PS All-Stars patch 1.02 Notes

Yo! PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale has been out for a week and a half, and we’ve already gotten heaps of constructive feedback from the community regarding everything from game balance to the online experience. With that said, we have our first patch going live early next week. Changes include:
[]A new item, Medusa’s Gaze, has been added to the game
]View Invites has been added to the Party Bar Menu
[]Voice chat icon added to loading screens
]AI logic enhancements
[]Network performance improvements
]Issue where players were stuck with a different character than the one picked has been addressed
[]Issue with matchmaking in regards to player skill has been addressed
]Overall improvements to network connectivity
[]Sackboy changes
]Level 1 Super - Increase cost from 100 to 150 AP
[]Level 2 Super - Increase cost from 325 to 400 AP
]Level 3 Super - Increase cost from 600 to 750 AP
[]Jam Session (Neutral Triangle) - Reduced AP generation from 25 down to 10 AP
]Cakeinator (Neutral Circle) - Reduced AP generation from 25 down to 20 AP
We want to thank everyone for all the feedback we’ve received since launch. It helps us tremendously in improving the All-Stars experience. We’ll continue to closely monitor the data coming in as players online continue to kick-punch-chop their way through the leaderboards! And we ask that you keep tweeting, posting, and discussing ways that your experience with the game can be improved.


inb4buttfrustrated sackboy mains

That was fast…

Sir Dan Buffs when?

Thank you very much Superbot! I consider myself proud to belong to a community whose game developers work so quickly in catering to our wants and needs.

Guess we’ll be seeing much less salty dances from Sackboy. Keep up the good work

Great changes, and much needed ones at that. Really excited for the future of the game based on all the support Superbot has given it so far!

Well…the Sackboy players I know are going to be pissed. But other than that…wow, this is a responsive game. Awesome stuff.

Sackboy is the new Sentinel

Sentinel was proven to be not as good later on in UMvC3, especially when Sent not getting a HUGE boost from X-Factor like it did in Vanilla.

The fact that you could get 2-3 Kills off of one Lv.3 in 1v1 play is absurd. Period. As well as being able to charge up for another lv.2 super nearly immediately after… yeah. Sackboy is still good, but no longer gdlk like most would say he would be.

Does anybody know what the Medusa’s Head does?

Well Medusa in mythology turns you to stone if you look at her. So just guess.

I assume it would have similar effect with cole’s ice shoot but longer duration which means FREE LV 1 :smiley:

From what I heard, the Medusa head kills you and well counts as a kill/stock on whoever got hit.


I’d much rather it be an item that kills than sets up a kill, because there are already 5 or so items that do that.

Since Medusa’s Head kills I assume it will be a rare drop. I doubt that a item of that effect will be spawn regularly

If that’s the case I think I’d be okay with Nariko’s level 1 and 2 supers remaining only circumstantially useful. The new items (along with the ones in place) lessen that flaw enough that it doesn’t overshadow all of her strengths.

Sir Dan could still use some adjustments to his supers though ha ha.

Alot of level 1’s need to be adjusted, since not everyone can combo into their lv1’s.

Yo just bought myself a copy for PS Vita.

Do the patches come out simultaneously for PS3 and Vita? I would assume so since it’s cross platform.

Yeah, Nariko and Big Daddy probably need their level 1’s tweaked. Plus I think some level 2’s could use a change, like Sweet Tooth’s and Spike’s.