Thanks toodles, your words mean a lot. Once I have a PIC programmed to do the switching, the very last thing I need to do to make this truly awesome is to create custom pcb’s using surface mount components and wire+ribbon connectors.
Do it man
Soldering paste + toaster oven those things up
Or you could get a company to put the SMDs on for you… I’ve been looking into it for you and it seems hella expensive.
For shits and giggles I bought a Nyko play and charge kit because I read somewhere that it’s circuit is pretty basic compared to the offical MS cable.
This is what all is in it.
1 Integrated Circuit
LM393 - Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator
1 Diode
3 transistors
2A (3 pins)
B772 (4 pins)
D882 (4 pins)
9 resistors
1 capacitor
1 led
I wish the 360 had a better auto sync method that didn’t need a play and charge cable.
I think all that crap is irrelevant. On the play and charge kit I looked at (official Microsoft), the D+/D- pins are connected directly from the connector. I’m pretty sure all the circuitry in there is to do LED blinking and other garbage.
Does the PnC really do autosyncing like the sixaxis does? I’ve never used or owned one, so I seriously dont know. I’ve only ever used the Sync button.
I’ve tested 3 different brands of PnC cables and all 3 of them will auto sync the controller.
If I remember correctly, I tried to directly connect the 4 usb wires to the controller but it wouldn’t turn on.
I’m determined to figure this out because I don’t want to keep spending $10 for the PnC cable just for its auto sync.
I’ll be camping this weekend so I figured I’ll post the guides I have finished so far. I might add a bit more tomorrow. I have came up with the name Project Leo for this. In the guide it will explain my reasoning. Oh Toodles, how did you come up with the name Cthulhu? It’s so…odd of a name, I don’t even know how its pronounced.
Hi Gummowned,
very ql tutorial!! Heres in an addition for the LiPo Charger on basis of max 1811. The PCB is ready
In earlier posts I’ve posted the wrnng pic.
Big tentacled god monster thing from H. P. Lovecraft. I guess tentacles = consoles.
I added how to wire up the usb charger and DPDT switches to the guide. Everything that is needed to do a dual wireless mod is now posted in the guide. Feel free to ask me questions about the guide as I already know its pretty shitty.
fantastic guide gummowned!!! Im currently wiring up the CG sixaxis board, should have it finished by today. quick question, Where do I order the parts for the charger?
Just curious why you aren’t using the sixaxis to charge the li-ion cell. Won’t it charge any cell you plug into the terminals when plugged in via usb?
You can go to the Maxim home site and order a free sample.
Because I don’t have a ps3 to test various scenarios like what would happen if you were playing on the 360 and the battery was charging through the sixaxis. Would the sixaxis board power on? Would it cause the ps3 that it was synced to turn on? Would it only charge and only connect to the ps3 after pressing home?
Plus I don’t know if the sixaxis is able to safely charge other lithium ion cells. Not something I’m willing to thoroughly test out.
You can always do a two battery setup too. Its not like there’s only one way to do a dual wireless setup.
Just letting you know that it works. The 360 takes 3.7v fine, the sixaxis doesn’t turn on but blinks like when it’s charging (because it is). I haven’t tried charging other cells, but as long as you use a protected li-ion cell I don’t think you have much to worry about. If you’re worried about giving 3.7v to the 360 there is ~2.8v regulated available somewhere on the sixaxis controller even when it’s off.
I can confirm this works The regulated 2.8v on the sixaxis is definitely a power supply. I tested it to 50 or 100 mA (I forget which) and it provided the power just fine without budging the voltage at all. It powered the 360 pad without any problems.
Does anyone know where the D+ and D- lines are on the CG 360 pad for the PnC? I’d like to try hooking them up to a cable directly to see how well or if it works.
Thanks for the info. Wheres the location to that 2.8v?
I need to check the charging rate for the sixaxis. The max1811 can charge at 100ma or 500ma, so the max1811 might offer faster charging. The reason I’m worried about charging the cell is because the cells I have are not protected (extracted from laptop battery). If the sixaxis can safely charge other cells, then I guess the max1811 can be taken out. Though, the guide/home button would then have to be added to the switch so that the sixaxis doesn’t turn on when playing on 360.
If you flip the board on its back the order of the pins is 5v,D-,D+,?,?,?,Ground
why not use this board? any cons you see on this on this besides the no select button on it?
I measured the sixaxis charging a cell at 350ma. So the max1811 has the option to charge slower or faster than the sixaxis (@ 100ma or 500ma).
I also need to make a change in the guide about how to differentiate between CG and NCG wireless 360 controllers. I was wrong about thinking that if the bottom plastic was a dull gray, then it is CG. It turns out that’s not true, however it is still true that if its a shinny silver then it is NCG. I do have a 100% method, but it requires to take the battery pack off and taking a peek at the exposed pcb. I might design a common ground mod for the ncg wireless 360 boards when I make a custom pcb.
The only one con it has is its cost.
regulated power is at ribbon pins 8+14, IIRC. You can also get it from the unpopulated capacitor pads on the front, the big one in the middle-ish of the pad; the other pad is where I pulled ground, too.
Appreciated, I’ll check it out.
I have faith that I can do it better.
yea an assembled board $45 + sixaxis $30 + xbox360 controller $40 adds up but it does save me a lot hassle and time. how much do you think the dual pcb adaptor will run when your done or target price range?
I look forward to it and you can put me down for one when your done as i like the dual wireless idea from the start i just recently got into the joystick game (took a year off drifting so needed a pass by time) and you have some amazing work.