One of my biggest gripes with that place is the internet issue.
Like while I was setting up I was told the internet it great, then when it started to suck I was told “oh…yeah, its capped.” WTF IS THAT! I mean for real. To me, if its capped, tell me straight up, don’t make it so that I start doing stuff and then am informed of stuff later on. Not to mention the internet just randomly stopping was a pretty big problem.
Also, on another salty note, props to the owners/tech manager for telling me they needed the area where the stream was set up so that some other people could play some extremely bad black ops. While I was told that they might need the rock band stage for later, I was under the impression that it would be to play rock band. So when I was told they would need it, I got my stuff packed up and put away. Then coming back to see it was BO…I just facepalmed, walked away and then was quite…salty that it was for 2 or 3 games of BO. Like…really? REALLY?! DOES NOT SIT WELL WITH SLASH! So should’ve told the people playing that they have to keep playing till I/we leave HAHAHAHA! I was telling people, they kicked off a shitty game for a shittier game (and yes, while I play SSF4 and support it, compared to a lot of other games, its pretty bad.)
I played on that Vizio and that thing is a POS. I was playing ScubaSteve on it and he does wall jump and it becomes extremely lag fest. I didn’t believe Jetay when he said you could see/feel the lag, but wow…
"Passage ways were clogged with spectators blocking patrons and staff."
Okay, real talk, to me, if you’re wanting to keep traffic out of main areas, then don’t put setups that can potentially block said areas. For real. To me, that’s just bullshit. The setups are there and when we all try to watch matches, we like to gather and make a cluster. It makes things more hype.
Outside Drink.
Thats my bad. I mainly brought it in because I was up for 36 hours (my bad) and didn’t want to crash randomly.
Venue and Food
A Venue can’t expect people to buy food or drink from them, I mean that’s just BS. real talk. People might get hungry, they might not. What are we supposed to do? Tell people to not eat before a tournament and stuff? You can’t do that. The tournament is, technically, during that off time when people might have already had food and are planning on going out with others afterwards. On the flip side, some people have a mentality of not eating during tournaments, to help keep them focused.
Was I hungry? sure, did I want to spend money to eat at the time? No. My focus was on other things. If I wasn’t dead tired, I probably would have been drinking water. I mean come on. If I went in there with some friends to just hang and chat and get some fries and a cup of water. Would they throw them out? I doubt it, if they would, then, pardon my language, but fuck them. I’m not going to go into a place and be expected to buy stuff.
And especially hearing what one of the people did to Ethan, that is most certainly unjustified and drops my opinion of AFK.
Venue and Possible Venue Fees
I have never had a problem with fees, as long as people know where the money is going, but on the flip side, IF we do pay such a thing, IMO the owners need to realize that people might not buy food and if we are there longer, they can’t get butt hurt about it.
Also, I don’t know if the venue has mentioned this, but I’m just putting it out there. They need to realize, that Seattle will be getting hype. ESPECIALLY If it is a portland/seattle event. Language will be thrown and everything like that, so that also needs to be realized.
As far as the issue of sound goes (regarding the game) I do think it’s pretty stupid people are saying “there are headphones” I mean I listen to my own stuff when I play, and I’m sure others do. But there are some that don’t and they use the sound from the game. If there is a way to resolve it, that would be nice. I mean, I for one, think that not having to bring a setup to a tournament is cool, but, at the same time, I have no problem with it, since it means we know what to expect.
Will I be back up there to an event? I honestly can’t say right now…maybe 50% yes 50% no Sure a lot of the things I have heard from my Portland brethren hasn’t been the highest of opinions or thoughts. And, while I’m not one to follow, at the same time I don’t want to be all “Imma drive up to this event” and then possibly get shut down.
Will I be there streaming another event? Right now I’m at 20% Yes, 80% No. The only reason I’m 20% yes, is because I knew there was a 50/50 of me being able to use the stage the whole time, because it was a ROCK BAND stage after all. The 80% comes from the internet and just a lot of the little things there. Even though the internet wasn’t garbage and after I watched the VOD’s from the tournament, not being able to monitor the chat or how the stream was actually looking was annoying as hell. And while I know that I won’t be able to do it at every venue or tournament, when I’m told that at a place that has good upload…just no. I mean for real, that place got free promotion on my time, and the time on the people who was commentating, especially Ethan and MacKinzie that were talking about the food. So to AFK, thanks for your free advertisement! --sarcastic thumbs up–
Also, to the chick who was telling people they can’t be sleeping on the couch or whatever… …|., That’s all I have to say. People are going to rest and they’ll probably sit and just crash. They weren’t disturbing anything, and no one was desiring to use the couch. I’d rather have my friends sleep on the couch than them driving back somewhere and wrecking.
What was good about the venue?
It is a venue, that’s definitely going to the top, and food and drink were easily accessible.
There was plenty of space at the venue, so that was definitely appealing…unfortunately, all the extra space was in areas that we weren’t using.