Helter Skelter: No, but I have a question for you. You have played this game right? So what exactly do you expect to see in high level play? I’m just curious. Do you have any competition?
I don’t know if these are from tournaments, training sessions, or just freindly bouts, but I know onw thing. The players in these vids know thier shit. They do everything I mentioned. Perfect shielding, wall barrier, close wall combos, far wall combos. They use alot of dash dancing with the slide dash. They even use the light projectile in smart ways. Check out these vids.
You won’t be dissappointed.
I found these by typing in Psychic force Gameplay into google and told it to search japanese sites only. I was able to find a website called mocovideo.jp. From their I typed in Psychic force 2012 and found these vids.
Setsuna vs Wendy
Emilio vs Burn
Regina vs Patty
Edit: I found the profile of the guy that uploaded the vids. He put them on youtube as well. So I just replaced the links with the links from youtube. I’m going to message the guy that put them up and ask him to upload more vids. I suggest everyone here do the same. He’ll probably put more up if more people show an interest.
These vids are of japanese players.
Edit: Fixed the Emilio vs Burn link.
dude I feel special that guy plays Regina alot like me. And that Burn v Emilio Match is hot.
I can’t believe this game actually has high level play. Lol, I’d like to see some vids but my comp’s too slow…
Hahaha, Cool thread, I play this game alot, Regina and Keith ftw ;), and Emilio.
Who bumped this?
*Looks up
Ahh, I see.
I’ll post more strats later.
Emblemlord, you need to put some videos up.
There are vids up sir. Not of me. But of players from Japan. Scroll up on this page to check them out.
I wanted to see, some of yours.
OH NOEZ its back!!! I still say Regina FTW…but Emilio is broke.
I’ll see what I can do Helter Skelter.
I still play this game, its the shit (: , umm i was wondering if someone could tell me the pros and cons for patty, and any traps she might have (:
My fav charcater was this dude who had Guile type hair, I swear he was the mian character storyline wise ?
Whats his name
Patty went down. Everything else is the same.
Top- Wong, Emilio (Both are tied for the rank of number one)
Lower Top- Burn, Kieth
High- Setsuna
Middle- Might, Gudeath, Carlo, Genshin, Regina
Low- Wendy, Patty
Bottom- Gates
I decided to move her down to low tier after chun_li1 said Gamest magazine had her there. After thinking about it I realized that I was seriously overrating Patty. Mostly because my friend uses her and does well when we face each other.
Since HIGHDER asked for Patty strats I will do her critique.
Here it is.
Fast dash and fast attacker. (Light weight)
Decent basic projectile. Decent travel speed and start up. Sets off prelude keys, giving them the shortest travel speed and smallest size.
Prelude Keys are very useful. Can’t be destroyed by her opponent. They last very long. About 38 seconds in game time. They can clank with enemy projectiles. They can be set off by alot of her other moves which include Holy Whisper, other Prelude Keys, Eternal Harp, Resonance, Sonic Rhapsody, Holy Purge and Saint Requiem. They can cause massive damage if an opponent gets caught in area of exploding Prelude Keys. Different moves will determine how big the keys are when they are set off and how far they travel. She can have 9 on screen at the most.
Eternal Harp will set off all Prelude Keys on screen. This move will cause the Prelude Keys to travel the farthest and give them the largest size.
Sweet Tone let’s Patty throw out her sound ball so she can now make Prelude Keys farther away. Resonance will let her activate Prelude keys and cancel out projectiles. Resonance has the weakest activation for Prelude Keys, giving them the smallest size and the shortest travel speed. Sweet tone can be aimed for better control of where she wants to put Prelude keys.
Sonic Rhapsody can be aimed in any direction. Gives Prelude Keys medium size and medium travel distance once it set’s them off. Sonic Rhapsody also bounces off walls so it’s great for mindgames and being tricky. Can far wall combo with this as well.
Reverse Noise counters any psy move attack. Does damage equal to the damage of the attack it countered. Activates quickly. When she sends out the reverse noise to attach to her opponent it will nullify any other projectiles.
Holy Purge can be used to keep an opponent pinned down. Can also be used as a shield for Patty. Nullifies projectiles and will hit an opponent if they run into it. Good for when you want to keep an opponent in an area full of Prelude Keys.
Saint Requiem will detonate Prelude Keys giving them the largest size and second longest travel speed. Patty is invincible during this move. This attack nullifies projectiles.
Flies far from attacks. (Light weight)
No bread and butter combo
No close range game what so ever. If someone gets in her face then she only has the basic options to defend herself.
Reverse Noise can be blocked which really limits it’s usefulness. Only when it is used at very close range or when it counters a laggy move will Patty actually get it off. She can also be hit out of it, if a move hits her after the Reverse Noise is launched.
Holy Purge takes 90% of Patty’s Psy which is a massive amount. It also only last about 8 seconds in game time. It can hit an opponent, but won’t deal damage. Still any follow up damage will do less damage due to damage scaling. Also attacks can still get past the Holy Purge because the barrier itself is made out of 5 rotating sound waves. Finally, her opponent can be knocked outside of the barrier.
She is a defensive character so she really has no way to take control of a match or dictate it’s pace. She can only react and wait until she has an opportunity to catch an opponent off guard and score some damage.
You may end up setting off more Prelude Keys then you wanted too, since keys will detonate other keys. This can end up spoiling your plans. Patty doesn’t have alot of control over her keys which hurts her game.
Summary: Patty is a very interesting character. She is all about hanging back and waiting, then catching her opponent completely off guard with a detonated prelude key, which can then lead to more damage from other detonated keys, a psy attack from Patty, or a combo from Patty. If an opponent is pinned down by approaching keys then Patty may be able to dash in and go for a barrier break. She is purely a defensive/tricky character. She relies heavily on Prelude Keys and Sonic Rhapsody for mindgame purposes. She is a light weight so she is very quick, which is good since she needs to be able to keep her distance. And she has other tools to help her overall game. Sweet Tone will be used to make Prelude Keys at longer distances while Patty can remain safe. Resonance can detonate them and nullify projectiles at the same time. Sonic Rhapsody as stated before will be used for mindgames and so Patty can stay unpredictable. It can bounce off walls setting off keys as it goes so an opponent can’t dash around recklessly.She can also use it in far wall combos. Holy Purge can be used to fence someone in while Patty drops more keys, or they can used to pin someone down in an area where there are already a bunch of keys and then Patty can detonate them. She can also use it as a shield. Reverse Noise augments Patty’s defense allowing her to get projectile spammers off her back. Saint Requiem is fairly basic. Sets off Prelude Keys and surrounds Patty with energy that causes damage. Eternal Harp is a move that will only see use when trying to catch an unweary opponent off guard. Holy Whisper is very basic and probably won’t see too much use because of Sonic Rhapsody. Although her moves are solid for the most part a couple have some problems, namely Holy Purge and Reverse Noise. Holy Purge takes alot of psy and is a little lackluster. It doesn’t last long and the hits cause no damage. Plus projectiles can still sneak past the barrier. Reverse Noise is a little worse off. Even though it’s a counter attack it can be blocked with a barrier. And if it counters a move that deals no damage then it will deal no damage in return. She also has little control over her keys in terms of when they detonate and which direction they travel in. Once one goes off, most likely the others will go off as well. She has some other problems as well. For one thing she has no close range game at all. Not one of her moves is even decent for close range. So she really can’t do anything at that range besides the basics. And she lacks a bread and butter combo which hinders her close range game even more. But her biggest weakness of all is what really hurts her. It’s not her moves or even the fact that she has no close range game. It’s the fact that she is a defensive character. Patty must bide her time and pick her moments. This means for one thing, that her opponent controls the pace of the match. If her opponent is reckless Patty will catch them off guard with her keys and her tricks. But if they are patient and know when to barrier, when to rush and know to stay on her then she hits a wall that she really can’t overcome. She has no answer to close range combat other then the basics. And since her game revolves around dropping keys and waiting, she really can’t force her opponent to move or act rashly so she can take advantage of it. This also means she has no way to do good consistent damage on her own. She just has to wait until her opponent screws up so she can get some damage in. And it doesn’t help her defensive game when her main defensive move, Reverse Noise can be blocked. Patty is a complex character that requires alot of thought and planning to play correctly. She is very mindgame/trap heavy and perfect for an advanced player. But her limitations hold her back. Her lack of a close range game, inability to do consistent damage or take control of a match, and the flaws of some of her moves regulate her to low tier.
^ nice, and thanks alot (:
EmblemLord, read you PM’s.
I ordered the Gamest Mook strategy guide for Psychic Force 2012 today.
It should arrive within a few days.
I’m very excited. Gamest always released guides for fighters in the 90’s, but they wnet bankrupt I believe. Still, some of their old magazines are still floating aorund, but they are extremely hard to find.
I’m interested in thier tier list. I know there will be some differences, but I want to see if there are any huge differences like Emilio in low tier or something.
If someone I have in mid tier is is one or two spaces lower then thats not a big deal. Wong or Emilio any lower then 3rd or 4th at the absolute most would be a huge deal and I would really try to think hard on why they would be placed there. Gamest magazine had a reputation for being spot on in terms of advanced gameplay and tiers so more then likely thier tiers will be correct. So it’s exciting to see how my tier list compares to a tier list from a prestigious fighting game magazine.
Some random stuff on Carlo :
- I center my gameplay sometimes around the Water Bubble.
Good stuff about Bubble :
Acts like a shield against dash ins or dash like specials (sucks & traps them on contact)
Negates projectile - good in projectile battles when both parties shoot at same time.
Bubble does decent space control thanks too it moving around. Genshin is still better at it, but Bubble is hella lot easier to use.
Bubble Mine is ok, but I have serious beef with it.
Hitting Carlo with a barrier will get rid of it. That’s just really lame if you ask me.
Carlo should use it, since using it is definitely better then not using it, but it could have been a much better move. Also the travel speed is low and it can’t go from side of the screen to the other so Carlo is forced to use this thing in mid-range. It would have been so much better if the travel speed was a little faster so he could actually make the mine at long range, but he can’t which sucks.
Also if it detonates and hits someone the damage is 120, but if it actually captures someone then the damage is 240. Bubble Mine won’t catch anyone the majority of the time since it’s easy to avoid or get rid of. It’s best use as I both I and chun_li1 have agreed is for space control and as a mid-range shield. So you will be using it for it’s ability to take a hit and detonate upon recieving that hit, so you do not get the full damage potential of this move.
I think this move would have been much better if it didn’t dissappear when Carlo bounces off a barrier. That alone would have really made it more useful. Also being able to destroy with light projectiles kind of sucks for this move too, but it’s not THAT big of a deal.
Anyway I encourage people to pst what they think about certain moves or strats.
Always fun to talk and debate.
I’ll post Gudeath’s critique later.
Its good to see people talking about PF2012 every years, this game is so unique and have some depth and deserve attention !
I’d like to know which version does people play here ? ( PC,PSX, DC, PS2 ) ?
I use to play on DC for a while but since PF COMPLETE is out, I moved onto PS2 and try PF2012EX ( love the addition of PF1 characters )
Each version have differences in term of gameplay (don t really know if its enough to change the balance in the end)
Ok is a little Off topic but I found this link interesting ^^!
sort of PF clone without close combat
Rozen Maiden: Geppetto Garden