Presidential Campaign 2012: The Haggar Video Thread

I’m playing Haggar/Hawkeye/Trish and Trish/Sent/Hawkeye

Aight cool, I saw some of your sent/trish set-ups on one of the starbase streams so you were pretty much the reason I paired trish with sentinel so its good to know you haven’t dropped him(not yet anyway lol). Ill keep my eye on the TNT stream to see if I can find some more of your gameplay down the line, maybe see some interesting tech I never thought of.

bum is the best haggar player i’ve ever seen.

vids of his play:

I just came here to post about this dude. The fact that he got in with Haggar against DIEMINION of all people is worthy of praise and admiration.

yeah, and he didn’t just win, he straight up bodied most of the people he played. i hope the stream monsters don’t cry out for a haggar nerf once people start using him like that.

People whine about everyone. Despite the fact that… oh… it’s a pain to get in with him. Let’s hope that people don’t mind since Dieminion is hated on for being a Keep-away player.

42:26 ~ end Dat Haggar (and some Chris :smiley: )

start ~ 32:05

My on point Haggar play

Edit: higher quality.

…wow. just wow.

“Fuck Dante, I wanna see more Haggar combos.”

Hey guys, I put together another video of haggar tech.
Found some interesting things with him, especially towards the end


I got sick of leaving high health characters alive. No more.

Jesus Christ.
Haggar best thing in Ultimate. So easy to touch kill. Once he’s in, you’re done.

Hey Sprint! Amazing comobs man, just wondering: What directions are you holding when doing the Hoodlum Launcher to qcf+S? I can’t figure out the best way to do that yet. Do you just wait or what?

More bum 56:00

I guess off stream PR Rog and Bum ran a Ft25 set, Rog took it 25-21 and then said he never wants to fight Bum’s team ever again.

Hey guys, I made a Haggar combo and reset video that relies heavily on his teammate’s assists.


just a nitpick, but you are incorrect.

Hey guys, some other online random videos. with post commentary. gameplay wasn’t the greatest but I thank psn for that. hope it helps some of you


2 hours of bum vs noel brown

Mayor of the earth song :slight_smile: so funny lol


A simple Lariat XFC combo.