Psychic Force 2012

Too bad there’s no hyper dash cancels other than throw. It would break the game.

EDIT: Guys even if you have nothing to say after I post some thing, at least just post bump, that way I don’t have to double post. I have alot to say, but I don’t want to get in trouble. Thanks.

oldboy: lol. I think so too.

Ok, now that I talked about how to fight using the hyper dash, I’ll talk about how to defend against it.

Defending against Hyper dashing is tricky. Not because you don’t have options, but because you usually have to guess correctly or you are screwed. Hyper dashing is an easy way to get in someone’s face and pressure them. It takes a cool head to stop a good hyper dash offense. And I will discuss the options a player has in this endeavor.

Well, first off you have to know what you can do. Well, really you can do whatever the hyper dasher can do. You can grab, attack, do a Psy move, dash away, barrier break, slide dash, or put up a barrier. Of course the tools you use will vary depending on your character, spacing, and your opponent.

Defending against hyper dashing is all about choosing the best option. But your opponent has the advantage in the guessing game. They get to choose their method of attack, and you then get to choose your defense/attack. They start the game and you have to go from there. If you don’t think fast you will be demolished.

So train yourself to recognize that blue aura surrounding a character that signifies a hyper dash. This way you can react to a hyper dash at a moments notice.

As I sated before the defense you use will vary depending on several things, but mostly on the spacing between you and your opponent. I will divide up the options and their explanations according to the spacing.

Close range- Your best methods of defense here are slide dashing, grabbing, and putting up a barrier. Slide dashing is great for when your opponent abuses dashing attacks. You can slide dash and then attack them quickly. Just remember that grabbing can stop slide dashing, so be careful. Grabbing is quick and easy. It can catch people off guard due to it’s speed. Remember if they dash in while they are close the only thing that can cancel their dash is a grab. Attacking while stop the dash animation, but they will still fly across the screen. So their options from close range dash ins are limited. Still if you want to play it safe you can always throw up a barrier. This will knock your opponents back. But it would also reset the hyper dash guessing game again. If they dash in again, it will probably be for a barrier break, so you can dash away or slide dash and retaliate.
You could also quickly drop your barrier and go into a regular guard. Do this by quickly letting go of guard and the directional pad then quickly hold the guard button again. If you’re fast then your character will quickly drop their barrier, but maintain their guard pose. You’ll block the barrier break then you can attack freely. You could also buffer a psy move from your barrier. When they dash in again just let it rip. Just make sure it’s a fast move. You could also go aggressive with a hyper dash yourself after they get knocked back form your barrier.

Far range- Your best methods of defense are dashing away, doing a psy move, doing a barrier, slide dashing, grabbing, or hyper dashing yourself. You have all of your close range options and more. Which makes sense because since your opponent has more viable options with a spaced out hyper dash so should you in order to defend yourself properly. Now if they dash in and you are fast enough, you can nail them with a psy move. This is good because while someone is hyper dashing if they take damage, then they receive 1.5 times more damage the usual. You will know this because when they get hit there will be yellow flashes of light coming from the character. You can dash away and put some distance between you and your opponent. But if you do they will most likely dash again to catch up to you. If they do this then quickly grab and you will catch them off guard. Barriers are still good. Just makes sure not to do it too early, because they it just begs for a barrier break. Of course you could just mindgame them into doing a barrier break and then you dash out of the way and attack them during the lag. Doing a hyper dash of your own could disorient them, or confuse them. They probably won’t expect it, and you can mount an offense of your own. I don’t really do that myself though. I usually rely on my other options. Grabbing is still good, but be careful. If they space well enough then they could hyper dash, then dash to the side and you will grab air. Then they can beat you down. Be careful.

Overall I would say the most reliable defense methods that I use are grabbing, putting up a barrier, and doing a psy move. Grabbing is a quick way to interrupt a hyper dash in, and a barrier is good for disruption. Psy moves are good as long as they are fast, and hitting a hyper dasher is a good way to net extra damage. I also use slide dashing, but if it gets predictable then you will be grabbed out of it.

Too much information…Cant hold it all in…AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH j/k. Good post. Im sry but if im repeating myself but Regina and Genshin are to sexy. I forgot how much i liked using them.

lol. Don’t worry about it. Honestly I don’t think the mods are looking this thread too much, but still don’t want to risk getting in trouble. So just post whatever is on your mind.

Also if you are having trouble fighting a specific character, or you have a question then fell free to ask. It’s nice way to get different discussion going.

Well, I did Wendy and now Regina is next. Let’s take a look.



  • Decent dash speed and attack speed, but doesn’t fly too far. (Middle weight)

  • Good Bread and Butter combo. Light attack, light attack, strong attack, Flare Blast.

  • Blaze Shot is a fast basic projectile. Does good damage too. Good execution speed as well. A good counter to dash ins due to it’s quick start up time. Decent combo finisher.

  • Spark Rain is a good close range move. Safe on block and can be aimed. Similar to Burn’s exploder, but the execution time for Spark Rain is slower, and Spark Rain does more damage per hit. A good hyper dash counter.

  • Flame Whip gives her some control/zoning capabilities and a lead in. The flames will destroy projectiles and she can dash through them to her opponent to attack. She has complete control of the whip using the directional pad. She can also use the whip to cover one area and shoot a projectile in another direction as a mindgame.

  • Flare Burst comes out fast and does good damage. Good for close range. Decent with spaced out hyper dashes and stopping slide dashers.

  • Flame Chaser makes it harder to be aggressive with hyper dashes against her, because if she dashes back, flames can hit her attacker. She can also slide dash around opponents and the flames will hit them. She can combo after her opponent is hit with the flames. The flames will destroy projectiles.


  • Atomic Burner is basically useless. I have never gotten it to connect in a far wall combo, because she takes her time throwing out the flames.

  • Hyper Napalm is basically useless as well. Start up time is too slow. The effect is nice. It causes a huge explosion, that can damage her enemy and take out other projectiles, but she can’t use this move too often to get much use out of the effect.

  • Flame Whip isn’t that effective. It is somewhat predictable. Also she can be hit while throwing the whip out and while pulling it back. If she is hit during this move, the flames won’t come out or if they were already coming out then they won’t come out entirely.

  • Splitting Blaze Shot is worthless. Either way all your opponent has to do is put up a barrier. If she splits it too early then her opponent can beat out the weaker projectiles with one of their own Psy moves. If she holds the strong attack button down for a split, and her opponent manages to get out of the way, she must split immediately. This will leave her vulnerable to attack, but she’ll be even more vulnerable if she doesn’t. Holding down the attack button means she will stay in an attack pose while the Blaze Shot flies off screen. She will be dedicated to that pose until she splits the Blaze Shot or when it goes off screen. Either way she will be screwed.

  • She has the slowest barrier break out of all the characters. She easily be grabbed or attacked out of it on reaction. This makes her more predictable, and a lot riskier to try barrier breaking with.

  • Flame chaser can be dispelled if she takes a hit or hits someone’s barrier. This is true of all “status changers,” but more apparent with Regina because a barrier can take hers away, which makes it easier for an opponent to contend with.

  • Flare Burst has a major weakness. She can be grabbed out of it or hit with a barrier out of it. For some reason the attack doesn’t hit right when the flames come out. So this makes it harder to utilize at close range. If she dashes in with it, there is a good chance she will knocked out of it. This limits it’s usefulness It’s almost useless as hyper dash in counter because of this.

Summary: With Regina it feels like Taito decided to fuse some of Burn and some of Carlo, but they ended up with a character worse then both of them. She has tricks up her sleeve, but they are either useless or not that effective. Flame Whip and Flame Chaser can only carry her so far and even those moves aren’t that great. And the fact that she only has a few solid, reliable moves means she is predictable and simple. Her reliable moves are Blaze Shot, Spark Rain, and to some degree Flare Burst. Flame Whip and flame Chaser are ok, but their use is limited. Flame Whip is limited because opponents can see the path the flames will follow as the whip comes out. Then they will form as Regina pulls it back. Her opponent can react accordingly as they know where the flames are going. They can also interrupt the appearance of the flames by attacking her. She is completely vulnerable while throwing the whip out and pulling it back. Flame chaser will only get some use, because it will disappear with any hit, including getting knocked off a barrier. So a smart opponent will have an easy time getting rid of Flame Chaser. Not to mention it’s start up time is pretty long. Her rush down game also takes a hit, because her barrier break is so slow. Hyper Napalm, Atomic Burner, and Blaze Shot Split are basically worthless. She has some solid combos, a few good moves, and some good answers to hyper dash ins. Still her close range game is somewhat lacking and she can’t do much with her tricks or control moves. She doesn’t have a lot of options like Burn nor does she have the versatility of her brother Carlo. Thus she ends up being a mediocre character with a few solid moves and tactics.

Poor Regina. I love her flame whip. In the right hands it can be a frustrating weapon.

I need to dust the dreamcast off and play some if I can’t get pf complete soon.

Ok. I know someone asked for match videos. Well here are some, but instead of having vids that show high level play I’m doing something different.

I’m posting some vids that show what you SHOULDN’T be doing.

These vids aren’t of me. There from some guy that said Burn sucked and that Regina is better. FYI this guy is a noob. Not being an asshole. You’ll see for yourself.

Here are the links.

Keith vs Burn

Burn vs Keith

So from watching these vids we can come to several conclusions. I will divide up these conclusions in two sections. A Do section and a Don’t section. Some of the following applies to all characters, but it’s mostly Burn and Keith I’m talking about.


  1. Do use retreat barriers.

  2. Do use God Pheonix and Blizzard Tooth as combo enders.

  3. Do use Triangle Heat.

  4. Do blow up the Triangle Heat after it captures your opponent.

  5. Do use your attacks intelligently.

  6. Do play aggressively with Burn.

  7. Do use barrier breaks.

  8. Do use Frigid Shell. Actually you should be spamming it whenever you get the chance. Just be smart about when you use it.

  9. Do use Frigid Lance. Spam this as well, but intelligently.


  1. Don’t spam Blizzard Tooth or God Pheonix at long distance. This is noobish and ineffective.

  2. Don’t spam Burning Trail at any distance. Use it wisely.

  3. Don’t throw out random projectiles without thinking.

  4. Don’t use Frigid Spine at long distance for no reason.

  5. Don’t use Exploder for no reason at long distance.

  6. Don’t try to play Burn at long distance.

  7. Don’t try to be really, really spammy with Burn. He can only spam a little with 2 moves.

  8. Don’t EVER listen to the arrange version of Burning Storm over the arcade verison. The arcade version is far superior.

  9. Don’t set the battle option to begginner. You should train yourself to barrier on your own. Also if you do that then you can’t aim your projectiles.

Anyone else have any do’s or dont’s from watching that vid? If you do please post them. Anyway, who should I talk about next?

Keith, Emilio, Wong, Carlo, Might, Setsuna, and Patty are left.

That guy is a scrub. All he did in those vids was spam projectiles. He didnt do 1 wall bounce combo. This guy is stupid.

Edit: I posted on Youtube with u Emblem. That guy’s vid just annoyed me.

Also do Carlo i never liked him too much and i want to see whats possible with him.

lol. Double post ftw.

Ok, Carlo it is.



  • Good dash speed and attack speed. Doesn’t fly too far from attacks. (Middle Weight)

  • Hydro Spiral comes out fast, and has good travel speed. Gets bigger as it travels across the screen. His only wall combo finisher.

  • Has a Bread and Butter. Light attack, strong attack, Hydro Spiral.

  • A lot of his moves are safe on block. Which makes it hard to punish him. He also recovers fast from a lot of his moves, which makes it hard to punish him a well.

  • Hydro Blade is a decent close range move. Hits 3 times. Very safe. Cuts through projectiles.

  • Aqua Javelin is good for catching people who dash too much off guard. Hitting light attack after launching it will make the water flow in a line that is vertical to Carlo. Hitting strong attack will make it flow horizontally to him. If an opponent is foolish enough to dash after he uses the attack tap the appropriate button to hit them.

  • Aqua Gimlet. Great for projectile wars and for countering long range dash ins. Hits up to 3 times. He can aim it and it’s safe on block. He also recovers from the last strike very quickly.

  • He attacks with his long legs, which gives him good close attack range and helps him with his dash in attacks.

  • Bubble Mine makes a nice distraction. Carlo can do some nice things with it. If it’s hit it will explode and damage Carlo’s opponent if they are near it.

  • Hydro Trap is a powerful answer to hyper dash attacks. Carlo can counterattack physical moves, Special throws that use Psy energy, normal throws, and barrier breaks. This move does great damage and his very quick start up.


  • Aqua Gimlet leaves Carlo vulnerable while he launches the 3 hits. He is easily punished during this time. Also Carlo’s legs are exposed during the attack, so he can be knocked out it, if he is hit there. And the Aqua Gimlet hits 3 times so if it struck 3 times all 3 hits of it will be canceled out. The Aqua Gimlet will then pass through Carlo’s opponent dealing no damage. This is very rare, but it can be done. It usually happens with Burn’s exploder or Regina’s Spark Rain.

  • Hydro Blade has a blind spot. If Carlo unleashes it before an attack would strike him, he will usually take the hit when the Hydro Blade looks like it should have blown the attack away. This is because if it’s blind spot. The blind spot is located just around Carlo’s body. The hitbox of the Hydro Blade actually starts a few feet from him. You will notice when he does the attack that the water starts to form a little bit farther from his body. This area between Carlo and the water is the blind spot.

  • Hydro Blade and Aqua Gimlet suffer from a similar weakness. They both hit 3 times, but because Carlo thrives in midrange, he will usually only get 1 or 2 hits in from the attacks. This means he isn’t getting the full use out of his attacks.

  • Most of his moves have moderate start up time, so if he uses them in close range he risks getting grabbed or attacked out of them.

  • Using Hydro Trap is risky. Overuse will cause opponents to dash in with Psy moves. Or they could just wait until he uses Hydro Trap and then punish him.

  • Serpent Press is useless. Same reasons as Atomic Burner.

  • Bubble Mine is pretty much useless. If Carlo is hit when it’s out it will disappear, even if he is knocked off a barrier. It doesn’t last long at all either.

  • Carlos has the most lag after his throw. If he throws someone and they bounce off a wall, they will recover before him and then they can grab/attack/combo him.

  • Smart opponents won’t rush Carlo when he launches Aqua Javelin. They will just wait it out and keep their shield up. Carlo can’t rush them down, while the Aqua Javelin is out so he can’t do anything about them turtling.

Summary: Carlo is all about spacing his attacks and using them to pierce through the attacks of others to get damage in. He has a bread and butter, but it’s weak. At first glance it looks like he has some nice tricks through the use of Bubble Mine and Aqua Javelin. At high level play they are basically worthless. Aqua Javelin is easily contended with. His opponent just has to stay back and not dash around foolishly, then be ready with a barrier. Bubble Mine is one of the worst trap moves in the game. It doesn’t travel far and there are so many ways to deal with it. If Carlo makes it at long distance it will dissipate before it can even reach his opponent. It close distance he can be hit before he finishes forming it. A light projectile will destroy it and if Carlo takes a hit of any kind it will dissipate. It’s best use is a distraction. While his opponent is trying to get rid of it he can attack them freely. Serpent Press isn’t worth mentioning. His tricks may not be that good, but his space controlling moves are. Hydro Blade and Aqua Gimlet are solid moves. They have weaknesses, but they are good and reliable tools nonetheless. They are both safe on block with decent speed. Hydro Trap is a good counter to dash ins. With intelligent use it is a formidable weapon. Hydro Spiral is a good all around move for him. Very fast execution speed, good travel speed and it’s safe. His close range game suffers because his bread and butter is weak and his throw has so much lag afterwards. Not to mention that he can be attacked out of a lot of his moves. Hydro Trap and Hydro Spiral alleviate that somewhat, but he still has a hard time playing in close range. Aqua Gimlet is ok at close range, but still risky. It’s faster then Hydro Blade, but doesn’t have very quick start up time like Hydro Spiral. It should be used cautiously at close range. All in all Carlo is a solid mid tier character. Stay clear of his more worthless moves for the most part and stick to his midrange space controlling moves using Hydro Trap to get in big damage on predictable opponents. He is a safe versatile character with good mid range options and excellent at piercing through others projectiles.

Edit: So who’s next?

I’m going to talk about another important aspect of this game. Corner traps. I’ll discuss both the offensive and defensive sides. First the offense.

Corner Traps: Offense

So you have managed to push your opponent into a corner. Now what? Well, like all aspects of gameplay in Psychic Force 2012 corner traps are all about spacing, positioning, the character your using and mindgames. For all of our examples we will use the bottom left corner of the giant cube that battles are conducted in, although it really doesn’t matter which corner you are in.

Now let’s look at our scenario. Your opponent is in the corner and you have some choices you can make. What you do will vary greatly on how much psy you have and how much they have. Also on their state of mind. It is the instinct of cornered animals to try to flee or get away as quickly as possible. Use this to your advantage. How? By giving them a false opening. Let’s say you are hugging the wall of the corner. So now it seems like the right side is exposed. This means the corner has an escape route right? Wrong! You can throw a basic projectile towards the right side, and as they flee they will get hit. A basic and effective mindgame. It works quite well though because of the powerful desire to get out of the corner as quickly as possible.

Another route to take is the simple, effective, safe route. Instead of doing a mindgame you just throw out a fast safe psy move to pressure your opponent. If it hits them, then you can combo from there with a grab/psy move. If not then that’s fine too. They will shield it and the guessing game starts over. You could just rush them with a hyper dash and start that guessing game. Of course if they slide dash you will in the corner so be careful. but if you expect that you can just Hyper dash grab. You could also rush them with a barrier break if they have gotten used to blocking psy moves in the corner. The pressure game usually works best when you aren’t hugging the cube walls, but are in-between them aligned with the corner. It should look like your character is looking right at the corner of the cube itself. By hovering at this position you become very intimidating and, it gives the impression that the corner trap is inescapable. All of the characters have different moves for corner traps, although some are better at it then others. Setsuna has Mirror coffin and Daggers Shadow. Burn has Exploder, Flame Shoot, etc. I will list all of the characters moves that are good for corner traps after my explanations.

There is a second stage to corner traps. The second stage occurs when you have attacked your opponent and they have hit the wall twice. This will cause them to go into a downed state where they will be invincible for several frames. What you do next will depend on whether or not they have enough Psy for a Psy impulse. If they do have enough then you should probably just dash away or shield in order to deal with the psy impulse. But you have to know that is what your opponent is planning to do. The safest thing to do is dash away before they recover from the downed state. The corner trap will end though if you do that. If you want to continue it then you really have mix it up in these situations. They may not let out a psy impulse they may just get up and barrier, dash away, or try to do a quick psy attack. If you think they will do that then just pressure them as you normally would. Or to deter them from doing a psy impulse you could give them a false opening. They may not use an impulse because they think they can escape and then you can nail them. If you shield a psy impulse I would say that you can still get in their face and pressure them with a Hyper dash afterwards. But if you always rush them after shielding an impulse they will expect it and then start getting you with psy attacks or countering your hyper dash with slide dashes. Be unpredictable. All in all you can’t really do much about a Psy impulse because it covers a wide radius and they are invincible to all attacks while doing it. Also there are two versions of Psy impulses depending on the button you press. Hitting L will make a quick Psy impulse with a small radius. Hitting S will form a slower impulse with a huge radius.

If they don’t have enough Psy for an impulse then you can continue with your normal corner trap guessing game.

Most reliable methods- Generally you will want to stick with barrier breaks, 1 or 2 really solid corner traps moves, and rush down combos. Barrier breaks will take care of people who try to barrier a lot when in the corner and out of a downed state. Your corner trap moves will be your tools for pressuring, false openings, to deal with characters that may try to use Psy moves of their own or dash in for attacks. Rush down combos and hyper dashing in general will add more pressure to your opponent forcing them to think and act quickly. You can still throw, barrier, or dash away, but you usually won’t need to. Although throwing is good for dealing with people who like to dash right in to get you off of them. Dashing away or shielding will usually be used when dealing with Psy impulses.

Next post I’ll list what move each character has for corner traps and why they are good. Then I’ll talk about how to defend against corner traps.

Check out the character match ups in this guys faq.

Too funny.


I was looking over old reviews of psychic force 2012 and it’s just sad. This game is so wonderful to me. Good story, unforgettable characters and deep, intricate gameplay that is original and engaging.

Still some reviewers called it a simple game and compared it to street fighter and all the like. I was disgusted. It just seems like this game never had a chance. As soon as they saw it wasn’t a tradiotnal fighter it just got blown off without a second thought.

I hate it! I get kind of angry. I feel like our gaming community as a whole just doesn’t want to experience anything new or different. People don’t want change. They just want the same old bullshit. I loved Psychic force because it put a new spin on an old genre. It was unique while surrounded by conformity.

To make it worse, it was on the dreamcast. The tome of the dreamcast was considered the golden age for fighting games and psychic force was still overlooked.

Why can’t people see this game for the gem that it really is? It makes me scared for psychic force 3. I don’t even know if it will come to America because if it does it will just sell poorly.

This game has such a huge following in japan. Do they appreciate fighters more then us? Is our community satisfied with companies giving us the same old same old all the time? I guess so, since EVO is only just now accepting smash even though it draws huge crowds, has deep gameplay, and is also very unique.

But there’s the proof right there. People are stubborn and not willing to give new things a chance.

Whatever. That’s fine I guess. Me? I’m going to continue to play new fighters and experince different ways of playing. Even if I have to import pyshic force 3.

Ok. I just wanted to get that off my chest. I’ll post more gameplay stuff later.

I wish Japs made some match vids of this game.

it was in the arcade there wasn’t it? Does anyone know what the japanese reception to the game was like?

My post got deleted due to the system restore… anyways, what I had in my previous post was that there is a game called Senko no Ronde (a versus shmup) that is similar to Psychic Force. If you want to know more about the game, check out some match videos on youtube (the game comes stateside next month on the Xbox 360).

I was gonna mention Senko No Ronde. There similar, but not that similar. PSychic Force 2012 is a fighter. Senko No Ronde is a versus shooter.

In that, you don’t really get melee combos and grabs like you do in PSychic Force 2012.

Whoever posted about Arisaka (veteran Japanese Guilty Gear) being a PSychic Force champion. I’m begging you to find me some footage. It was ranked best game of 1998 over Soul Calibur and Virtua Fighter 3tb, I need to see why.

There a 2 games similar to this. One not so much in gameplay, but in theme. The second game looks alot like PSychic Force 2012, except its a touch screen game and its on Sega’s Lindbergh (not out yet)!

The Former, Phantom Dust:

The Latter, Psy-Phi:

I can see why it was voted as best fighter over those games. If you look deep into the gameplay mechanics of Psychic Force few games can compare to it.

It is so intricate and so original. Every time I play this game with my freind we discover something new. And I still have alot to say about other characters and other aspects of gameplay.

wth happened to my post?! O.O

I was the one with the Arisaka info. And no, no movies (i wish there were ANY vids from japan).

Yeah, Gamest magazine awarded it as best game of the year. There were even strats and a tier list of PS2012, if i remembered correctly.

Too bad, Gamest died in 99, 00 …

I think Patty was considered low tier (chinese friend was kinda able to decipher her name).

Ah well, this game is so boom.

PS I just noticed the big strat posts here. Gonna read some of that when I have time and maybe add something to it.

PS2. Anyone played X/1999 for PSX? It was almost the same like PS2012. Even made by taito. Pretty similar characters even (move sets, etc.)

What was nice, it focused more on close combat instead of long range. A lot more meter management too.

yeah, the reason I picked up PF2012 in the first place was its similarity to X/1999. From the elemental stuff to the cube barrier things it was freakishly similar.

Does anyone have screens of the X game?

And I’m amazed a gaming magazine actually gave PF due credit.

Heres a copy on X 1999 on Ebay. I love that film.

I wanna see Arisaka playing (his Robo-Ky is so good).

You guys really have to check out Phantom Dust.