QUESTION for future PSM tourny in SoCal

alright, here’s the whole reason i’m making this thread and any input from players will be greatly appreciated…

eugene, the owner/manager/duke of dukes, would like to throw a tourny but it seems like the dates he wants to throw a tourny are taken up by eccxii and final round. so…the ideal times that he’s able to throw a tourny fall between late april-late may.

we haven’t had a serious socal tourny in the longest time and i don’t want an opportunity like this slip out of my hands without finding a good time for all players to come to socal and wreck shop.


fuck final round.

i want to see the world at this tournament.


Whenever the tourney is the god is there.

You should hold it like the first or 2nd weekend of april. I know the owner said he wanted it the dates of fr/ecc, but if you did it earlier, it’d allow people to make plans and whatnot. If you can avoid fr and ecc, i’ll reach so i can chill with cali <3’s =).

FR9 is the weekend of April 22.
ECC11 is the weekend of May 27.

Available dates are the weekends of:

April 29
May 6
May 13
May 20

April 29 is the weekend right after FR9 so I doubt people that just went to FR9 would go. May 6 is SBO weekend I believe (not that everyone’s going though…), and May 20 is a week before ECC. That leaves us with either May 6 or May 13. I’d say May 13 is a good date.


If you want some options for earlier dates (like Issac requested), you’d have:

April 1
April 8
April 15

April 1 is a week after the WC SBO Qualifiers at FFA (March 25-26), so I’d probably count that out as a “cooldown” weekend. April 15 is a week before FR9, so count that out as well. That leaves us with April 8.

If you want a pre FR9/ECC11 date, I’d suggest April 8. If you want between FR9 and ECC11, go with May 13. IMO those dates are pretty flexible enough for people planning to attend those major events as well as get stuff out of the way…

Fuck yes!!! Finaly a PSM tourney, i’ll def be there…

<3. Yea, as long as the tournament is like 2 weeks before either fr or ecc, i can for sure make it out there. I’ll try and get some other ec guys to roll with me as well.

i’d say the weekends around final round would be best

2 day event pls, team marvel

dips win

You already know MA BOI. Free pizza+drinks FTW =D


I like the early April or May dates, what ever works for Eugene and all you guys.

If this is gonna be a 2-day event (Sat-Sun), I wonder how it’ll be planned out despite the odd opening time and schedule of PSM…

May 13th looks good to me. I realized I’m going to have problems with early April since I found out I have a ton of shit to do -.-!!!

Now as for two day event: not likely gonna happen for this one since I only have time to make it out for one day’s worth.
**Note: If you guys are down with another tournament in the summer, I will consider a two day event at that time since I’ll have plenty of time in my hands.

Games for this tournament: well the obvious for the moment: MvC 2, CvS 2, and 3s. Arcade setups for these three games: two showcase MvC 2s, two showcase CvS 2, one showcase 3s.

Other games?: GGXX Reload, Tekken 5. These games would be console setups.

This is all I can think of at the moment roughly. If anything else comes up, it will be posted.

I’d day go for early April. It’s not too as late of a notice, but there is some cushion within that time frame between the other big tournies.

I think by May, Guilty Gear XX Slash would be out for consoles already (would have to import it though). So you can probably replace #R with Slash if people are willing to bring some Slash setups by then. Dunno about Tekken 5 DR (unlikely though)…

Do a Soul Calibur 3 tourny :slight_smile:

What would be tourney format??

I talked with josh W. from ny,i forgot what day he wanted. I think he spoke with honey jal, but not sure. Anyways, we should make a day where josh/rotendo/isaac/ can make it :slight_smile:


Any word on this yet?

May 13th is the date that we have chosen.

More details on everything else will be posted as time passes by.

Any itg2 side tourneys???