Post your cvs2 rant here!

i always wished you could play a team with different grooves. like k cammy, a blanka, c sagat. you could really make the game interesting that way.

i wish for that too but i think it would be broken since the charging time for super meter is different for every groove.

i can see a blanka handing down his meter for P cammy and this will definitely benefit her but not the other way around.

K groove wont benefit from this since everyone starts out empty. it would be too good if K groove can pass down meter. imagine dying with 75% bar and passing it down to A bison.

P/K Kyo is best. C and N kyo aren’t good. No parry/JD = sad kyo in just about every top tier matchup.

me and flash were shooting the shit about the whole different groove per character deal, and we thought to make it usable, you get a percentage of the bar. for instance, full c groove bar would translate to a half charged p groove bar, while as a benefit for using all the same groove, you’d get the full bar to carry over for the next character. or maybe something similar to what they do with the life bars. i’m sure capcom could have come up with a system to make it work. i think it would have made cvs2 so much better. it would help balance out a lot of the countering that goes on. plus t would be fun as hell to have so much more team variety.

^^^ sounds alot like CFJ…

i apologize for going OT…but FFT is too fucking good.

Original post by Mizuki:
Okay guys, this is CvS2 board, you can make an MSN chatroom and circlejerk to your little RPG’s.

Anyways, my next rant is, why at some arcades I go to people are scared to play me because I’m japanese. Like I don’t even play A-Are, I play like S groove when I’m at arcades and people like jump off machines or some shit.

I think roll cancel breaks street fighter tactics and is not a true show of skill. I give props to those who play without it but people do and therefore CVS is not a good game and broken.
It makes cvs2 suck.

sort of, but you’d be able to select a groove for the character instead of having it chosen for you.

saisyu: that’s retarded.

not really, I get that same impression from the players here on the east coast, though I totally disagree. Most feel RC breaks the game and is cheap, although most of those complainers can’t RC so I can see why. However, instead of learning to RC themselves or strategies on countering RC whores, they just quit and play 3S.:confused:

rc did not break cvs2. it made some characters better that’s for sure, but that’s about it. rc whores are usually the easiest people to beat anyways because they get so dam predictable. besides, a smart player would beat you without rc’s anyway. it’s just another tool.

Do you even play CvS2 competitively? I assure you, RCs take skill to use practically, and higher level play does not suffer because of them. Learn how to do it and put it to use. You’ll see.

without RC, cvs2 would turn into a K-Groove festival…as evidenced by the peeps in Santiago

C-Kyo is hella good, I have no idea what the fuck your talking about.

^^ C-Kyo has that ridiculous lvl 2 cancel xx upkicks xx lvl 2 cancel string that does like 90% damage.

even without rc the tiers as far as grooves would be exactly the same. bison, blanka, sagat, sak, and cammy would still be top 5.

C-Kyo also has 0 way of getting in. Nice try though. He sucks.

Thats not true. Thats like saying C-Iori cant get in. C-Kyo (and Iori) have better grooves, but don’t discredit the C groove versions.

^is there such thing is rc jab rekka? if so then it’s safe to get in?

Not really since thats ioris second best groove (maybe 3rd, A is probably better). Its actually not even close to the same since iori is no where near as strong in K and P as he is in N. Did you pick iori out of a hat or something?

edit: rc jab rekka works but it can be baited by jumping straight up

Where is Jeese when you need him.

Santiago, Dominican Republic? :wonder: