I have a good few videos from last night uploaded. I wasn’t able to record every match because i forgot while watching the fights.
Anyway check these out
Me and General Vivi had some good games last night imo.
(Me) vs (General Vivi) [media=youtube]RNglZVKU0mE[/media]
I have 4 videos of us fighting, instead of posting them all i just put links in all the videos.
(General Vivi) vs (SRKilley) [media=youtube]teww3W8AAO0[/media]
(SRKilley) vs (ShogunFlow) [media=youtube]IkVQwLzb514[/media]
(General Vivi) vs (ShakuLightning) [media=youtube]6NjnOYUGy0s[/media]
(SRKilley) vs (DullestWord) [media=youtube]Kcd–XfClLs[/media]
(Me) vs (SRKilley) [media=youtube]I3G6QyvnU1w[/media]
(Me vs (ShakuLightning) [media=youtube]Sd-kAdZhZ58[/media]
A ghetto little video I did to show Juri’s fuzzy guard set up. I didn’t find much when I searched this forum on it… It seems relatively unsafe, which may be the case, but, figured I’d share for anyone who might not know.
Note: I don’t play Juri, so those that do may be able to find better application with it.