Yeah, he’s so amazing, cuz you know how many C Kyo’s there are out there. :rolleyes:
Kyo can’t get in on almost all the top tiers without random RC Rekkas, randomly taking a big risk, or parry/JD. Saying otherwise is pointless. And yeah, of course if he gets in, he can land big damage. Point is, other characters can do that easier AND better.
I wished you lived over here (Santo Domingo) to see what is REALLY SKILL. Here, CvS2 is played ALWAYS on console (ps2) AND PAD, and due to that, there’s TONS of K-Groovers players (who play based on you so called SKILL), and TRUST ME, as a C-Groove player, RC REALLY helps TONS of characters to be played at high levels, even more so MID TIERS than tops.
If you dont like/cant do RC’s, just play K-Groove, and learn to JD like a champ.
why are arguing when he’s making the same point as you:confused:? watch their vids, they’re obviously not scrubs. for a place no one’s really heard of concerning sf, they are extremely solid.
I feel the same as you my friend. Even over here, in K-Groove island, the game is slowly dying… Thank god 3s isnt that popular… yet. I dont really like that game :wasted:
Is the rest of the world really that ignorant that they think C-Kyo “sucks”???
Mid-range footsies with s.strong and far s.roundhouse. Sneak in d/f roundhouse every so often. RC Rekka through pokes. Get a knockdown. Mix up. Win.
There are a few C-Kyo players here in Tokyo. There just aren’t many tournaments, and not many record even if there are. I was the only one recording at the last Mikado tourney (there WAS a C-Kyo there, btw – he was just in Pinokio’s pool and didn’t survive. Pinokio beat BAS at the Sugamo tourney last week. I had to work.) It seems that you guys are only taking the videos available out there, seeing what’s good, and then using those tactics in your own gameplay. Whatever happened to doing things on your own?
it has less to do with the fact that there aren’t many (or any, really) C kyo players recorded and more with the fact that HE HAS A LOT OF TROUBLE GETTING IN WITHOUT DOING SOMETHING RANDOM.
You say RC Rekka through pokes like you can react to someone throwing out a stand short with Sagat (or any quick poke for that matter). It’s a random guess you have to take and if they’re baiting it, they get a free jump in combo, cancel into death. IMO, C Kyo is nowhere near as scary as P/K Kyo. Parry into BnB for a chunk of your life and almost all your stun bar is much better than having to work ridiculously hard to get in on any of the top tiers. RC Rekkas is nice and all, but you’re gonna get slammed for it after they see it once.
Edit - Gridman covered it, pretty much, just didn’t see it. One liner explaining it all for the win.
Im between C-Rolento and C-Kyo for my third. Im leaning towards Kyo although I’m having trouble landing his death combo (upward kicks into qcb, hcf+strong) RCing his moves is just to good though and he’s got a nice poking game. Mixing it up with RC rekkas, RC upward kick, and RC command grab seems to be working alright. Mostly I just use him cause he’s fun in my opinion.
If there’s anything I’d rant about in CvS2 it’s conformists. I agree with Gunter about the “trying things for yourself” bit. It’s fine to learn things from others, but I’m against non-thinking immitation as I am against strangling puppies. Tiers and such, no matter their accuracy are extremely limited and simplify the real factors that go into a match up. Picking characters and grooves should be something personal. A team that fits your playstyle is important.
I don’t get all this Kyo theory fight bullshit. He does have his optimal grooves but as far as I know he is one of the few characters that can do well in pretty much any groove.
In my case, not being able to travel around easily and having other obligations (school, work, etc) is what discourages me from trying to be a top player.
true poor wording its definately blockable was actually playing around in A-Groove a few days ago to see if it made a good chipping custom. Well whatever that move is called its not bad when RCed
Honestly, Gunter is right. C-Kyo is pretty strong, he just takes work…which alot of people don’t like to do. I was heavy into CVS2 when it first came out competitively and I played C-Kyo, and actually did rather well. I moved to A-Kyo to see what he was about despite what everyone else said, he’s got some of the same options as C-Kyo but has a dizzy CC and well I enjoyed playing the character and I was good with him. It’s obvious Kyo in P,C,K, are technically better and I do play Kyo in K. I just like his CC and I like using him with other A-groove characters I play (Bison, Hibiki, Rolento, and Vega ( forced to now sadly >_<)).
Theres really nothing wrong with people playing Kyo only in K, or P. He’s hella solid in them but, that doesn’t mean people can’t do things on their own. I mean ALOT of people told me not to play A-Kyo but I still win with him. This isn’t to say I don’t do better with K-Kyo…its just the fact that a version of Kyo not alot of people use (in the US at least) I can use and still win.
Here, here! I agree with this all the way! If you can’t pick a team that you like to use, or use any of your favorite characters because of videos, then well…the game’s going to be less fun if you ask me. Do whatever YOU feel is best for you, or what YOU feel you like, not what some video says is good. If you can’t put your heart into your game, your choices, your own team, then why play, m’right?
playing what you like doesn’t make it good. no disagreement to your statement, but facts are facts. and while saying c kyo sucks might be a little strong, in comparison to other options available, he does suck.
Same here with the team C-Mai/Dan/Akuma or C-Mai/Terry/Todo (in no particular order for both of those).
And yeah, I know that playing what you like doesn’t make it good, but still, even if it doesn’t make it good, at least you’re playing it the way you like to play it. Hell, I’ve come to like Todo a lot, and I only really use C-Groove when I play CVS2 (I know how to use the other Grooves, though I hate trying to do Parry in P-Groove), and I know that C isn’t his best at all, but still…