Purple Eyes Only: Juri Video Thread (Updated: 9-28-10)

Some good Juri videos here:

Thanks for the vid and LOL they’ve got R-type Renegade there, gonna tell him about this on Neoempire.

Vids of Daigo (Ryu) vs Kura (Juri)

Needless to say Kura gets raped by Daigo but I like his approach with Juri.

Kura gave it to him in the first round of the first match though.

Also, Gameinn pretty much threw him everytime he used Kasatushi to avoid the fireballs.

Atrain (Juri) Vs Shine (Gouken) Pt 1 [media=youtube]WhwyBTIi9sA[/media]

Atrain (Juri) Vs Shine (Gouken) Pt 2 [media=youtube]7sHnmKAiMoI[/media]

Atrain (Juri) Vs Shine (Gouken) Pt 3 [media=youtube]XWqaxVd0ZXA[/media]

Atrain (Juri) Vs Shine (Gouken) Pt 4 [media=youtube]IK_jkHAZZ3M[/media]

Atrain (Juri) Vs Shine (Gouken) Pt 5 [media=youtube]WTxiCnoh_sc[/media]

Atrain (Juri) Vs Shine (Gouken) Pt 6 [media=youtube]0_p-bLO7noE[/media]

Atrain (Juri) Vs Shine (Gouken) Pt 7 [media=youtube]t0J73jH7iCs[/media]

Atrain (Juri) Vs Shine (Gouken) Pt 8 [media=youtube]61RTGwxMi4s[/media]

Atrain (Juri) Vs Shine (Gouken) Pt 9 [media=youtube]F7CzHr5qvgg[/media]

I think this will help us a bit in the gouken match up. I know muy juri still has work, but I’m getting there.

Killey beat me to it. Those matches were fun to watch nonetheless.

http://www.youtube.com/user/0xkeNzo Go to this channel for better quality of what Killey posted [Daigo vs Kura].

My vids again, just some casuals with Kanta-Kun and an old vid with an Ibuki player, will upload more much later on.


The problem with Kura was his lack of footsies and it really shows. Daigo’s footsies and Juri’s poor walk speed really hurts. He did some really bad jump ins and got punished for them. It’s so tempting to jump with Juri because of her piss poor walk speed and those dashes leave her vulnerable.

Some vids of my Juri. I wasnt really playing my best today, I’ll upload some of my better Juri matches later on. oh and you can hear my Roommate on the phone in the 3rd link, just ignore that >_>


any comments/critiques are welcome ^^"

Hella cool video .Cobra!

I’m slowly getting better. This past week or so I’ve been really trying to put cr.lk, s.lk, cr.mk xx lk pinwheel kick into my game. It’s a universally good block string and pretty good BnB. Planning to really start playing as her more so hopefully I’ll improve quickly.
My opponent is pretty good but he doesn’t really play Akuma, and it shows. Still though, I feel like I did alright!

well here’s my video of my early playthroughs:



critique would be cool~

i’m no pro with juri yet, but a few things i noticed…
-throws as punishment on whiffed srk’s; you (and juri) are capable of wayyy more dmg than a throw on a whiffed srk – c.HP xx (ex) pinwheel is quick and easy damage
-didn’t see many successful crossups
-most fireballs seemed to be full screen; perhaps try and throw a few into a block string up close or substitute in a low fireball instead of a l.pinwheel from time to time and release it on wakeup?

were you option select tech’ing when you two were crouching point blank, or just blocking and/or c.lk’ing?

Dae, I think you need to use Juri’s j.MP more. It’s a fantastic air-to-air, and sets up juggle, crossup, and Ultra 2 opportunities. You also let the Guile player jump in a lot, when cr.MP and cr.HP are both really reliable anti-airs you could’ve used. Jumpins weren’t as much of a problem against the Sagat player though.

Your links are solid, as always.

Maybe this is my personal opinion, but I don’t feel that EX Pinwheel on wakeup (when they’re jumping in) is an efficient use of meter. Yes, Juri builds meter crazy fast, but I’d personally rather save it for EX Fuhajin, EX Dive Kick, EX Kasatushi (counter move) or for her Super. It seems like it works for you though, so obviously do what works best for you.

Good vids, though, Dae. Hope to see more from you.

Also, just a quick note: [media=youtube]JkKKZKKT3W4[/media] – that video has an improper labeling in the description - it says you are playing against a Sagat when you are playing against Guile.

Got some matches against Wolfkrone’s viper. I don’t think I did too bad, but I know I need to cut down on my Focus usage.


And here the rest of my mirrors with Kanta.


Myself vs ItsShantelle (Ryu)


I thought it was an Okay match, meh -shrugs- I’m getting pretty good with my AA’s I think.

and here i was thinking my juri was getting somewhat decent…now after seeing that i’m knocked back down to marginal at best :stuck_out_tongue:
i can’t really offer any advice because you’re at a different level than i, but hey, at least ive got some vids to watch and learn from.


You were letting him get away with burning kicks. IIRC you can cr.mp those when you see them.

Other than the obvious missed punishes Im sure you know about yourself and missed AA’s you good.

You also do what I alot , and use LV2 premature focus to try to crush everything.

Sometimes dont even kick , like there were a few times where I saw him just sitting there waiting for you to dive kick and you did it. Sometimes just jump and do like a kick , beleive it or not it actually throws people off.

Ha, you can see my rage mashing against Ryuga sometimes. Lol. GGS.

BTW, does anyone here not mash on the Dive Kick to get the follow-ups?