next time this thread slows down, we should ask the question is Blanka really green ? or are Ryu and Ken secretly in love with each other?
That would heat things up…
This topic is so funny…
next time this thread slows down, we should ask the question is Blanka really green ? or are Ryu and Ken secretly in love with each other?
That would heat things up…
This topic is so funny…
Right. In SF3 New Generation and in Second Impact, he was voiced by Bruce Robertson. In SF3 Third Strike he was voiced by Francis Diakewsky.
Check Golden Dragon’s post on this page for a full list of the SF3 voice actors. Below I listed some of the other work these ‘seiyuus’ performed in two seperate posts.
And on this page I did the Arcade version of SFZ3’s voice actors along with some of the other works these artists have done and people contributed to adding on to the work they’ve done.
tank is gay?? never heard that.
oh and btw…i started this thread…and did not expect this lol.
since then i have consulted my “street fighter eternal challenge book” whicj of corse has nothing but “unknown” for his ethnic background. so as it stands i guess capcom really doesn’t have an official stance.
it does say he came from a wealthy family, but then they lost everything.
years later dudly becomes more rich and powerful than his father ever was. he fights so he can locate his fathers favorite car that the family had to sell when they lost everything.
i think he’s black
I already explained this, people. Look at the whips they drive.
Ken - porsche 911 (I think that’s what he had in the SF anime. Correct me if I’m wrong)
Bison - A Capcom truck.
Ryu - Walks
Akuma - Teleports
Dudley - Pimpmobile
Case closed. He’s black.
Didn’t I call you out for this same bullshit in another thread? If it’s not released material NO ONE GIVES A SHIT WHAT YOU THINK. The only other person who gives a rat’s ass about you and “information you got directly from capcom” (OMG! OHNOOOZ!!ELEVEN!11) is the random Japanese guy whose dick you sucked to get the info. I repeat: NO ONE CARES. Everything you say is the equivalent of a four year old yelling “because I said so” since it can neither be proven or disproven.
Note: Swallowing Japanese semen on a regular basis does not prevent you from being wrong.
There is NO contradiction there genius.
In the canon, or according to Capcom’s designs, or whatever Dudley is ONLY English. Insperation does NOT equal canon, ie just because one of Dudley’s insperations were Black does NOT mean that automaticaly makes him Black.
Going by your logic, Yun and Yang arent actually Chinese, they are actually whatever race Troa and Duo are from Gundam Wing, since they were their insperations.
You just contradicted yourself, and you have the nerve to say I did it.
Dudley is either, a mixture, or black, or white. He’s either a mixture of black and white or just black, it cant be both.
Look, I know you’re jealous and like to pretend you’re black, and whatever, but the truth is, Im a better person then you, and will always be a better person then you, and I know that must be bad for you what with all your bad credit, crappy jobs, and felony record, all while living in the ghetto, you tough ass gangsta you, but really you’re no better then anyone else on this board. You’re just some random idiot wasting his time flaming rather then contributing anything intelligent, although I doubt you ever could.
So whats the point huh, why even post at all, what does it get you?
As opposed to you right, who everyone here loves, adores, and worships as their god?
The fact that you said it means it most likely isn’t true. Since I don’t suck Jap cock, I’m sure it’s not true at all.
Actually I have 2 degrees and work for a defense contractor. What’s japanese cock sucking get you, about 30 yen a week? Quite the baller!
Actually, I have no felonies and I moved out of the ghetto as soon as I got the money. Was there a point to this? Or did you seek to divert attention from the fact that you suck Japanese cock using stereotypes, simply because you lack the intelligence to respond creatively?
Well, you’re always wrong, why change now? It’s like you’re ignorance personified; and the personification of said ignorance has big lips used exclusively to suck Japanese penis.
It’s not for me; it’s for people reading this thread who think you may actually have some credibility and take your word for law. The shit you’ve researched and backed up is fine; your hearsay derived from pillowtalk is not.
Funny thing, although you couldn’t possibly have known with you being the personification of ignorance and all. I actually left the boards for a while and people called, emailed, and PM’ed me to return. Multiple times. While if you left, no one would cry and it would be SRK’s latest hytstorectomy.
Seriously, don’t let the fact that you’re a streetfighter storyline nerd make you think you’re better than you are. Your holier-than-thou attitude is laughable because your SF knowledge is all you have (well, that and a face made for bukakke). You’re a Triumph the dog target waiting to happen.
Did I mention you love the Japanese cock? Capcom of Japan told me! It MUST be true.
hahaha thats fucking killer dude you seriously made my day!
you are absolutely correct.
Toru kawa filmography
Toshiyuki Morikawa short filmography
Inuyasha ( Naraku)
Shinobi ( Moritsune )
Kinnikuman nisei" ( Terry the Kid/Fork the Giant/Bananaman/King Castle/Shishi King)
Toransufm: Bsuto wzu metarusu" ( Jaguar)
Ygi" ( Katsuya Jonouchi)
Kenp denki Berserk" ( Griffith)
Dragon Ball Z 9: Ginga girigiri!! Butchigiri no sugoi yatsu ( Gokua)
Tetsuya Iwanaga short filmography
Toransufm: Bsuto wzu metarusu" ( Airazor)
Shin seiki Evangelion Gekij-ban: Shito shinsei ( Kensuke Aida)
Yko Miyamura short filmography
Outlaw Star" ( Aisha Clanclan )
Kenp denki Berserk" ( Caska)
Shin seiki Evangelion Gekij-ban: Air/Magokoro wo, kimi ni ( Asuka Langley Sry)
Vampire Hunter: The Animated Series ( Lei-Lei)
Katashi Ishizuka short Flimography
Bsuto uzu ch seimeitai Toransufm supesharu ( Tasmania Kid)
Shz zuka short filmography
Vampire Hunter: The Animated Series ( Hannya)
Dragonball: Saiky e no michi ( Cyborg #8)
Rurni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan" ( Hyottoko)
Street Fighter II: V" ( Dhalsim)
Dragon Ball Z 4: Super saiyajin da son gok ( Kakja)
Dragon Ball Z ( Nappa)
Fist of the North Star ( Heart, Fud)
Kid senshi Gandamu I ( Ry Jose)
Shinichir Miki short filmography
Naruto" ( Mizuki )
Escaflowne ( Allen)
Toransufm: Bsuto wzu metarusu" (Inferno)
Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture ( Laocorn Gaudeamus)
Tomomichi Nishimura Short filmography
Samurai champloo ( Kikuzou )
Shin seiki evangelion" ( O.T.R. Admiral)
“Y y hakusho” ( Saotome, George/Narrator)
Transformers: Victory" ( Deathcobra)
Transformers: The Headmasters" ( Steeljaw, Cyclonus, Misfire, Predaking, Razorclaw )
Transformers: Scramble City Hatsudhen ( Silverbolt/Superion )
Kid senshi Z Gundam" ( Jamitov Hymem)
Fist of the North Star ( Major/Zengy)
Michiko Neya short filmography
Full Metal Alchemist ( Riza Hawkeye)
Masashi Sugahara short Filmography
“Macross 7” ( Ray Labrock )
Wataru Takagi Short Filmography
Hellsing ( Leif)
Toransufm: Bsuto wzu metarusu" ( Cheetus)
Excel Saga" ( Koshi Rikudo )
Rurni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan" ( Tatewaki Shind)
Tenchi Muy" ( Kamidake)
Junko Takeuchi short filmography
Naruto" ( Naruto Uzumaki )
“Rurouni Kenshin” ( Honj Kamatari)
Yji Ueda short Filmography
Inuyasha ( Houjou-kun )
Rurni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan" ( Sanosuke Sagara )
Kichi Yamadera short Filmography
Cowboy Bebop" ( Spike Spiegel )
Vampire Hunter: The Animated Series ( Lord Zabel)
Ranma " ( Ryoga Hibiki)
Toru kawa short Filmography
Full Metal Alchemist ( Colonel Roy Mustang )
Gundam Seed ( Uzumi Nala Attha)
Yji Kishi short filmography
Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers Special ( Scuba/Drillnuts)
Mitsuo Iwata short filmography
Akira ( Shtar Kaneda)
Kentar It short filmography
Naruto" ( Chouji Akimichi )
Yuri Amano short filmography
Tenchi Muy" ( Kiyone)
“Y y hakusho” ( Yukimura, Keiko)
Takashi Matsuyama short flimography
Hunter x Hunter" ( Nobunaga)
Atsuko Tanaka short filmography
“Wolf’s Rain” ( Jagura )
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex ( Major Motoko Kusanagi/Chroma)
Len Carlson short flimography
Swamp Thing" ( Swamp Thing)
Police Academy" ( Captain Harris)
Whats with all the cock talk? Are you a closet case with a hard on for Japanese guys?
So you like to brag is that it?
Oh yeah, you’re responses are so creative and unique…
oh yeah look at all that, you’ve obviously got tons of unique and creative ways of posting/insulting, they’re all soooo diffrient from one another.
Yes it is for you jack ass, because you dont like me and have a personal vendetta against me, and feel your voice always needs to be heard as ego driven as you are.
You know what, I relized you can say anything you want, and I’ll still win no matter what, because no matter what you say against me you still buy/play video games that Im repsonsible for or have had some part it in, ie you’re basicly boycotting what you buy/play.
You can say all the shit you want about me, and you’re still just going to be some guy on some forum, who’s making no diffrience to/in the gaming industry, and yet Im doing what most everyone here wants to do (make games, or at least have some involvement with them)
Also you seem to be fascinated with the fact that I seem to be having “alotta sex” is that due to your lack of sex, venting some frustration because you’re not getting any?
And I forgot about something…
Cant you even remember what you did or didnt do? And if you already did it, then you did it, why do it again? Do you seriously think that just cause you post the samething a second time it will make a diffrience? Or are you just that ego driven that you just have to post?
Man Sagatryu , you are hard core. I tip my hat to you.
LMAO, what is this Amateur night?
The cock talk was purposely repeated because I was hoping you’d have the ability to turn it around, and then I could start beasting on you for real. Obviously I was mistaken.
Yes, because that’s what I’ve been doing this entire thread. Oh, no, wait, actually I’ve just been shitting on you and parrying all of your subpar attacks. (I get the two confused sometimes, my bad).
You know, for someone so obsessed with an island nation that thrives on fish, you sure don’t know much about bait do you?
Damn. I didn’t even know it was possible to fuck up sarcasm. I’m hoping you’re a genius and english is your 10th language because if it’s not, your performance is just sad and inexcusable. Why would I bring heavy artillery for the likes of you? You don’t drop nukes on ants; you step on the motherfuckers. That would be my Timberland boot above your head right now.
Ego? Get off your high horse, you flatter yourself. I don’t know you or care enough about you to have a “personal vendetta” against you. I just dislike self-righteous assholes.
Goddamn, that wack ass reply was so obvious. If this were third strike you’d be eating low parry, c.forward XX SA2 all day long. If you weren’t so busy getting tea-bagged by capcom you’d be able to open your eyes and read the post after my last.
You just realized this? What, did you think I had some sort of mental block before? You brain-dead, fucktard. You’re the srk Terry Schiavo and the feeding tube is Japanese cock (I said it again! Oh noooz!)
If you want to think of it that way sure. Much the same way that Lincoln won against Booth.
I play videogames. I also wear shoes. I couldn’t give two shits about the poor, shirtless kid in the sweatshop who labored for my pleasure to deliver a product to me. You = shirtless kid.
Yeah, because without those oral refreshers during break, SF would never get completed. Thanks for recharging the important folks. :tup:
And this is what makes me better than you. You assume that because I don’t have a job in your industry, that my position is worthless. You provide entertainment. I design, support and occasionally help build the weapons which not only allows our country to maintain it’s dominance, but also the instruments by which those weapons are delivered. You make games. People’s lives depend on my job. You were saying? Oh yes, that most people on this forum envy your job, correct? Then let me ask you something, if that’s true, how come less than 1% of the people with jobs are in the video game field? How come people in college here aren’t rushing into videogame design positions? Oh that’s right, because that’s blatantly untrue. The people who want that type of position are primarily composed of underaged kids who have yet to even enter the real world, so congrats: you’re a 12 year old’s idol.
Lol, what are you 0 for 30? I never said you had “alotta sex.” Is it that bad that you have to make shit up? What the fuck are the quotes for, lie indicators? I’m a married man (wow, I was right, outside of random sf bull you don’t know shit) so sex is never an issue.
Your dignity? It’s right over there, next to your kneepads. Pick it up on your way to grab your face.
THANK YOU. Francis Diakewsky being the better of the two. But still, point MADE. :tup:
EDIT: Randomnigga’s top tier. :devil:
Since this topic can’t get any worse , you think Poison is now offically a woman ?
I think she’ll offically become a girl in the udon comics.
Man this thread is warping my mind… She is hot for a he though… god I’m loseing it.
The fact that you’re using video game analogies to insult me is sad.
Oh yeah Im so obsessed with that island nation that I live there right? Nope, or maybe I even speak the language right? Nope. Hmmmm maybe there is something that shows Im obsessed with Japan, but yet it dosnt exist, quite odd.
Yet you continue to post.
Yeah, your first post and follow up posts in this thread, and that other thread you “told me off in” really prove that dont they?
But yet you’re one yourself.
You act as if my job is some big effort, or like I dont get your money at the end of the day.
Couldnt come up with anything intelligent for that one huh? No real response just a flame, but it dosnt change the fact you still boycott things you buy. Do you even know the meaning of boycott? See when you buy something you boycott its self-defeating. I’ll write that out in craylon for you if it makes it easier for you.
You’re not better then anyone here, you’re just one person, not god.
Yup thats exactly what I said and meant.
So that makes you better then everyone here right?
You’re acting like you know what my job is, or what my jobs are plural, and you dont. Im involved of all forms of media, TV, Movies, Games, Music, etc, etc.
Your job may make more of a diffrience then my jobs, but it dosnt automaticaly make you a better person. You could be the devil for all I know.
God you fucking moron. My “alotta sex” comment was about all your cock sucking (or whatever) comments, thats why I put it in quotes genius.
Well Capcom officialy lists her as a man, even though Poison had a sex change operation to become a woman, which seems screwed up, ie you’d figure if Poison was now a “woman” she’d be listed as one, although I think the only reason Capcom lists Poison as a male is to let be know Poison was once a man.
Do you mean Poison will start as a woman in the UDON comics like she’s always been woman? Or do you mean it show Poison becoming a woman?
Poison has always been portrayed (or tried to be portrayed) as attractive, and I dont think anyone will aurgue that.
He’s part asian too though, so he still loses. Surely Ryu has worked out his wang to the point where it dwarfs even the mightiest of porn stars.
Actually, Urien looks pale grey before the powerup. More of a slightly statue or metal color. Gill is presumably Greek but there are black greeks and portions of their mythology is from Africa. And though failed art is well, failed, I still think that is where their thought process was going.
Agree to disagree?
Goddamnit, you guys need to stop quoting each other. TAS, you say you have a part in Capcom games, so why the fuck didn’t you halt the runaway freight train that was CFJ/CFE? C’mon dood, we need a good excuse.
:lame: are you that desparate for some kind of insult? seriously WTF is this? :wtf: