Psychic Hotline: Rose Video Thread

Nice stuff saqs, just played 1 good makoto player on PSN, they like to focus dash alot through fireballs since thats her strong point, but i always stuff them as i do everyone else who tries to bypass fireballs with a slide>BnB or throw

Eh, her dash is more of A strong point. It compensates for her grandma lightning walking speed. All her command normals provide various forward thrust, so if they’re not trying that stuff out, then they’re probably not comfortable with the character. I played as Makoto earlier today and f.HK (sweep) a good Dhalsim player out of EX something. Better than trying to Hayate, or jump in my opinion. Though focus dashing Dhalsim’s limbs can be like a teleport in on him. Wait this is the Rose forum…

Yeah her dash can play hell on your zone game and a good player wont focus dash thru FBs to get punished. Just Axe kick over them which is relatively safe.

Watching the matches again, im salty as hell right now lol. I so won that in my eyes…
So many execution errors. The meaty lk that didnt come out cost me first place.

Gonna upload some vids of me losing to Viper today too. I hate that bitch.

Whose Mak is that anyway?

Here’s some footage from this past saturday at Tournamentwars here in Seattle.

Here’s a first to 5 set against Tanaka Force using Guy and Ryu, I use Rose until the set goes 3-3 then switch to Bison, any feedback or tips would be great.

ft5 starts at 2:15:25/.

I meant the combo you did with soul satellite, you threw a fireball and after it you had enough time to do another c.MP if I’m not mistaken. Thata fireball was a L M or H?

I’m totally drawing a blank:rofl: Maybe I watched the wrong vid. Link it to me. I’m slow I know:rolleyes:

Hey Frank, how’s it going? Fellow NW’r here. I saw a few things that could be improved.

You could utilize frame traps more. Rose has quite a few that work for different reasons. Slide is definitely one of the better, because it allows you to maintain pressure when you do it safely. I’m actually not sure if the move gives any frame advantage on block, but when you make contact at its most furthest point, you could score a counter hit for c.MP then combo into spiral. At least from that distance, throw won’t work, but you display your knowledge of that setup.

Some other frame traps can occur after s.MK (near and far: far version c.MP, near version c.MP, c.LK or c.LP), c.MK to c.MP or slide (good for canceling also), f.HK to either spiral or slide. There might be a couple others, but those are the basics. All those frame-trapping normals either leave Rose at neutral frame advantage, or negligible disadvantage on block. What’s so negligible, is that you’re the one who made the attack, therefore you’re in control. You don’t have to use any frame traps, it’s all a matter of what you estimate the other player to do. As an added bonus, some of those frame traps can actually link on counterhit, so it might be good to play around with them to get a feel for how it works. In my opinion, frame traps are one of Rose’s strongest points and can bring out the Dhalsimian spirit in her.

I saw you tried to “rekka” what looked like either a MK or HK spiral into an LK spiral on block for pressure. I think that’s only ever safe when you sandwich them with c.MP. It’s a good frame-trap technique though.

Aside from that, you’ve got a respectable Rose.

Here’s some vids against Jibbo’s Ibuki and a couple vs his Cody. It was also my first time playing against good Ibuki so I got scrubbed up a bit lol.

-VS Ibuki-

-VS Cody-

Here’s a couple of things I learned about the Ibuki match:

-Against Tsujumi’s(qcb+k), you can only reversal it with EX Spirals right when the mk and hk versions start up, or right before she does the low part of the string. The first part of the lk and hk versions are -4, the mk version is 0. You can backdash out of the low option, but you can’t punish her.
-Against EX Kazegiri’s(dp+k) instead of worrying about the kunai and how to punish afterwards, dash in right after you block it. This way if she kunai’s it will go over your head so you can punish freely(you’ll end up behind her), and if she doesn’t kunai you’ll still have time to punish with c.lp or
-Regular Kunai’s are hard to slide under since the angle can be changed all kinds of ways, but easy to focus for the most part(or hit with standing jab if you have the eye of Thundara or some shit). EX Kunai’s have one angle though so they are easier to slide through.
-…you should probably forget about trying to meaty her until the patch comes lol. But her invincibily might make people want to dp on wakeup more though, so keep it in mind.


Yea, never say the spin kick trap/pressure before Jibbo. Need to play him again, his cody was fun to fight too. Gay, but fun :rofl:

Rose (Sabin) vs. Viper (MarlinPie)
Loser’s Bracket @ 8 on the Break Weekly

wow… so who won the match !?! ^^

MarlinPie ended up winning and moving on to face Ryder in Loser’s Finals (I believe). Ryder beat him but lost to Dieminion’s Guy (!) in the Grand Finals.

Heh. People still don’t know Rose’s normals and specials.

I saw EX Reflect at 2:10 :lol:

minute 1:27
after you start de combo with soul satellite, you throw a fireball, then hit c.HP. That fireball, which one is it? xD


Thank you, now I just need to get the timing right xP

Last round went down to the wire. Art was in the corner knocked down and MarlinPie did a cross up Burn Kick and Art tried to do either ex Soul Throw or ex Soul Spiral. Either one, Art was salty.

See the guy with the black shirt sitting down in the background? It’s another salty Rose player :shake: