Arkayne, I tried it, and I’ll say it’s not surefire. I got trades quite a few times and you don’t want to be trading against Blanka with Juri.
If you do master the timing, think of it as using two bars to land Ultra, except you’re using one EX and 1 portion of your health. If you don’t have it absolutely down, don’t even try it.
I think I need to change my playstyle up. From now on I’m going to practice only using fireballs and no pinwheels for some games,then see how my game changes.
Personally, I’d start with her normals and her footsies over her fireball zoning.
I’m just trying to break the habit of jumping a lot with her and its really tempting because her jumping normals are good and her walk speed is ass.
I agree totally. I got some advice for footsie training from a bud. He told me for a little while have some games and dont use any specials,only pokes and links,and do that for a good solid 5+ games. Then have one match with specials included and see how your game changed. repeat until comfortable and not doing random things.
Just started using this technique this evening and I have to say it’s a Godsend. Thank you for posting this up. It’s incredibly useful and helps me figure out what to do a lot better in most situations now that I’m learning the correct uses and spacings for all her normals.
Granted my rank score once again took a huge hit but who cares about points anyways.
Amazing video Cobra, needs to be up on the opening post. Good stuff and thanks. I never remembered to do the lvl 2 focus> wait> reset with her, but I used to do it with Sakura.
Just search for a nice picture of Juri and process in your favorite image editor. If you can’t find any pictures, I guess you could always take a photo from the game itself