I had a Madcatz SE that had the same problems as yours on my toshiba laptop and I got it to work by using a laptop express card with USB 3.0 capabilities.
For your information this is what I am currently using: http://www.sybausa.com/productInfo.php?iid=946. I have had it for the past 3 years and it is still working. Bad reviews seem to come from the fact that it does not come with a power supply to power actual USB 3.0 devices. Make sure when you use this, you plug your stick into the USB 3.0 slot not the 2.0 slot (like I did initially).
I am not a techie by any means so I don’t know why USB 3.0 cards work, but this worked for me. Hope this helps.
Forgot to add: Make sure the USB 3.0 card you decide to go with is backwards compatible with older versions as not all of them are.
The easiest method, though not the cheapest, would be to buy a Cronusmax ($69) which would give you multi console support, including xbox one, or a cronus crossover ($49) if you don’t want xbox one support. .
That thing costs US$81.30 on eBay and US$108.86 on amazon where I live. No thanks. Even if it were US$69, I would find the asking price objectionable. You can already buy a lot of other things for that kind of money, even a new arcade stick.
I just picked one up for $69 shipped. I don’t plan on playing tourneys with it, so no skin off my back. I have about 15 other sticks that could serve that purpose. Just offering a possible solution.
Hi, again. I ordered a hama USB 3.0 express card, which looks just like the one from your link off of eBay, and didn’t want to reply until it arrived and I had the time to test it out. Including shipping, it cost me around US$18.72.
You first have to install the driver that’s on the CD-ROM before putting the express card in, and now the stick works fine. It was a really great tip, thank you.
TBH, if it’s a solution that works for you, then it’s good. I got a solution that works for me, and I’m glad as well.
Thank you again, everyone. This was a really informative thread.
Hi everyone, i’ve the same trouble with my fightstick TE round 2 SF4 for PS3/PC.
It’s not with a laptop but a computer case.
With my old configuration i’ve bought a PCI card usb 2.0 chipset VIA, work very fine ^^.
Now, i’ve a new configuration with PCI-E port, my pci card don’t work anymore, i decided to buy a new PCI-E usb card with chipset VIA.
I installed it in my case (powered by molex), i installed necessary drivers on the net (not the disc) but my fighstick doesn’t work
thx for you help i found a pci-e usb card 2.0 work fine !! it’s so good to play with a arcade stick !! thx for all others users have a same problem, this card is good for W7 64b & 8.1 !!
StarTech.com PEXUSB4DP Carte Adaptateur PCI Express vers 4 Ports USB 2.0 Carte PCIe 3x USB A Femelle 1x USB A Femelle Interne 1x SP4 Mâle