Quick Question IS DUDLEY BLACK?

he is black …i agree , and i like it .

it is bizarre to me that his family is RICH AND noble type …

is there any black people that are that noble in those 18th century ??

yeah i saw that in dudley’s ending … a statue of his ancestor i think .

Actually Sean’s 1/2 Brazilian and 1/2 Japanese.


the Legendary Black boxers of the 1800s and the Early 1900s

1 Baby Arizmendi


2 Panama Al Brown


3 Kid Chocolate


4 George Dixon


5 Tiger Flowers


6 Joe Gans

7 Peter Jackson

8 Joe Jeannette


9 Jack Johnson

10 Sam Langford


11 John Henry Lewis

12 Sam McVey


13 Joe Walcott


14 Harry Wills

15 Tom Molineaux


16 Bill Richmond


17 Armstrong Bob


18 Byers George


19 Craig Frank


20 Godfrey George


Dudley’s black, obviously. Shit.

wow really? Then wtf happened to the white people??? That leaves only 1 m white people…(haha i can subtract!)

… London is one city in England. It isn’t the whole county

7M - 2.5M = 4.5M

not 1M

the total population of the UK is like 60M

I recon that Dudley is black but him being of indian origin makes a lot of sence. I know people who look like him (just not quite as posh) who were originaly from India, but I don’t know many/any black people with hair like Dudley. Still, I recon Dudleys black - he is a boxer after all.

Mohammed Ali

I don’t care what anyone says. Sean is black. Just look at him.

Sean is a black Brazillian (and he’s only 1/4 Japanese). Urien is supposed to be black. His SF3:2I stage is in Egypt and failed character art had him in a afro for crying out loud.

Sean can’t be said to be black 100% since brazil has a mix of diferent kinds of races but even so his faction mostly are black.

Dudley could be indian now that I think about it also what Rock Lee said is true and can be very well explain dudley aperence but he could have been the mariage of a mixed couple and bealive me I have seen black man with “good hair” because of things like this.

Has for Urien I always thougth of him has greek man that took much sun time with his tong on.


Whoever(of the 20 SF3 character designers that) designed him never specified what race he was, only that his skin was supposed to be dark/tan.

So say whatever the hell you guys want about his race because you’ll be WRONG, and you can aurgue about it all you want, but the fact is that DUDLEY IS AN ENGLISH BOXER AND THATS IT! Capcom, nor his designer never specified anything about him when it came to his race, other then he was from England.

If you must know though, Dudley’s design comes from various early 20th Century boxers, and the designer just took a few famous boxers and mixed their characteristics together to make Dudley, which is why you can NOT tell what race he is since if wanted to get technical he’d be a mixed race, ie he’d be white and black given he’s a mixture of white and black boxers.

If I recall correctly, all of Urien’s stages have been in Mexico or Latin American areas. Also, if you look at his ‘normal’ self, he’s quite white. He does like a power up and gives himself a steel skin, changing his skin tone. Notice when he blocks/gets hit he has a metallic ring, much akin to Dr. Doom.

that and if Urien is supposed to be black why does his brother have the LONGEST GOLDENEST BLOND HAIR EVER?

As far as Dudley goes, I think Tas is on teh money. Capcom has either gotten super lazy, or just doesn’t want to point to any specific race on anything anymore. And someone mentioned his nose: Dudley is a boxer for christs sake. Who knows how many times his nose has been broken and set back into place. It probably looks nothing like it did when he was born.

That said, I think Dudley is from Poland.

There’s the fact that he’s Gill’s brother. Plus, take a look at his intro. He’s a white guy with blonde hair and then he turns himself golden brown. I honestly don’t know why every single artist that tackles him makes him look black instead of golden brown. Even though HK comics are nutty, when they show the younger Urien he’s a white guy, which again you can see in his intro.

As far as his stage being in Egypt, there’s plenty of Egyptian stuff in Gill’s SF3 SI and Third Strike backgrounds. Goes with their secret organization, the ‘Illuminati.’ The Illuminati of legend is heavy into the Egyptian Ministries, or teachings.

And failed character art is failed character art. Lilith was supposed to be an Angel in her failed character art. That idea was scrapped. She’s not an Angel in the final version, very far from it.

I’m gonna take the word of darker skinned pallette swaps and his deep, booming 2I voice against yours.:smiley:

Dudley’s Black. Get over it.:tup:

I just totally realized that since Sean has some black in him he’s instantly better than Ryu/Yun/Yang etc. Even though he sucks in the game, at least when he loses he can say “Damn good thing my dick is like 3x the size of yours” then go home and bang Chun/Elena/Ibuki while all the asian guys stand outside and cry. Then Sean and Dudley give each other high fives and drive off into the sunset with naked ladies hanging out of the car. And you thought Hadou Burst and Hyper Tornado were the names of moves in a fighting game. Thems his personalized love makin moves!

Geneijin that, bitch!

he’s a black man with blue eyes and a prominent nose, he looks half to me.

I’ll just wait until Udon does the SF3 storyline and hopes that they do a backup story or origin story.

Its because honestly Gill and Urien have a 100 brothers. They were both geneticly engineered along with a 100 others just like them, then they’re let loose to fight in a battle royal and whoever comes out on top is declared the new leader, which was Gill.

Also if you recall Urien’s hair is actually blonde, but when he “powers up” his hair changes white (which is odd considering his skin gets darker)

Oh so like a freaking retard your going to think whatsevers in your head is right, over the explanation I got directly from Capcom. Thats really smart and wont make you look stupid at all.

Oh and I forgot that only black people have deep voices, and no other race, specialy not anyone in Japan, like say the Japanese guy that did his voice.

Japanese people can’t count in English! Did they really get a jap to do his voice? It doesn’t sound japanglish at all, so I thought they might have actually gotten someone from out of the country to do it. Same with Alex’s voice, doesn’t sound jap at all. I’m just curious since for some reason Capcom always has foriegners speaking Japanese (in SFIII take Elena, Ken, Sean, Chun, Yun, Yang, Remy, and uh… I think that’s it) but for some reason a few of the SFIII characters don’t sound japaneseish at all and don’t use ANY japanese speech in their soundbytes (Alex, Duds, Urien, Gill, Necro, uh… I think that’s it.)

Yes, I realize Ken and Sean are both half-japanese (I’m pretty sure Ken is, and positive Sean is) but neither of them LIVE in japan, and yet they say everything in Japanese. Chun is Chinese, as well as Yun and Yang, so it’s believable that they probably know a bit of Japanese, but I still think they would use Chinese alot more. Elena… doesn’t have a nationality, and yet she STILL uses Japanese. She looks african, sounds japanese and english. Remy of course is French. He shouldn’t be allowed to talk.

I think Q has the best sound bytes. “Grruuhhh” “Guuuhh” “Grmmmnn mnnn” “Gruuuu”. That voice actor has talent. But Alex takes the case for single best sound byte: I don’t know if it’s chip death or death by a light hit, but one time he went “Jesus!” and was on his knees. Best thing ever.


first we argue about zangief being gay now this… :sad:

we have no life do we. :clap:

can’t we all get along? :rofl:


U tard an English voice actor did dudley’s voice

Reread your own post because you’re being REALLY stupid. You seem so definate he isn’t black, yet you admit the designers never disclosed ANY information on his race. See the contradiction? Sort it out.

Fact is, the most anyone can say is that it is not confirmed if he is black or not, but as he is a mixture of white and black boxers, and he definately isn’t white from his skin colour, he is most likely black.

Mohammed Ali