Purple Eyes Only: Juri Video Thread (Updated: 9-28-10)

Ahhhh, so you ARE on SRK! Me and you need to fight some more. Maybe do a set or something Juri vs. Sakura.

I actually do the input.

You can use c.Forward to cause the BK’s to whiff since it will lower Juri’s hit box. After Viper’s forward throw if you see him do a super jump without dashing in then he’s going to do a BK to cross you up. You can visually confirm the BK and then c.Forward to cause it to whiff then punish his landing. If he dashes forward once and then super jumps he’s going to do a j.RH or a j.Short into a cross up BK in both cases just block and if you see j.Short get ready to block a cross up BK. You can’t use c.Forward in that scenario because j.Short will hit deep and the BK will cross up low to the ground. If you see her dash forward then take a step or two forward before a super jump you are in a 50/50 guess between a cross up j.RH or a non-cross up j.RH and it’s really dependant on the timing of his j.RH. The later she does the j.RH the higher the chance that it will cross up. In those scenarios its best to either block or use Counter movements to gtfo.

Don’t focus attack too much against Viper especially on the ground because she will just Thunder Knuckle Armor Break them. I know it’s tempting to do it to stuff a BK but if she positions herself correctly the BK will cross up and your attack follow up will whiff giving her a free c.forwadxxthunder knuckle or c.Fierce EX Seismo combo which could lead into Ultra for Viper and considering her damage output you don’t want that happening. Don’t give Viper room to breath because good Vipers know how to zone with Seismo’s and how to feint to force you to twitch. You want to put fear in their Seismo game with Dive Kick punishes. I often find charging some fireballs to do the trick to bait Seismo’s. Your timing on when to do the fireball stores are important because you will eat a Seismo if you are not careful you just want to do it so that you bait them into doing a Seismo then Dive Kick them. Once you put the fear into them not to do Seismo’s then you eliminate her primary zoning tool and force them to come to you. They may opt to do a reckless BK which is when you can start using Focus Attacks against it but always spot the distance they lift off from the ground to avoid the TK cross up BK.

In this match up you want to rush Viper down because she has bad defensive options. On wake up she has to rely more on blocking but she does have Fierce Thunder Knuckle as an AA (cross ups beat it), EX Seismo (safe jump them), and EX BK (bait or safe jump them). The scarier ones are Fierce TK and EX Seismo as she can Ultra you right afterwards. Good Viper players will use them sparingly or if you do bad jump ins that are punishable. For the most part just safe jump on her wake up and if she does EX Seismo you want to be ready for a SJC BK. Anticipate on it and then c.Forward to duck underneath them or depending on the distance c.Strong to AA it. You might want to test OS EX Pinwheel on your jump ins as it might beat EX Seismo wake up but not too sure. It’s something I’ve been meaning to test but haven’t gotten around to it. Oh, another thing Viper can do is EX Seismo feint to cause your cross up to whiff due to invinci frames and then throw you. That one is a little trickier to deal with and not many Viper’s do it because of the timing.

The issue with the Viper match up is that Juri’s walk speed is ass and Viper’s walk speed is fast and she has a lot of ways to cover a lot of ground in an instant. The footsie game is going to be tricky as the start up of your attacks is comparable to Viper’s but you have the advantage of range and better hit boxes will Viper has better mobility and ways to punish your footsie game. It’s a matter of skills and your knowledge of ranges that will determine the footsie game. Remeber to aim for the knockdown for the mix ups and keep her on the ground a lot. OS tech throw against Viper is not something you want to abuse too much because she has a ton of ways to punish and bait them with her footsie game, TK Feints, as well as BK’s.

I dont think anyone has posted this yet, a really sick juri vs apparently daigo



I dont think anyone has posted this yet, a really sick juri vs apparently daigo



I’ll try to keep all that in mind for next time I play him Killey. Thanks for the advice.

nah that inputs are pretty simple though i more or less miss the third strike

A few from my YouTube page. I’ll put up more later, since I play on the PS3 and the 360…

[media=youtube]3ae5QJRzOcY[/media] (vs. Ibuki)

[media=youtube]dk38rG4X87Q[/media] (Vs. Vega which I need work against)

[media=youtube]ULgbI-Ap6Yw[/media] (vs. Guy)

[media=youtube]w0A9h4DXY6k[/media] (vs. Dudley played by a friend of mine)

If anyone wants to try me out, just reply here. I’d like to think I’ve gotten a bit better since I posted these.

messing around with juri again

Seen as no one has yet commented after this im going to have to edit it.

Not sure if this has been discovered or whatever but if it has then sorry!

AGAIN I have just been in training mode and was messing around with Crouch.MP.
Now im not going to lie, i saw a video of a guy doing an “Kara Sweep” i think thats what he called it but im not to sure, but he done a Crouch.MP and a L.RH/HK or whatever you want to call it and then by doing the Crouch.MP the L.RH/HK would reach further then a standard L.RH/HK.

My point… I was in training i decided to do a Crouch.MP and then Kara Throw after it.

Now if you lot recall you would know that Juri’s Kara Throw advances her like 3 squares
(In training mode… squares on the ground)
if not there is a video of it on my Youtube or you’ll probably find it somewhere else

Now i done a Crouch.MP then a Kara Throw, this advance me 5 squares ahead.

You can only do this up close, if you done it at the maximum distance of where the Crouch.MP would hit it would push you back even further. So you have to be “Up close and personal” for it to work.

Anyway thats all, maybe its nothing great, completely pointless, stupid, retarded or what not but i just thought id share it PLUS my mind is limited so maybe someone smarted can come up with a better use for it cause it haven’t thought of any uses for it yet.

Actually the only thing i can think of is to bait the Crouch.MP the opponent will walk in and then Kara Throw, but the timing is strict… i see this as an advanced option but thats all i can think of.
(i think its silly so dont laugh at me lol)
But anyway Peace out people :rofl:


Aha! I knew you could extend the range of other normals with c.Strong. I posted a while ago how if you did 2 c.Strong’s in rapid succession you would extend the distance of the 2nd c.Strong but I wasn’t sure it was applicable to other normals.

thats not daigo- a bunch of people use that xbl acct.

yeah so it was probably your video i watched, just couldnt remember who seen as it was a while back, but thanks =] that c.mp is pretty cool lol

I’d love to play you.

Nice Juri. Few things though: (Someone please correct me if I’m wrong on anything, I hate giving bad advice)

2)Your strings were all pretty punishable. Remember that only fireball stores are safe in blockstrings, divekicks and pinwheels can, should, and usually will be punished every time, especially by a character like Hakan. A better player would have had you eating huge damage for throwing out those moves so often. When you’re poking and stuff you should generally be using her normals, the less you pinwheel and dive kick the better.

  1. Speaking of punishes, you should punish him more on moves like a whiffed slide. Do something, even if it’s just a throw or sweep.

  2. Your mixups aren’t bad at all. I’d say you’re pretty solid here, but try to work on the other areas like safe strings when your mixup gets blocked.

You have a good Juri, just be a little more careful sometimes.

Hopefully this is helpful. I hope this was worded well, I have trouble expressing myself clearly sometimes. And again, if I’m mistaken anywhere here, somebody please tell me.

Spud I’ll correct ya on one of your points.

  1. DO rush Hakan. He has inarguably the worst defensive in the game. He has no way to deal with well timed focuses on knockdown aside from backdash. His SPD is slow as shit, his slide is slow as shit, pretty much everything he could possibly do is slow as shit. Even when oiled. Just don’t get knocked down. I use Hakan a lot and from experience I can tell you he has an assload of options on your knockdown.

Zoning is an option, but if you zone him you give him a chance to oil up. When he’s oiled up he can EX slide your fireball startup kicks and fireball releases on reaction, then he gets his oki game going and…yeah. He also has his FADNC/crisco cancels available when oiled up so zoning is that even less effective because he can just FA your fireball then just dash and cancel his dash into F+HK which knocks down.

Edit: Just realized he was using U1 in the first match. I’d still say it’s not a terrible idea to rush him down, but be smart about it.

Edit 2: Just watched the 2nd vid. Don’t jump against Hakan when he has U2, don’t try using overheads or reversal pinwheels either. A good Hakan will just lay down and shoot you out of his ass if you try that.

Yeah I dont know shit about Hakan, I’ve yet to fight one that knows what theyre doing…

I know that the strings I used are punishable, thing is that my Juri has been out of shape lately. I picked up Gouki and Ive been focusing most of my time on him and neglecting Juri, I’ll need a re-capturing day to get my Juri back in shape :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the tips guys, much appreciated :tup:

I play Hakan and Juri, I would also stay on him as opposed to zoning him, but you can’t jump much unless it’s a cross-up. Use that overhead. When dry, he really doesn’t have an intuitive answer to pinwheel pressure games, and most players would be at a total loss I bet.

My vids again. Looking for criticism as always.


Again, apologies about the quality…

Okay, I never thought of the matchup like that. Sorry for that, I’ll edit the post.

A few more up, these considerably more recent.


@ Madam : Just to give a bit of advice.

  1. Stop using the dive kick follow-ups unless you’ve hit-confirmed them. Use one kick, if it hits, do the follow-ups, if it doesn’t then it’s not too bad. Otherwise you’re just gonna take an ultra to the face from people paying attention. On this note, I know it’s tempting to fish for a U2 with an EX dive kick, but don’t. If anything, just use j.MP as an air-to-air since EX dive is also ultra punishable on block.

  2. Don’t be so EX pinwheel happy, you used it nearly every single time on your wakeup. It’s good to use every once in a while, but it’s not a Shoryuken nor an EX messiah kick.

  3. Your punishes are pretty poor. If a Ken whiffs a Fierce DP, don’t just do cr.mk xx lk pinwheel. Make him regret it. Use cr.HP xx EX pinwheel.

There’s probably more to go say but it’s 4 AM and I’m tired.