Question for Gouken players

he’s made learning other characters of luck

I agree with this. Normally I don’t advocate for stupid shit, but you know what? Capcom has so little of an idea on what to do with Gouken (or they just flat out refuse to do anything) that I will take the best EX uppercut in the game. I’m going to love EX tatsuing people when they try to jump a full screen fireball. I’m going to dash after all my fireballs, force people to neutral jump while I gain ground or jump forward and eat my EX tatsu.

God damn it, just give us 2 zone kongo with third button countering throws and nothing else. Fix normal tatsu to suck in (leave all other properties the same). Make LP palm useful. It’s 90 god damn damage and -4 on block. Give us a useful 3 frame normal if you can’t or don’t want to make useful (I am aware of the supposed change).


That new ex tat is going to be the best dp move in the game now. We now have a real wake up move but it takes ex meter but I’ll take it

Just saying if the chnaged frames stay we will still lose to certain DPs when done simultaneously. So these same DPs done late on our wakeup will beat it out. Not the best at all. Most reliable jump catcher for sure though :slight_smile:

they were careful to make it lose to other srk, which I don’t mind…

keeping my fingers crossed for Kongo 2zone remedy

I hope we don’t go back to 2 zone kongo… Just an over lap of the mp kongo and lp kongo hit box, so I can counter both Ryu and Ken with low kongo for trying to cr. lp.

And HP Kongo should slightly have the hit box overlap with mp kongo and it should beat throws.

Having 2 Zone Kongo and that EX Tatsu might be a little OP.

I wish it stayed the same also but I won’t mind the trade off for the lower invincible frames since that situation is rare in a match up. I prefer the ex df vs a dp since it’s invincible frame is long enough to get a free combo.

It seems some folk just hit the disagree button for just about any damn thing…

I always thought it was to be used if someone was saying something that just wasn’t factual and was misleading… but some of this… smh

Sorry men that was me, I’m trying to understand why you wanted to keep the three zone Congo, that’s why

Lmao… It’s all good, I’m on my mobile and I can’t tell who clicked it, just it was there.

I just think with that Tatsu buff, 2 zone Kongo will be easy mode and almost impossible to jump in on Gouken to attack him. His fireball recovers fast as hell so we will be able to tatsu people and we still can Kongo.

I’m still in withdrawal from vanilla/super Gouken who allowed people to win matches simply from back throw and mashing Kongo.

I think it was ok then bc we didn’t have all the options that we have now, but as all of our options get better, I think it’s understandable that the Gouken player needs to understand how to use it, instead of beating every jump in attack without thinking… You don’t even need to autocorrect it either, and it beats cross up attacks etc.

So I think knowing that anything you can’t beat with cr fp, you can beat with Kongo. And safe jumps you mp Kongo, and mostly everything else can be hp kongoed for the most part.

I tend to think if Capcom told me I could have 1 more buff/change it wouldn’t be for a 2 zone Kongo. It would probAbly be for Kongo to not lose to non-armor breaking reversals… Only on wake up… Or I’d just want more active frames once it’s activated so we won’t lose to stupid shit.

There’s an about 4 or 5 things I’d take over having a 2 zone Kongo at this point… Aside from jump attacks, we really don’t gain anything from it being 2 zones. I’ve never really struggled much for people jumping in on me… Just the other shit.

if it gets fixed it makes sense and im all for 3zones. im so used to it, that relearning would be a pain(yet i still usually plink lk following lp kongos as an old SUPER habit)

i will admit i am still heartbroken that when they changed to all punches you could no longer self cancel hi kongo to low kongo, it really helped out fb wars w sagat and alot of the double hi/low attacks guiles sims etc would try, in that sense we used to be able to use kongos to eat up fbs at no meter cost

I don’t mind the 3 kongos aka Geese Howard style capcom just needs to fix some problems.

High Kongo to be coded to counter any move that is off the ground so deep air attacks will get countered.

Random situations were Kongo activates but doesn’t hit or the 2nd hit from your opponent hits you.

I didn’t like the fact that we lost double kongo either, but the overlap it had with tatsu was really irritating.

I’m not sure why they just couldn’t keep the kongo cancel in with punches, but it might just boiled down to the way the inputs are read shrugs

Maybe there’s a way they can bring double kongo back, without mapping the kongo inputs to kick buttons.

This this this omg this.

I could not agree more. Im fine with three zone also but I want my counter to actually work when its activated.

Dude, the complaining in these threads is so ridiculous. Kongo doesnt hit the opponent at tip, there’s nothing anyone can do about it and Capcom is not going to fix it. Ryu’s xx hado, Akuma’s xx hado, Kens xx hado, Rose’s xx Soul Spiral, I could go on; none of that shit is a block string. Just deal with it. You KNOW it will not hit the opponent at tip so when Ryu is at tip range, dont do low kongo. What is so hard about that? It only has a certain blast radius and you KNOW this so dont use it at tip. Its the same thing with, xx hk tatsu, the tatsu only hits once and drops the opponent. I know this for a fact so I either cancel or dont use the freaking tatsu at that range.

The complaining in this and a few of the other sub forums is ridiculous yo. Yall act like yall havent been playing this character for years now. Sheesh.

Its cool I dont care anymore. This is my last post on this site. I have officially quit street fighter 4 and im moving on to better things. You guys have fun with gouken. I will no longer be playing this stupid fucking game anymore. I have wasted to much time

Sorry for late reply.

Someone just told me the other day to try out using Guile aswell. I was told since he has only 2 special moves its easier to remember and is a good character to learn spacing and footsies with, aswell as that to use his special moves, you have to be blocking (for charge) so it could teach me to block a bit better.

I need to ask you something. Is it frustrating playing a character that doesn’t do big damage? What have you learned over the years about the character you play, what that character has thought you. Like be more patient, relax, lame?? And thank you… Ohhh like your channel too

just face it, ur using gouken …

MP Kongo just seems like an afterthought to me. The reason for that is because they mapped it to punches only, and it’d sure be awkward to have a special move only executable with only 2 of the 3 punch attacks. Having 3 different kongos would be a straight-forward solution. It would’ve been pretty cool if they retained high, low and made the third a block parry. But then it raises the question “what about EX Kongo?” I just thought of it now, if we had a parry option that could counter throws, I would be perfectly willing if EX kongo didn’t exist. The only weakness to it then would be armor-breakers and command grabs.