PS3/XBOX360 Captain Americans

Thx man im trying and that is that sleepy from the D

PSN: mybodyisinfested

PSN: huh-disaintawii
(meant to be ‘Huh? This ain’t a wii!’)

I’m looking to get some practice in so I can start to attend tournaments/competitions. I’ve also changed my team so I’m looking to bring the new addition up to scratch :slight_smile:

YawDan I’ll send you an invite to get in some matches to help you get up to par. The best way to get ready to go to a tourney/competition is…to just go lol. However I’m still more than willing to get in as much practice as you want.

I’m buying a headset very soon so I can actually talk with people besides text messages, it goes A LONG way to help training.


Haha thanks, I’m away from the weekend but I will look out for you when I’m online… I also haven’t participated yet because I don’t have a pad converter lol, but still I’m not looking to get bodied on stream haha so thank you :smiley:

lol even those of us that HAVE been to tournies and locals get bodies sometimes…it comes for us all whenever it wishes. avoiding it is futile lol.

on the other hand if you have any local weekly gtg’s then you should absolutely go to them, you’ll get a ton better for it, and be much less likely to get bodies on stream lol. last night we did an in house tourney and it was a blast!

first prize was a sexy bag of doritos, I came close to getting them…thankfully I don’t eat doritos anyway lol.


XBL: le b3nz0r

Might catch me randomly playing Training Mode, always down for searching for a player match with language set to Italiano at the same time so we can lobby up with a rematch option instead of the crap they put you through in lobby mode. :wink:

XBL: Cee Dizzy

You will catch me with this game on pretty much all the time unless one of my friends or brothers beg me to play something else. My Cap team is CapAm/Nemesis/Hawkeye or Taskmaster.

My Sgt. Justice awaits any and all comers: PSN: Nerfed2much

PS3: ScanVisor. (I’m thinking of buying a new account soon called “USALeonHeart”.)

Im looking for someone to train me! LoL I just picked up this game. Im an old school street fighter player, i havent played much new era Street Fighter/Marvel. My current team is Cap/Dorm/Doom.

Breadwp on PS3

m3x d3lun3z on Xbox - mainly run Spencer, Chris, and Cap. Live in L.A. Best thing about the team is when I accidentally call out caps assist at the same time as otg-ing into Chris’s All The Weapons hyper and Cap’s Charging Star assist knocks the opponent out of the combo and he then politely apologizes “Sorry Soldier!” before shamefully leaping off-screen.

XBLT: ARK Nutrient from Ireland, Europe

Add me for some Captain America or Haggar matches

I don’t play online too often as I’m busy beasting the UMVC3 scene in Dublin personally:p

Bucky costume too sick

Ps3: huh-disaintawii

If you have the elder sister, or the little sister, who are above 18, tell em add me yo!!
Lol I love Chris Hu :smiley:


I’m in UK.

Xbl: whatupike


PSN: ironbenji

My PSN: EpicRamen

My team: Captain America/Vergil/Strider.
Just hit me up when I’m online.

my PSN: CaptainCanadian
