Your Juri is really aggressive and I can see how you win a lot of rounds with her. I thought you were at your best though when you were zoning with fireballs from 3/4 of the screen away. When divekicks and pinwheels are hitting they’re great, but they are so unsafe on block, as I’m sure you know. in the videos I saw, your opponents just weren’t making you pay when they blocked your pinwheels. That said, I admired your rushdown and if you play a little safer I think all your hard work is going to pay off.
I think we could all learn a lot from Ryuga, who has one of the best Juri’s I’ve seen here or anywhere. He stays safe, his opponents never block a divekick or pinwheel because he doesn’t throw them out unless they’re guaranteed. That’s why it’s so critical to learn something basic like x3 xx pinwheel, because you can be just as safe as you want to be or you could also combo into EX or super on hit. I know we all know that, but not many Juri’s have committed to learning the x3 link (it’s tricky!) and we can see from Ryuga’s matches how pivotal it is. Just really great stuff, I love how how he plays her.
This is a little off-topic, but I’d also like to recommend that all Juri’s move away from U2 in favor of U1. U1 is a very good Ultra, and U2 is not. Ultra 2 just feels redundant; Juri already has a million ways to do big damage off of everything and doesn’t need to throw out desperate, unsafe super moves. U1 is just scary, and has an immediate impact on the match the second you turn it on. I don’t think we’ve really figured out everything we can do with U1, so I’m hoping more Juri players will migrate over to it and we can all figure this thing out together.
Thanks Birds! However, I’m still learning and got a lot to work on. I should really stop using MK pinwheel unless I’m sure it’s going to hit, I usually drop the combo and get my MK Pinwheel punished lol.
Also, I haven’t seen this vid posted in the thread yet. It isn’t the newest video on the block, but I think it’s relevant. It’s To-kin vs. a good Sakura, so it’s not as if it’s boring.
I like his use of c. lk xx lk FHJ (stored), c. mk xx FHJ (release). Has anyone put forth a really efficient notation for Juri’s combinations? Like sFHJ for stored and rFHJ for release? Notating her stuff just feels really awkward. All the same, cheers!
Ryuga: Indeed, we’ve all got a lot to work on. Juri is pretty different than other SF characters, don’t you think? I am not sure anyone is getting the most out of her right now, and I have high hopes that her fireball game is going to keep getting better and better in the upcoming months.
Regarding the mk pinwheel: I have just compromised entirely and never go for anything other than short pinwheel after the c. lk combo. If I missed the link and get the wheel, it’s not as blatantly game over as having a mk/hk/EX pinwheel blocked. Really, it leaves you in a pretty good range as far as your opponent’s punish combos go, and hopefully the worst you’ll get is some variant of low forward xx fireball. I am pretty sure it can get worse, but short pinwheel doesn’t give your opponent a whole lot of time to attack your life bar. There’s also the added bonus of having the negative edge off of the third short, so if you didn’t link your short there’s a good chance you won’t accidentally get a pinwheel.
Of course, neg-edging here doesn’t give you the consolation prize of “, xx xx” which was always a small, good thing. I have learned to live without it.
yea, if anyone has been watching my matches i recently stopped using anything higher than lk pinwheel unless i know for sure its a guaranteed hit, i also have calmed down on fishing for randim dive kick into ultra, because of it, i actually get the random ex dive kick to land into ultra cause people arent expecting it, ive been adding alot to my game after watching some japanese matches.
I think the main thing I took from them (although there were several other pointers) was that I need to work in a lot more throws, as you were using them to great effect. So I altered my current ‘only use normals’ approach to ‘only use normals including throws’ and it’s really helping.
Also I just watched Ryuga’s videos against Fei and the thing that really struck me was the excellent spacing with the nromals, there were many points where I would have thought Fei was just out of range but you clipped him with the edge of the attack, most often with and neutral Awesome stuff.
oh yh i know, i play a crazy as juri and i know everything your talking about, i just haven’t… well i don’t use it a lot stupid yes but i will get around to it lol =]
some more matches, more of my crazy juri but to be honest i blame online … ¬_¬ … im from london, i have like one guy on my FL who from london as well… got one bad ASS juri but hardly ever play cause i dont see him online too tough an if i do play the others i have, that are form america the game its like lag central… so im always online and i KNOW im going to grow bad habbits!
Tch! ¬_¬
Oh and dont no one tell me about Neoempire … has not bloody interaction at all, you’ll have like 5 - 15 people in like the whole of the character discussion and when i leave a comment …
more on my page
Thanks for the neg edging tip! And yeah, Juri’s different from what I’m used to, it’s weird to give up buttons and hold them for fireballs haha. She’s a lot more versatile than the characters I pick too. And I’d agree about the key to Juri lies in her fireball game, her fireballs have a lot of purposes. And I’ll keep working on Juri, thanks a lot!
I’m trying to work TK dive into Ultra during block strings, I saw some Japanese Juri player called Yukkuki-Yarou(spelling?) using TK dives in blockstrings sparingly. I know other players here have mentioned it, but I usually use Ultra 1. I’m also working on Fuhajin release>FADC>Ultra 2, I think if mastered, that’ll increase the options of landing Ultra 2 a lot and allow you to land it anywhere.
Thank you! I’ve been trying to use more of Juri’s normals, a lot of people on here were saying we should try and use them more. Thought sometimes I just want to jump in lol.
Yeah, there’s not much going on in the Neoempire Juri thread is there? Which is why I frequent this thread more than there. BTW, is the London player on your friends list R-Type Renegade?
Oh yeah, here’s a vid of another Juri called Blue Nine. Saw him on the tournament stream and looked him up on Youtube: [media=youtube]pP9X_1QoaQM[/media]
Ah, I’ve seen FROG55JQN on here, he posted a bunch of Juri combos too. And I think it’s just a matter of getting the ball rolling on Neoempire. I’ll post on there later on and try to spark up something.
Balrog isn’t as bad as everyone seems to think he is, sure he can lock you down… but that’s why we have fireballs. Zone him out you cans tore multiple fireballs so if he does a turn punch or ex at a certain distance, you can tag him with another fireball. and depending how far he is you can get a pinwheel/ what ever after that.
That’s how chun beats rog… and I am pretty sure with juri’s superior fireball game that can be accomplished 10x easier