Here’s a match of mine vs a Vega which I win by waiting and I really don’t do anything another character can’t also do.
WARNING: Sound is very loud.
Here’s me losing to another Vega. I could have sworn this guy was going to throw me off the walldive towards then which is why I tried to air2iar him instead of using focus. Also failed to punish the punch walldives that I blocked.
EDIT: there are more matches on my channel against other characters. I’ll take any feedback.
To be honest, I haven’t tried since I don’t really use naked dive kicks in my game unless I’m trying to close space. I do j.MP xx dive kick and if the dive kick hits, I’ll follow-up with EX pinwheel so j.MP xx dive kick is my hitconfirm. I’ll give it a try a little later though.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you were right though. I just assumed it was pretty easy to hitconfirm since j.MP xx dive kick to whatever is easy.
Well tk.Dive Kick and j.MP xx Dive Kicks (though still hard) are doable, but random Dive Kicks that’re used to pressure hit or miss (aimed low on their hitbox to make safe) are – in my opinion – impossible to hit confirm. And I hit confirm regularly =\
4.) Honestly it just looks like your pressing stuff to combo together. Get better punishment and FINISH combos
5.) Stop wasting EX meter right when you get it.
6.) Stop trying to crossup every chance you get , thats just bait for shotos or anyone with a DP to auto correct and hurt you everytime. Im surprised they werent doing it. : [
Awesome quality, I wish all SSF4 videos were in glorious 720p. Although, the camera focus was wandering occasionally, maybe you should try to set the camera to manual focus to get even awesomer quality?
As for the gameplay, I can’t comment any better than whats already been said.
Saw the first one with Chun, nice juggles into Ultra! However, main issues were you were jumping a lot(I do this too) and you were getting hit by Hazanhu a lot, block it high.
And here are mine, against Fei Long(again, sorry about quality)
Criticisms are very much welcome. Personally, I was jumping too much for my liking and kept going for jump-ins after a block string, which was predictable of me, amongst other stuff.
hi im new here at the SRK forums, im a Addicted SSF4 player, im playing a lot w/juri, i reached last weekend 5000 pts, so i obviously i became B, but since then i been struggling, im now at 4560 PP, that’s because when i win usually i get 1 PP, but that’s because i beat Players with low BP, sometimes looks like the Random PS3 System sends me 8000 bp like 4 in a row and i struggle to beat, especially Chun li(wish is one of the characters im learning currently), i just want to know if there are any other juri players here in the forum facing the same problem, its very frustrating, im trying to vary my gameplay, seems like people are not easy fooled anymore with my juri moves, i dont jum a lot and i play a lot a footsie games, and dont do de diving kick unless is a clear opportunity, and i learned this the hard hard way, believe me, if you are a juri player stop jumping like crazy and doing diving kicks like crazy, but anyway where i think im struggling i that im not the FB user i mean i use them but i not store them, also i dont use her kasatushi, but im currenlty working on it, any toughts?
looool i think you are so right with the “seems like people are not easy fooled anymore with my juri moves” cause i was like yup, people have now seen what the typical Juri is like, thats why i had to mix it up a lot. Either just keep playing and you’ll gain you own play style for juri, and hopefully it wouldn’t be the typical juir play style so that way the opponent wont read you so easy.
Yeah, I should have used more Fuhajins, I was too scared of Chicken Wing though lol. Next time I will make more use of Fuhajins against Fei, though I will have to take care. He lands a Chicken Wing, that’s a potential infinite right there as you saw in the first video, not cool.