30 bucks shipping? What a rip.
Phantom Dust just looked like some weird third person shooter/rpg affair.
30 bucks shipping? What a rip.
Phantom Dust just looked like some weird third person shooter/rpg affair.
Some of you guys should put some match videos up.
I would but I have no competition, unfortunately.
Wow, I would love to know why Patty was low tier since I have her in high tier. She is solid at long range but crappy at close range.
I would love to get my hands on that tier list. Then again gaming magazines usually aren’t the best source for strats come to think of it. You are usually better off testing things out yourself and talking to other players.
Chun_li1: I urge you to share your knowledge of this game. It’s always good to hear other opinions and get some discussion going.
Wtf i didnt know they made an X game. I have the whole series on DVD. That is the reason ( as i said before) i even considered playing this game to begin with.
Edit: Found a intro vid to the game and some pics. Just look at it. It IS Psychic Force.
Ever read the manga? Vastly superior in my opinion.
Do u know where i can find it?! Ive been looking for it. Never seen it. Check my post i put in some pics and a vid of X/1999.
Any major bookstore like bn or borders should carry it.
Damn, I always imagined taito making a real x game, but it seems like if anything pf was based off of x.
Wow, judging from those screens psychi force is just the X game taken to higher levels. Looks the gameplay engine was very much alike or exactly the same. So the X game was like a proto type for the Psychic Force series.
No, X came out way AFTER PF2012 (release was 2001 i think)
Dont let the graphics blind, misslead you XD
tbh, it was done rather sloppy imo. But it did feel balanced. some moves which i though were crap in PF2012 seemed more effective in X. Plus more close combat moves (the chick w the sword is melee only).
Oh, and Karen (the Regina clone) is a lot better then her PF sibling :lovin:
PS dont forget. X was made by Taito FOR Bandai. Bandai probably thought, “hey, we need a game for X/1999. that PF2012 looks similar. lets ask Taito to make as a PF clone” Thats what they did, rather shamelessy i might add. u can even tell who in X is the alter ego from PF2012.
PS2 I own X the psx game, so i know.
Hmmm. Interesting.
regardless, psychic force was still heavily inspired by X. The manga was around waaay before the game ever was. And it’s obvious which characters were cloned from the X cast.
Might = Kamui/Sorata
Gudeath = OBVIOUS Kusanagi
Regina = Karen
Carlo = Seiichiro
Setsuna = basically Seshiro or possibly Yuto. Maybe even evil Fuma.
Wendy/Patty = Yuzuriha/Kotori
Also you could draw some similarities between Emilio and Nataku.
wouldnt Genshin be like Sorata since he used cards to fight?
Sorata was the lightning monk guy. You’re thinking of Subaru and Seshiro. And yeah, Genshin’s supposed to be an Onmyoji (Ying-Yang Magicians), which Subaru and Seshiro both are also.
Oops… havent watched the series in a while. Sry.
Playing complete EX 2012. Brad’s a lightweight Gudeath with a few different moves. Sonia’s a Might. Genma’s a Genshin of course. And some of the characters seem to be tweaked. Has Regina always been able to do l, l, s, l into atomic burst
The thing with Regina is new.
Ok, guys. I know it’s been awhile so I’m going to post quite a bit today to make up for it. Here we go.
Corner Traps: Defense
The key to getting out of a corner trap is to play smart, watch your opponent, and remember thier patterns. Be ready to dash or barrier at any moment. Especially watch out for false opening traps. If your opponent is closer to one side of the cube be on your toes. Watch their body carefully. if their bodies and thier line of sight shift then they were expecting you to dash into a psy move that they are getting ready to shoot in that direction. hyper dash right into them and punish them. Alternatively, if they shoot a Psy move right at you they may be trying to mix it up, knowing that you were probably expecting them to shoot a Psy attack in another direction as. They may also just be trying to pressure you. So be ready with a barrier or dash away depedning on the attack. They can also hyper dash at you and start up an offenseive guessing game. Well, I already disccussed how to defend against hyper dash guessing games in the second page of this thread. Refer back to it if you need to know how to defend against them. But basically you just want to be careful and try to predict your opponent. If they abuse barrier breaks after hyper dashes then you should grab them or do a psy move. You could also just combo them out of it. If they like to rush in with grabs then put up a barrier or execute a very fast psy move. If the like to rush in with Psy moves you should slide dash or grab more. Always be cautious and be smart about your actions.
If you get knowcked into a downed state you can just use a psy impulse to end the corner trap. If you can’t psy impulse then you you’ll just have to play smart and follow my pervious advice. Of course you may not always want to psy impulse. If it was expceted your opponent may dash back and wait it out, then dash back in as soon as it ends to begin thier offense. If you notcie them backing off to avoid the impulse, you can opt to not do an impulse at all and instead just hyper dash right after thm and mount an offense of your own. If they stick close to you when you are in a downed state then you should just use the impulse to get them to back off. You can also do a psy move or a barrier right out of the downed state, but if they expect a barrier then it may get broken, or they may predict your psy move and you could get grabbed or comboed. Be very careful and don’t get predictable.
Most reliable methods- Usually I stickwith barriers and and dashing out of the corner to get out of corner traps. Yeah, I’m more defensive when I find myself in these situations. If I do get knocked into a downed state I almost always use a psy impulse. It’s a fairly safe and effective way of ending corner traps. Although characters can still rush you after the impulse fades. But if you stay calm you can deal with that. If they block the impulse then you are fine, because the psy impulse is safe on block. Some characters can get past psy impulses though, so be careful.
Corner trap moves
I will list all the moves every character has that are useful for corner traps. I will list the names in alphabetical order.
Expolder- Good for pressure. Fast and hits more then once. Good for false openings too.
Flame Shoot- Ok for pressure. Very good for false openings. Launches quickly.
Burning Hand- Risky, but the damage is worth it if you get it off. A pressure move.
Triangle heat- Good for false openings, because it’s virtually impossible to get away from.
Hydro Blade- Great for false openings and pressure. Decent speed, a wide radius and safe.
Aqua Gimlet- Good for false openings and pressure. Needs good spacing to be effective.
Hydro Spiral- Comes out fast. Great for false openings.
Prisms and Seeker Ray- With prisms the Seeker Ray becomes a solid move for both pressuring and false openings. If his opponent tries to run the ray will smash them into the wall. If they don’t move the ray will keep them pinned down.
Shining Arrow- A pressure move. Needs good spacing in order for i to be safe on block, because of it’s somewhat slow recovery. Also decent for false openings.
Angel Halo- Can be aimed in any direction. Good for false openings. Once it hits Emilio is free to attack his opponent.
Stun Spark- Good for pressure and false openings. But a Psy impulse is garuanteed, because Gates is still in the attack animation. So the corner trap will definitely end.
Plasma Cannon- False opening move. Launches quickly.
TOW Missile- Pressure move. Useless for false openings, because he can’t aim it.
Soul Mines- Good for pressure. Lay them around the corner to pin opponents down.
Ogre Spirit- A pressure move. While it’s coming Genshin is free to act.
Death Curse- A false opening move. Great damage.
Gravity Infinity- Good for pinning opponents down. The gravity keeps them in place. A pressure move.
Shaving Wall- Can be aimed, so it’s good for false openings.
Meteor Smash- Ok for pressure, but it can be predictable.
Frigid Lance- Good for pressure and good for false openings. Very safe on block.
Frigid Spine- Good for false openings, because of the radius.
Frigid Shell- with this Keith is immune to Psy impulses.
Frigid Spear- Ok, for false openings. But a bit predictable, due to the moderate start up.
Electrigger- Good for false openings. especially thanks to it’s direction changing capabilities. Ok, for pressure.
Lightning Sword- The arc makes it good for false openings.
Magnet Anchor- Good for both false openings and pressure. It an be aimed and it’s safe on block.
Holy Purge- Can be used to pin opponents down. A pressure move.
Holy Whisper- Decent for pressure and false openings.
Sonic Rhapsody- Decent for false openings.
Prelude Keys- When they explode they can hit your opponent, even if they were trying to dash away. Very useful for corner traps if you have some already out. Good for pressure and false openings.
Saint Requiem- Good for false openings, because of the huge radius. But a psy impulse is garaunteed, because she stays in the animation for so long.
Spark Rain- Good for pressure and false openings. Good speed, safe on block and can be aimed.
Blaze Shot- Good for pressure and false openings. Fast execution and fairly safe.
Daggers Shadow- Good for pressure and false openings. The daggers spread out while they travel making it harder to predict.
Black Sun- Good for false openings. Good damage.
Darkside soul- Good for pressure and false openings.
Mirrors Coffin- Good for false openings because it completely rapes dashing opponents.
Shady Cloud- This will suck away all his opponents psy. So if they get knocked down, they can’t psy impluse. This limits thier options and gives Setsuna a big advantage.
Vortex Stream- Safe on block. Ok, for pressure and false openings.
Air Slasher- Ok, for false openings because it crosses over.
Baptism of Warning- Comes out fast, safe on block, and does good damage. Good for pressuring and false openings.
Selection of Fate- This allows Wong to dodge Psy impulses. Too good.
Tracks of Illusion- Good for false openings. Comes out fast.
Ok, that’s it for now. I’ll do Might’s overview next followed by Gudeath’s.
Ok, Now I’ll talk about Might and I’ll post about Gudeath later.
Fast dash and a fast attacker. (Light weight)
Good Bread and Butter combo. Light attack, strong attack, Lightning Sword.
Lightning Sword is a good combo ender. It’s good at close range, with good range, fast execution time, and it cuts through projectiles. Very good damage.
Thunder Break powers up Might’s moves. Magnet Anchor, Excursion, and Lightning Hound will all have longer range and faster travel speed.The Lightning Sword will get longer and have greater range. The power up for Lightning Sword is the best one. It makes his staple move even better, because it will have more range and be safe on block thanks to the added range.
Electrigger’s path can be switched, as long as Might is still holding the tail.
Lightning Hound can change directions after he uses it, so it can be used to chase down opponents who dash alot to avoid attacks.
Magnet Anchor can be aimed and it’s safe on block. The speed that it comes out is moderate. After it pulls opponents in, Might can combo or grab. Magnet Anchor is a decent long range tool.
He can far wall combo into Excursion for good damage.
Flies far from attacks. (Light weight)
Most of his moves become useless or near useless at high level play. This means he has less options to work with.
He becomes very predictable. Since he has less to work with it’s easier for his opponents to guess what he will do or out play him.
Lightning Sword is unsafe on block when it isn’t powered up.
Thunder break has a long start up time, and it doesn’t last long.
Simplistic gameplay. Not alot of tricks or mindgames. This makes Might more predictable.
Summary: Might is a straight forward character, that fights at close range. He is a light weight so his quick dash speed and attack speed compliment the way he is played. He can quickly get into his opponents face for an attack. He also has a good Bread and Butter combo to help him dish out some good damage. He only has a few weaknesses, but they do hold him back. Alot of his moves just aren’t that great and don’t do much to help his game. Lighting hound isn’t really worth using. Plus it lacks the invulnerable start-up of Burn’s burning Trail. It’s direction changing ability won’t really catch opponents off guard either. Magnet Anchor is ok. It will some use at long/mig range. But too much use and it will easlity be dodged and he will punished for it, so it’s not all that spammable. Thunder break has long start up time and doesn’t last long. Only the power-up for Lightning Sword makes it worth it though. Without it Thunder break would be virtually useless. Excursion is safe on block and can be aimed, but it’s still pretty much worthless outside of a far wall combo. He has a few solid moves though. Lightning Sword does good damage, has good execution time, decent range, and cuts through projectiles. With the Thunder break power up the range is even greater and it becoms safe on block. Lightning Sword is Might’s best move. It’s only problem is that it’s unsafe on block without the Thunder break power up. Electrigger is ok. Moderate start up time, but the damage is good. The direction change will get more predictable at high level play so it should be used wisely and not spammed. Otherwise they will just wait for the direction change and then rush him. Might’s main weakness is his lack of options. Plus he doesn’t have alot of useful tricks. His direction changing abilities get predictable, and really doesn’t have any other mindgames that he can pull besides basic dash dancing, aiming his shots in different directions, etc. The fact that he lacks options and he doesn’t have alot of tricks also creates another weakness. Might is very predictable. He just doesn’t have alot of viable tools. He has about 4 moves that he can rely on. None of them can be spammed otherwise he will be punished. With the combination of his useless moves, his speed, and his more reliable moves he breaks even at Mid Tier. He is a decent character, held back by his lack of options and his predictability. He deserves the number 1 spot in Mid tier. Although his gameplay is simplistic, he is a decent close range character. He is solid with good combos, a few decent moves, and quick speed.
Is there any high level match videos up yet?