anything like “he could be this or that” thats all you.
You are TRYING to make it a contradiction by adding what isnt there. Yes its in contradiction when you add everything you think/say to it, however the way I myself stated it was NOT a contradiction.
You can say whatever you want about what race Dudley is, its just the jackasses that are posting saying and acting like “he’s black, and thats all he could ever be, and nothing else, he can/could never be anything other then black” and there ARE people in this thread that are/were posting along those lines.
Is there some specific reason why this thread has NOT been locked yet? Its not like there’s anything else left to say at this point. (specialy since this thread has already come up on SRK before)
Hasn’t been locked because this forum doesn’t have a moderator. You can always E-Mail Mr. Wizard for requests on threads to lock since he’s our default mod.
And no offense TAS since I consider you a friend and all and have known you for about what, 3 years now? But we really don’t need a moderator, we all seem to get along OK for the most part until you pay us a visit. Can’t you just put certain people on your ignore list or show just a little respect to others feelings when responding to them? You don’t have to treat everyone like they are ignorant and insult them. There’s really no need to curse anyone out, we are just talking about video games for christs sake. Be nice to others, it feels good. Or at least try a little bit. I’m not saying all the blame falls on you but last time you where here, you and another banned member who shall go unnamed really turned this forum into a war zone since you can’t just seem to be nicer to people.
I’m not saying anyone’s right or wrong, I just want all the arguing to stop. If you want to have vicous arguments and insult people, there’s the fighting game discussion board and the general discussion board where that goes on 24/7. That’s not what the SF Comic Forum is about. We’re here to discuss comic related stuff and I guess storyline stuff since it keeps coming up and that’s it. And no offense to the fighting game and general forums since there are lots of great people there that will give you the shirt off their back, but if you post there you know what I’m talking about. Those two forums give SRK the bad rep it has all over the net, look around and see what others think of SRK. This forum, the fan fic forum, the fan art forum and a few more ain’t as bad with all the arguing and I hope they never become so.
The little “moderator” box on my screen says “udoneko”. So I would assume he has the power to moderate.
Also, the art forums and whatnot have Rook, who is a constant presence there.
The “kids” need an adult. And stupid threads like this one need to be locked and/or deleted when it gets this far.
Even though it lists Udoneko as a moderator, he has stated himself that he is not allowed to moderate even if he has the title, I forgot exactly why, I think it has to do with him running the SF comic or something. He asked if anyone wanted to volunteer for the position of moderator. I’d volunteer myself but I’m way too busy and I’m not even premium.