Hirai said we will get the network up this week. If by saturday theres nothing, then he is a liar bastard and I will move to xbox live.
I’m giving it to Saturday at 4pm EST…
Saturday?! Seriously!?
Shaking my head @ sony.Why do yall make dates for shit to work and it dont.Sony is fucking up big time man.
This is a really annoying part of this fiasco. On top of all the BS associated with my information being stolen, which is 100x worse than the service being down, it’s also impossible to get a decent answer from Sony on when the network will be back up.
They could easily have said “Late Next Week” if they couldn’t nail down Thursday or Friday. At this point I’m assuming they meant 11:59PM Friday night.
So I get to check google a few times a day, to no avail. No new information that is meaningful and the damn thing is never up.
I should have just spent the $10 a month on XBL.
Security Expert: Sony Knew Its Software Was Obsolete Months Before PSN Breach - The Consumerist
Justin.tv - ~?? Chicky ??~ - CSPAN - A Look at Threat of Data Theft (cont.)
If you guys haven’t seen these yet, more info, less answers…
EDIT: This is the original thread I got these from (http://boards.ign.com/ps3_lobby/b8269/202144270/p1)
Ugh, Update your Shit Sony. Srs.
And now your moment of zen.
Our leaders playing playstation. (some of ours I mean)
Is Obama playing Playstation? That’s awesome!
Hillary gasping in sheer awe of his gdlk combos
This is no longer simply about playing online or waiting for Sony’s Network Servers to jump back on. The severity or consequences of this issue, imo is going to be far greater.
Goodbye to all the small sites out there, goodbye to internet freedom and most importantly, goodbye to internet pr0n. Looks like it’s back to buying DVD’s/BlueRays again.
Just saying…
There will probably be some heavy handed law that comes down at some point regarding password/credit card storage.
In regards to passwords, I hope if they pass a law it differs in application depending on if financial transactions occur. Big companies like Microsoft, Sony, PayPal, Banks, etc should be required by law to protect your information to the best of their abilities. Joe shits forum shouldn’t be regulated.
I’m sure just the opposite will happen, but I don’t want to go off into a political rant. lol
And Obama’s just like ‘Ain’t nothing but a thang~’
Its 9pm where Iam at an no psn wow this is getting really annoying first I heard tuesday which is the day sony updates there psn which sounds true then I heard thursday an still not on an now its friday -_- well it could be on 1min b4 midnight
Service Restoration Update ? PlayStation Blog
but sony said this week? did they lie to us? they better add more to what they are giving us its been like what 15 or 16 days so far
Well im guessing that it might be up late tomorrow night or monday morning.
The sad thing about all this is Sony knew they gave a sort of date, but giving a date just makes us all the more mad when they can’t make that date. It’s even worse when they keep saying next week and all we can say is “that’s what you said last week…” Hopefully sony can fix themselves by Tuesday (which would be a normal PSN update day anyway.)