Protest followed by massive looting in STL


Um yeah, so *coworker of my ex gf mentioned on her facebook how employees at another wal-mart closer to the incident ended up locking themselves in the store to evade these hooligans last night. Not to mention cops from several different counties+SWAT assist pooling into the area :bluu:

I hate these fuckers that use this as excuse to vandalise and loot, they do nothing but illegitamize the situation.

It’s because they almost always destroy their own neighborhoods. If they vandalized somewhere else it’d have a large impact.

^An incident tailor-made for raz0r’s grist mill if I ever saw one.

I mean, there’s no evidence backing up either side. It could have been justified but we don’t know.

If I were a business owner, home owner or both I would he pissed about this situation as there have been enough of these incidents being found to be bs, that I’d be heavily invested in who was patrolling the streets and how well they could handle themselves.

Same goes for local civilians. That involve being active in your local community though, and most people aren’t trying to have that.

This focus on the protesting over the actual action is ridiculous. The focus needs to be squarely put on the cops in this situation. If the cops had not shot the unarmed boy then there would have been no looting or protests. Yet, no one is asking why won’t the shooter or the officers involved be given up?

The Revolution is about to start. Humanity is getting tired of the government elites that have had us enslaved for so long.

Cops are just psychopathic bullies that have been hired by the government to keep us intimidated and in a constant state of fear so that we will not question the illegitimate authority of our governments

oh hey, a fellow black man got killed, I’mma go steal some shoes. That will show those pigs.

even if its not justified, you’re simply going to retort with he ahould have complied.

Idiots using the vigil to loot don’t legitimize what happened

We don’t know all the details but what we do know is the guy was unarmed and one witness said he had his hands in the air. A bunch of dumbass fools looting don’t make his killing legitimate especially if he was complying…

Unfortunately that’s what will be associated with this case now is niggas looting and be a diversion from the real issues of the incident. I just watched LZ Granderson on CNN talking about it and sure enough the anchor mentioned it in a question that implied she questioned if LZ saw anything wrong with the looting. Because all niggas are ignorant right? Conservatives will definitely try to use the looting as a counter argument to the issue of minorities and police having such bad tension

Fucking rioters, it always sucks how people are always too busy robbing shit from their own fucking community to ever target the people they’re meant to be pissed at when this shit goes down, same shit happened when the riots were happening in England.

Yes a few police cars got vandalised, they were probably parked near the fucking shops.

Exactly. The looting is a symptom of what took place. In order to solve this problem all the police force of Ferguson has to do is say who did the shooting and the officers involved. As of now there have been no reports that I have seen of who was involved. Let’s stop talking about the looting and start focusing on the real issue. The police force protecting the cop(s) who killed an unarmed black kid.

They are both their own issue.

There is no justification for going around trashing and stealing shit from people who had nothing to do with the incident because the police commited a murder, the only valid target is the policemen who caused the initial incident themselves, anyone targetting anyone else deserves to be put up against the wall alongside the policemen who shot that kid no excuses.

Just an fyi, he was saying the theft delegitimized the protests, not that it legitimized the killing

Had the government of Ferguson not protected the cops who committed this tragedy there would likely be no trashing, stealing and vandalism of other people’s property. I have asked this before but what is the community supposed to do? We all agree that the looting was not correct but what do you do?

Do you wait for the police system that got you into this situation into the first place? That would be retarded. If anything the government of Ferguson is by far a bigger issue than the looting. The looting is only a subset of the bigger issue. The bigger issue is where are the cops that participated the killing? Everytime something like this comes up people always say that the looting and stealing and such are wrong, but the first and foremost thing is addressing the issue with law enforcement. Nothing else comes before that as the riots in Watts and Los Angeles have already proven.

If I punch you does that make it right for you to punch a random stranger who didn’t have shit to do with it?

That is what the looters are doing and whatever they are supposed to do, that isn’t it.

I don’t agree with the looting, but if they are going to do, go after the police HQ. Trash city Hall.

But the rioting last night was just a response to a bad relationship between the police/city and the community.

You go after the fucking politicians who actually control the police and make damn sure they reign in the dogs, or if not they’re out of office. Also civilian monitoring is a big plus to unveiling a lot of the bullshit the police tend to get away with(an interesting thing about this incident is that Ferguson police actually have body cams for police to wear, but haven’t started using them yet :confused:). Also a strong economic base in the community greatly helps with reigning in politicians(or just making them irrelevant), as politicians pretty much respond to the highest bidder, and don’t give two shits about a march. /shrugs