It would be nice to have a list of PSN or XBOX tags for CAPS who would like to session with others, especially with UMVC3 spectator mode coming out.
I’ll try and update this as much as I can. So yeah, just put down your PSN/XBOX name, and maybe your current rank or region.
*forum name- psn/xbox tag - region PSN:
im training with him for ultimate…if you guys want to help me out my screen name is themetrokard xbox 360. still cant land his combos online for some reason
XBL - no ranked matches played
east coast (have good connects with some of my west coast friends)
Had a lot of fun with Mythos13x yesterday, and his friend Tim (who is hilariously fun to fight). Always up for some matches/training. Message me first just in case my friends list is full so I can clear some room or at least setup a game, and invite you.
I should have the game for ps3 also in a few days (heck maybe I’ll go pick it up tonight if I have time). I just got the ps3 yesterday so feel free to hit me up, and make me run to the store to pick up another copy of a game I already own on the other system lol.