Yes I will be showing how to do that in each guide and a few different options. For example, the T6 guide will show how to wire up the switches two different ways and I’ll explain how both setups will differ.
The first guide I will be making is a complete guide to dual wireless modding the 360 T6 stick, including button and stick swapping. I wont be showing how to physically mod the sanwa joytstick to fit since theres already a thread showing how, but I will link to it and show how to wire it up.
Goodness man. Looking at teh boefore/after pictures of the project is simply amazing. I’ve got to get someone to wire up that 360 pad for me for sure. Eagerly awaiting the rest of the pics and guides.
Will one of them show using an imp as the switch, or is it still best to use the 2 dpdt switches?
its best to just stick with the physical switch. The setup using the imp board requires a power load switch and the separate lithium ion charger. I also still need to do more testing on the setup as well. My plan for the next version of the leo board is to add those components.
If I still have any boards left after I get all the pre-orders out, I’ll post up ordering details. I’m still waiting for the rest of my shipment of transistors and diodes to be able to make the rest of the boards I have.
Depends on the controller you are using in the dual mod.
When I was designing the leo board, I really only had in mind to use the late version MS wireless controllers to dual mod with the sixaxis. So I designed the board to ease the pain of trigger hacking the controller. It wasn’t until I already had the design sent out for manufacturing that I got my hands on a 360 T6 stick and dual wireless modded that to realize that my design had no easy spot to solder trigger buttons that aren’t analog. This is something I plan to fix in newer versions.
If you are using a 360 controller that doesn’t have an analog trigger (ie, T6 stick), then you need to solder the trigger buttons at the spots pointed at in this picture. The X’s are spots that won’t be used:
If you are using the late version MS wireless controller, follow this picture Slagcoin’s diagram for better picture of the 360 board:
First remove the pots from the triggers. Then solder a 10k resister between the 2nd and 3rd pins of both trigger pin spots. Wire just one of the 1st pin spots to the Leo board labeled TC. Then wire pin 2 of the left and right triggers to the spots on the Leo board labeled LT and RT, respectfully.
I’m almost done with a full guide on how to mod the 360 T6 stick (button+joystick swap and dual wireless). All I got to do is drill a hole for the usb port and wire up the switch inside the battery compartment. I should have that guide posted on wed.
Looking forward to it, it should be a pretty easy mod for me since I curently have an axisdapter in my TE. Leoboard replaces the axisdapter and I just need to wire the 360 controller, switch and the battery.
you just need that one resistor between RT1 and RT3. The other stuff is not needed. Wire up RT2 to the spot labeled TC on the Leo board and wire up RT1 to the spot labeled LT or RT (depending on if its the left trigger or right tirgger)