PS3 MadCatz SFIV SE just died from static electricity!

I am 100% positive my TE stick just was fried from static electricity. Same problem as others with the joystick being locked in the down position. I’m fucking pissed because I spent a lot of time putting custom mods into this stick. Can I just replace the joystick or am I fucked?

have to ask… did you unplug your jlf when you mod?

All I did was buttons, stick, artwork, and painting. So the answer is no.

I had a Madcatz xbox headset that broke the same way. It actually shocked my face before shorting out. :frowning: All is well now though. get a TE!

the stick IS the jlf. Sounds like you put the cable back on backwards. Easy fix

Exact same thing happened to me few days ago. Anybody have any advice on fixing this?