Presidential Campaign 2012: The Haggar Video Thread

Here’s me playing at the UCI tuesday casuals vs people like djdivine, richard nguyen, pulsr, y2j, razyrbyrn, AZ, etc…

I’m Tron/Haggar/Doom

matches start at around 9:40 or so but you can see me actually beast at 1hr39

I get some matches in at 1hr9min vs AZ, pulsr, and some other people

not sure if this is the place to ask for critique but I’d appreciate any constructive feedback. thanks!

Loved the use of hidden missles to OTG into rapid punches.

And good decision making inthe first game to go directly into sf x factor sf instead of doing an air combo with doom.

Team combovid of Haggar/Arthur/Felicia:

Haggar DHC glitch into himself via raw tag is my favourite… it took absolutely forever to find a reliable way of doing it.

Great job, Sprint. That team synergy and tech is inspirational – I need to take another few days in the lab and see what my team can come up with Haggar… I especially like the use of your jump loops mid combo and your delay j.Pipe/sj.S into s.L s.M to preserve ground bounce.

Will you be posting any recent footage of your team in action vs opponents? I’d like to see how assists factor into your haggar play. I can imagine Arthur helps cover him on his way in and Felicia would set up unblockable pipes… I subscribed on youtube anyway. Nice stuff once again~

where in your video do you show this? thats an innovative find at any rate… awesome vid btw


No plans to upload match footage any time soon. I don’t play online any more, and our local matches are very rarely recorded.

Most of the stuff in the video is just showy nonsense. In an actual match I usually just do simpler combos with the sole aim of building a bar for the DHC glitch into Felicia, who is pretty much guaranteed to kill anything afterwards (hell, in the video Thor dies when I still have 1.5 more bars than I start the combo with).

I find Haggar on point is often a case of empty jump with an assist out, and be ready to pipe anything that gets hit by it (or even if it gets blocked if the assist was Felicia, since her second hit is low). Otherwise do nothing except maybe whiff a backdrop to change trajectory. Throwing the pipe out when it’s just going to get blocked is a waste of time, and risking Haggar getting hit is just dumb when the opponent can and will kill him in one combo.

Where do you play Sprint? I know you’re not from London.Do you have any tournaments?

Manchester. We mostly just play casuals over the weekends.

Hey haggar players! I have this video that i think might be beneficial to you guys. It explains a way to blow through projectile supers with cap and then land a level 3 with haggar for free! lol Just give it a look, and if you like it please check out my other Cap videos and subscribe! Thanks! [media=youtube]Pbp-dNdmUgo[/media]






Some of my videos from the latest local tournament. Please comment!

1st vid CUMPLEANOS!!! Me being hispanic i think its hilarious hearing a accented "respect deh pip!"
2nd/3rd you owned that guy pretty hard

4th vid.
1st match: you whiffed RFF with haggar on a DHC… was that intentional, to XFC and bag him? or just something you got lucky on?

5th vid:
6:27 lariat gets cursed
happy birthday ftw

This is a combo video i put together about haggar and his placement on my team. It’s in HD. Hope you all enjoy. Can’t wait for the buffs coming up in Ultimate

MY NYCC tourney matches on Friday with Haggar/Arthur/Doom in UMvC3. TV was pretty laggy so I dropped a lot of relaunch combos. Matches are @ 31:50, 1:22:20, and 1:28:07 in part 2.

If I am my ask why the hell did you pick Steel Pipe for Haggar assist

i chose steel pipe assist because i feel that it is a good assist if i can stay next to the opponent and attacking. It does have good reach and doesn’t cost health. It also provides a ground bounce and if i miss the ground bounce i can just OTG off it since it leaves the opponent on the ground for a long time. It was moreso testing how well it would work if lariat won’t work as well as it does in MvC3

Fair enough. Still it does seem like Lariat is gonna be really high up there as far as assists go.

Yeah I like using pipe assist it’s not bad. Easier to link Otg pistol from chris into another magnum.

Magnum (wall bounce) call pipe, otg pistol. Pipe ground bounces go into air combo or magnum again.

Gotta see if violent axe is any better

Anyone know where I can find more footage of curtiepie the norcal haggar/sentinel/trish player?

I mostly play tournaments at Southtown Arcade. Marvel doesnt usually make the stream there because KOF13 takes all the stream. Also play at Thursday Night Throwdown, but they’ve been streaming AE before UMvC3 since Ultimate came out so there isn’t much footage of me. I might start streaming some online matches, but I play really bad online

Damn, thats disappointing to hear, you still running sentinel/trish? Or you switching it up in ultimate?