Purple Eyes Only: Juri Video Thread (Updated: 9-28-10)

To punish close range fireballs. you can actually do it in a match. i switched it to max start and i was able to do it


Here’s one match of Floe vs Big Marcus. It’s picture-in-picture with the HDR Winner’s finals.

Came to post that MWC video, arghh! great video, definitely a must-see for anyone picking up juri seriously.

Didn’t know wether to post here or on the combo thread. SO it goes on both


wow thats hot stuff!

3 new videos, dhalsim, vipes an balrog

Abel vs Me [media=youtube]065J8vjEsno[/media]

ME vs Dudley [media=youtube]_v2K_42hX7A[/media]

Me vs Cody [media=youtube]e-TG5ZyqLAs[/media]

Me vs Gief [media=youtube]vp1AQRBipBM[/media]

I have more match vids coming tonight


in my channel there is some new vids plus 3 matches of myself vs ShakuLightning. Good Games bud.

If you will notice im trying not to ex pinwheel on wakeup as much anymore,and I am trying to practice AA’s in these vids while working on footsies. So pardon me if I seem a little worse then what I actually am.lol

How is it doable in a match? Wouldn’t that require 5 Ex meters?

Armor glitching, similar to the way Balrog can cancel ex rush punches into super or ultra?

My Juri VS DiNyc3’s Makoto



For when landing that Ultra will win you the round/game, use this.

couple new matches against my bud shoryuswordsman,

Mien, how reliable is that? Is it something that can be replicated on reaction?

Yes, you just need to do EX Senpusha just before Blanka hits you. He then ends up on the opposite side because he passes through during your invincibility frames.

Why do ex senpusha when if blanka tries crossup blanka ball you can get the same result? Is there a specific reason your doing EX senpusha for crossup blanka ball?

he’s not doing cross-up ball he’s doing a regular ball and MAKING it a cross-up by using her invincibility frames.

It’s looking useful to me, getting big dmg for a health trade-off.

Well what im saying here blanka players make their blanka ball crossup already. Right?

What im getting at here is i am asking Miena if this is a surefire way to replicate the blanka players crossup blanka ball without X blanka player actually doing the crossup blanka ball.

Are you mixing up the horizontal blanka ball with the one where he bounces on you? When both parties are standing up horizontal balls will never cross up unless you do something funky.

Right? I’m confused now.

Hori ball can cross up on wakeup, but it’s very punishable on hit, so most Blankas that I’ve seen use it, only use it to end a round.