for jumps, it does not beat parries, JDs, or dropthruCCs (I’ve landed the last one on so many Cammys, it’s ridiculous).
for walking in, RC Kick Lariat beats it clean. RC Green Hand is also good (you should be doing it anyway to build meter).
This match is all about building meter. Gief doesn’t need to move in at all. I’m perfectly willing to forfeit this round in favor of meter. I’m all about getting back in my corner. If Cammy moves in, RC Kick Lariat beats her roundhouse, it beats her drill, it beats her standing hits, and her c.forward will whiff. On any of these hits, it’s a knockdown, so you build meter with whiffed Green Hands. Once I have meter, roll behind custom, or RC Kick Grab to switch sides… then dropthru CC.
It’s an annoying match, but not impossible. Vice is much more annoying for A-Gief (probably not so much for K/P).
Going back to the C-Kyo sucks debate, bringing up K/P-Kyo in an argument of whether or not “C-Kyo sucks” is irrelevant. The term “C-Kyo sucks” means that C-Kyo does not have anything that can be used, ever. He does. K and P have an easier time using things, sure. But that’s for a “C-Kyo sucks compared to K and P-Kyo” debate. When saying a character sucks as a standalone statement you look at his moves and their capabilities, not their performance in comparison to his other-groove versions. If Kyo is my best character and I use Sagat and Ken, and I’m in C, I’ll use C-Kyo. I can’t use K and P Kyo. It’s not an option. In that situation, you look to see if C-Kyo is worthless or not. He’s not. He has easy combos off hit confirmed moves, good pokes, good mixups and good defense. I addressed the “getting in” issue earlier, but you only looked at the “RC through pokes” situation and say it gets baited with quick pokes. If my opponent is doing quick pokes, I’m doing s.roundhouse from a distance. All I need to do is land one. Even if I eat a s.short, that’s fine. The roundhouse will put me ahead. what does Sagat have to do then? Is he going to keep doing s.shorts? Of course not. He’s going to switch to a more damaging poke, or go for a jump/roll to get in. You use the RC Rekka for the damaging poke. Your argument is flawed because you’re assuming that Kyo’s rekka can be baited, but you’re not assuming anything for Kyo’s opponent can be baited. You bait something for the RC Rekka to be used. Even if it’s blocked, it’s fairly safe. It’s a GOOD move.
For the Chang discussion, you should really check out the link in the first post. There are a couple of ppl there using C-Chang really well. Kousaka took third with a C-Chang team (and he’s really an A-Are user). Also try looking for videos of Bari’s K-Chang. He was also at the tournament, but every time he had a match, I was either playing or recording another match.