Problem with Street Fighter™ IV FightStick™ for PLAYSTATION®3

Hello, I bought the Street Fighter™ IV FightStick™ for PLAYSTATION®3 and wanted to play on my Sony™ vaio® VPCEA3S1E. The OS is Windows®7.

The stick doesn’t work, the driver got installed, and the controller is recognized as the PC USB Wired Stick 8818, however the input is not being registered.

I have already tried MotionInJoy, but that program does not only not recognize the fightstick, it also doesn’t recognize my XBox®360 Street Fighter™ IV fightpad, or my normal XBox®360 controller.

I have also tried to use TocaEdit, without any success. All in all, I have spend more than 3 hours now trying to find a solution, can anyone help? Did anyone else encounter this problem?

The fightstick also shows up in the game’s button configuration menu, but the buttons do not respond. In the Windows® hardware callibration thingie©, the buttons don’t work either.

Is there an emulator, or a cheap adapter out there? And please don’t tell me to buy some USB chip, this is a laptop I’m using.

moving to tech talk

If you’re using MotionInJoy you need to be sure to install the MIJ drivers before doing anything. It doesn’t just recognize devices. It is possible that the stick is not working because its not receiving enough power from the laptop. Does your laptop have a powered USB port?

PS3 TE arcade sticks are not designed to work on PC. If it does then you got lucky with your motherboard chipset.

You might be able to get it working with the correct USB hub…

You should get lights powering up when you plug your stick in.

@gahrling‌ I believe you are right, but MIJ might work. Its worth trying at least.

Or replace the Sticks’s internal PCB with something that PC compatible.

As far as I know, the only effective solution is to replace the PCB. Believe me, I’ve tried everything under the sun to get my PS3 Madcatz SE stick to work on my laptop, and no dice. No amount of software trickery is going to change hardware to make your stick and computer play nice with each other.

A little bit off-topic, but I’m very impressed that the OP put in all the “™” and “®” symbols.
That’s gotta have taken some effort and dedication.

Your laptop has an expresscard slot. You could buy a USB expresscard with a known-compatible chipset and plug your stick into that each time.

No, he didn’t. He’s using alt codes. It takes half a second on google search to figure out the commands, and/or copy+paste.

Well, that’s not what I meant, exactly. I know alt codes take fractions of seconds to input (I type in french on a regular basis, so I’ve had to learn those back in the day myself).

My point was more on the sarcastic side; on a open forum post, who’d go through the trouble to even copy/pasting the “trademark” and “registered” symbols?..

I got no idea FreedomGundam™. Who that kind of crazy to go though all that trouble?



Actually, I did a number of software changes and got my laptop to recognize my SE. I have no idea what happened, though.

I’ve love to know exactly what you did. To date, I haven’t got anything to work, and I haven’t heard of anyone who could get it to work other than random luck.

EDITED Version: I found the tutorial video, and will add it here. I also corrected one grammar mistake.

Hello, again. Thank you all for your replies so far, and sorry for my late reply. I didn’t have the time to come online and comment during the week.

I have found a Youtube video where a guy basically has the same problem as I. I will just post the link here:

So, basically, my problem seems to be identical to his, except that I am on a laptop, and can’t just install a new chip.

I have also looked for an adapter to solve this problem, and stumbled upon this one, the Universal Adapter for XBOX360/PS3/PS2/PC USB by Mayflash. Shortly after though, I learned that people complained about it not working with mad catz products:

(this is the added, edited part)

I tried follow this tutorial. Unfortunately, unlike in the video at 04:16 he goes to the Driver Manager and just puts a “check” (✓) on the respective controller. Something that does not happen on my MotionInJoy. I have tried various controllers (Xbox 360 and others), and that option just does not pop up. I’ve searched for drivers, but seem to have stumbled upon the wrong ones, as they were identified as viruses by my computer.

(Back to the original post)

I do not know what a (non) powered USB port is, sorry. I have plugged the stick in to my brother’s PC, as well as an acquaintances’ Toshiba laptop with the same results as on my laptop.

I don’t get any lights, on any computer. It is the same result as in the video link I have posted.

Yeah, I am not going to do that. I don’t even know what a PCB is. I’d probably destroy the stick or so. And I wouldn’t even know which one to get, and I don’t own a soldering gun, nor do I know how to use it. (Assuming that you would need one.)

It’s not really impressive. I have 搜狗拼音输入法 installed on my PC. It’s a Chinese input program which almost every Chinese speaker uses on PCs (because the Windows one is really terrible. Google even pirated that technology and used the dictionary and all in their own Chinese input program and marketed as their own [This part is underlined, because it is the bit that I added]. Naturally, they got sued.) The Chinese input programs have a quick input method for a various number of internationally commonly used special symbols. It also has all Japanese, Russian, Greek, and Zhuyin characters in it.

Do you remember what you did?

Again, my point is lost. :frowning:
I don’t mean the effort in manually entering the characters; I can do that stuff in a flash using the ALT+ASCII codes anyways.
My point was like what I said afterwards:

It’s not like this is a legal document, so why anyone would even go through the thought process to put the Registered and Trademark symbols on all instances of Xbox, PlayStation, Mad Catz, Fightstick, Street Fighter, etc, is beyond me.

You could replace the pcb (printed circuit board) with this for $20 shipped:

It includes all the wires and connectors you’ll need, and installation is extremely simple. I had to swap around a couple of the directional wires (used a multimeter probe, a paperclip would work as well), but other than that, it’s plug and play. No soldering or special tools needed (unless you consider a screwdriver and allen wrenches special tools).

EDIT: because my sentence at the end was marked as a quote, also added another reply at the end of the comment.
(Okay, I honestly don’t know why the entire last paragraph is one giant quotation. I’ve tried various things now and it just won’t turn into a normal comment. Even taking out the original quotation doesn’t help at all. Sorry. And once you’ve posted a comment there is no preview button. So I don’t know what it’ll look like unless it’s posted. The BBCode is correct, so I don’t know why it turns out like it does.)


Short update again.

So, unlike in the tutorial here, under Getting it working - USB mode, my MotionInJoy does not recognize my controllers.

However, as you can see, Windows recognizes that there are currently controllers plugged in. (I have the 360 Street Fighter IV fightpad by mad catz and the Street Fighter IV fightstick by mad catz plugged in right now.)

In the Driver Manager menu, the controllers also do not show up.

[quote=“FreedomGundam, post:17, topic:167904”]

I read that post of yours after the second edit, sorry. Yeah, but that was the joke - Doing an uber correct post and adding those symbols whereever. It wasn’t supposed to make people laugh, just a little subtle humor. It’s even on the word “thingie”, see?

Oh, Shenzhen. … Yeah, I saw a lot of cheap arcade sticks and spare parts from China or Hong Kong. Makes me wish I was there again. =_= It looks like a good solution though, thank you.

This also makes you think why one should spend money on a brand name stick in the first place, and not just make your own stick based on parts from taobao, eBay, or sulit. The parts are a lot cheaper than Qanba, Hori, or Mad Catz.

But before I resort to that solution is there a way to fix the MotionInJoy problem? Or what steps did Astarte take that it ended up like it did?

Motion In Joy wont solve this issue.