POSTMORTEM: Everett Kumite Round II

Pffffft Fuck a AFK

Ive been holding this in for a minute but since owners wanna act like victims then hey its all open i guess

  First and Foremost let me get this out the way. 

Kestah I appreciate what you did. you made a legit effort to help me out of the problems i was having and i have told you as much when we talked outside. Only other Real issue was the way you handeled some others. I understand you yelling at some people for bringing in food and water and such, cause you made that clear, But most of the people felt that you yelled at EVERYONE about EVERYTHING. that type of stuff isnt really koo. espically when 80% of us dont know you like that. ANother thing you might want to get into is figuring out how to run tournaments from some of the people who have been doing this for awhile. You had didnt have alot of exp. and it didnt seem you dove in much to prevent that.

Now on to the worse fucking place i have ever went to in my 10 years of playing games: AFK Tavern.

Kayla: Oooooo’s no. we didnt spend as much as you like in the bar. Tough fucking rocks. Niggas gave what they had. Im one of brokest negro’s out there and even i spent $20 in that weak ass water place. On top on all that: The food wasnt shit. Yall mustt think yall some top of the line chef’s using some top of the line shit… You did get something right though, You ARENT Denny’s or McDonalds… cause there shit is BETTER. Hell the dump i take after i eat one of those $1 chicken sandwhichs from mcdonalds left me with a better feeling then one of the burgers at AFK.

 Even Better, whats with this non-sense about theft now? You cant be saying some shit like that and not saying what it was and values and shit. seems like you are just piling things on there. Whats even better was mentioning damages like by defualt it was us. What kind of bull shit is that? You see us do that shit? could have been that party you had after you left? Well i guess its too much for you to think that hard on that one seeing you and your crew are acting like total victims.

 **Verbal abuse to the staff**: Check this out: Yeah i did cuss out one of your waiters or whoever the fuck he was. If im standing somewhere watching a matching, and im thinking there is more then enough room to get by me, thats where im gonna stand. if someone needed more room, all he or she needed to due was say " excuse me " or even a  " Yo ". What the fuck do i get? " YOUR IN MY WAY! " loud and in my ear like im some sort of deaf retard or some shit. So i turn around and let your punkass staff member know that " other fucker, try using the word excuse me or some shit " he just kind of rolls his eyes and wonders off like it was my bad. You only had 2 person there that was worth a shit and that was the guy who served me and dude behind the bar. The rest of your crew can kick rocks.

  ** Supporting Gamers**: Grats, you opened up your place for gamers to play but didnt have the equipment or the room to support it. Wanna a cookie or a gold star. Fuck all that shit, we suffered too. but people in " Constant Victim Land " dont realize that type of shit. Most of the shit that went bad had little to due with the players. Other then people bringing in Food and water from outside, You need to look at yourselves or the persons that organize the event. 

   **All In all**: Fuck a AFK. Espically that fucking fat dude with the Cane that propped his his shit and all his weight on my foot and glared at me like it was my bad. and stop bringing up the fact you did that shit for free, No one would have wanted to pay for such shitty service and lack of respect. You dont support gamers, your just a fucking gimmick that wants to take gamer money.

Edit: waits for Bokkin to get his White Knight on followed by young hate like always.

What Bokkin said is right.

We’ve been looking at getting monster for a while actually.

Sorry if the theft inferred you all doing it. It actually happened later that night.

I didn’t come here to get into an argument. I actually had an apology about shooing you all out and how things ran. Those tough rocks are mine to deal with. More I was hoping to be interactive about helping it run smoother in the future. I’m guessing you aren’t quite into that so I’ll just leave it be. I’ll email my post to some of the folks who would enjoy reading it.

Feel free to PM me on here I’ll check back for a couple days.

Sorry for waisting your time.

Oh and I am sorry for who ever yelled at you. Wasn’t cool.

all i know is, i liked my burger! i spent 50$ in there easy (well with cole tanaka and duncans help lol). but the waitress didnt know if my fork was made for off hand or main hand.

cool venue. i relly wish i remembered to hit up that wall.


Glad to see you following up with the community on our boards regarding the event. Despite how people may feel about your venue or it’s staff… the fact that you, as an owner, are communicating with us on how we can be better accommodated by your venue in the future speaks volumes about your commitment to the cause. I haven’t been doing this tournament thing long, but I imagine it’s not a frequent occurrence. You should be recognized for it. Kudos.

As far as everything else you mentioned, you’re right. If we had planned better, we could have better accommodated. More room and a more organized flow in general. The theft is a bummer and there’s no way to know who it was… but if that isn’t something that happens all the time it’s easy to assume it may have been 1 of the 40 SF players there. It was hectic and crowded and we were there past our scheduled time. It makes sense that things got messy/broken.

As for what Jetay and Slash are getting at… I imagine those two put a lot of work into helping put this stuff together. Slash especially with his stream set up. With so much invested in these events, it’s easy to see why they both feel a little wronged by everything that happened. Jetay, you even acknowledged that we all suffered a bit. But I hope you guys can see that there were discrepancies on both sides and if we talk about them with civility, we can get past them and organize a much smoother event. The fact that Kayla is on here willing to do this should show you that she is dedicated too.

I for one loved the event. It was a bit crowded, and the staff was probably a bit overworked but I think that can be amended in the future.

Also, on a more positive note: Your Honey Wheat Beer is amazing!! If i had more cash I would have bought 3 more. If for nothing else, I may make the trip back up just for that.

Kudos again for your consideration. Hope we can all figure out a way to make this venue work.

Edit: Jetay is the homie but he doesn’t speak for all of us. I would encourage you to keep posting your thoughts here. The more community members we get involved the better things will be. That’s what this thread is for.

Thanks for the Kudos Matt.

First off I thought the streaming was awesome. That takes a ton of dedication to pull that off. I feel sorry enough that our internet wasn’t pulling five stars. I gave our two isp’s hell. I can’t pull more then that off though.

I too can see how with that level of dedication they could feel wrong about it. I’m more then willing to chat over a beer (or in the case one of them isn’t legal drinking age an energy drink.) on me about it. Thanks for helping point that out to me.

As far as the broken/stolen stuff goes. Shit happens. Trust me, I spend more money on new controllers because people get a little to passionate about guitar hero then I could ever have seen while opening my place. And some one walked of with 4 napkin holders last month… I mean seriously who needs napkin holders?

I do see it more as a planning and expectation issue! Kinda why I came on here. Not to get slapped down. But I’m a long time forums troll my self so I’ve dished enough out to know when it’s the right time to put my needs for communication down and put up shorter more curt responses. 4chan teaches us all many things. So if you’re want to read my HUGE WALL OF TEXT I’ll PM it to you.

Oh and the Honey wheat is a new one, we hunted for that damn thing for 2 months after having it at a tasting.

I personally thought the venue was a very cool concept. Video games, food, and alcohol is always a good combo. Speaking as a tournament organizer, the flow of the tournament is the responsibility of the organizer. The players and Venue ARE NOT responsible. I would suggest starting the tournament on time no matter what. Set a time for registration/casuals. Usually about 1 hour before the tournament begins. Even if you are missing half of your expected playerbase, start the tournament at the time you initially posted. Players who show up late can be added to the bracket IF there are some open spots in the brackets. If not then oh well, it’s their fault for not showing up on time. If you are consistent about starting the tournaments on time, players will respect that and show up on time ;). It gets easier each time you do it no worries. Also download Tio Tournament Organizer if you haven’t already.

Oh wow, there been alot of activity on this thread. I’ll have to read it later, this flu is kicking my ass. A couple of things before I go back to bed.

@Kayla, I’ll touch base with you later when I’m feeling better, if you get a chance can you PM your wall of text?

@Jetay, What are you 14? Get a grip, you’re doing nothing but making the whole community looks like a bunch of twats. What fucking part of BE CIVIL did you not understand?

Some posts in here are silly, just be sure not to judge the entirety of the scene by a single person’s voice.

all I have to say is thanks for hosting, and the mage @ the bar was wayyyyy too cute!

…Muggish out.

WoW Really?!?!?

     Yes, I am just one person, i DO NOT represent all of the community. But for anyone on here to say my thoughts being that im the only one that thought of this place in this fashion is bull shit. Hella people complained. a whole lot of " Fuck this place " and " this shit is grimy " was spoken at the tournament. But now its all " Boo Hoo jetay, dont say that "

 People need to start saying how the fuck they really feel about shit and people instead of worrying about the shit that might happen. Afraid of what will happen when people really learn about how you feel about things. Its fucking gross how many people have online personalities when they get behind a keyboard and when they get in there little cliques but its HELLA different when shit is in person. Pick one personality and run with it. I suggest you use the one that you arent afraid to use EVERYWHERE you go. 

 Kestah: I say fuck a civil when it comes to random folks accusing people of shit they cant prove and act like fucking victims the whole time. shit dont fly with me. i wasnt even gonna say shit until she posted that about theft and damages and having no way of knowing who did what. Im betting she didnt call that birthday party that was after us and let them know about thefts and damages they way she came one here and let us know about it now did she, cause it had to be us right? Its whatever though, seems more your are trying to save a place that aint worth saving. so you aint gonna look at shit for what it is. Bottom line: fuck what you think my age is, if you and your crew got accused of some shit you know didnt do, you wouldn't be all civil and shit either, or maybe be walked on is your style IDK....

 Im done with this shit, so you dont have to worry about ol'big bully jetay ruining your make believe, positive, unicorns and rainbows run here on a land made of krispy kreme donuts. But dont try to throw me under the bus for whatever reason and not expect me to respond.

Fuck A Wucka Flame

sighs Well I love this place and I would be willing to help run the next tourney in some fashion if it’s going to happen. I love food and I love Street Fighter but a good relationship is not a one way road. Both parties need to find a way to make things work and it seems that will be the case. What’s done is done so enough of this bickering and let’s get this working!



She didn’t actually accuse anyone of theft or braking stuff. She just mentioned that it happened, most likely to further exemplify how stressful the entire night was for everyone.

they should expect something like 70+ people being in their venue. working in a LAN center, that also servered prepaired foods hosting up to 45 people at one time being the only person on shift, there is a way you deal with things, loss prevention being professional to all your guests it does not matter how stressed you are.

I think the only thing that should have been posted on this forum from that company is an apology for un-professionalism, a thank you for having us out their. and a “what can we do better to make this work better for the street fighter community.” there is no longer anything that should be discussed in this forum.

the venue was a nice place but it definatly has kinks to be worked out.


they should expect something like 70+ people being in their venue. working in a LAN center, that also servered prepaired foods hosting up to 45 people at one time being the only person on shift, there is a way you deal with things, loss prevention being professional to all your guests it does not matter how stressed you are.

I think the only thing that should have been posted on this forum from that company is an apology for un-professionalism, a thank you for having us out their. and a “what can we do better to make this work better for the street fighter community.” there is no longer anything that should be discussed in this forum.

the venue was a nice place but it definatly has kinks to be worked out.


lol @ prepared food @ versis. I dont know if putting things in a conveyor oven counts as prep.



well i couldn’t claim that i cooked it.

Here’s the only video from the Grand Finals at the Everett Kumite, game 1 before we had to leave.


A couple other videos from the Everett Kumite
