Post your cvs2 rant here!

Man, I thought I was the only one who goes through this. It’s such a pain in the ass. Like sometimes I’m color matching my team for shits and giggles and here it comes… Default color? What I pressed all damn 3 buttons at the same time, then I find out I pressed jab to quickly and get some boring color.

Beowulf and Cid are beasts, Mustadio is good for stopping enemie’s movements for some free exp and jp.

I need to check out this roof stage trick later…

and yes, learning Zodiac is fucking annoying…not nearly as annoying as trying to learn it outside of DD (teach zodiac to your opponent summoner, then either wait for them to cast it, or kill them and hope the crystal teaches you zodiac).

The funny thing is that in the console versions you can do special moves like Zangief’s Lariat by pressing 2 punches instead of 3 but you cannot do that when selecting colors. Maybe it should be the other way around.

Hashmalum is garbage. You don’t even need Orlandu, if you’re anywhere near Level 40 and raised your generics properly he’s easy even without any of the myriad of broken equipment that FFT has.

Mustadio isn’t bad. Unless the enemy is Immune to Don’tAct/Don’tMove, then yes, he sucks.

Agrias is also good, just a nerfed T.G Cid. She can use Knightswords in her default class which automatically makes her one of the better special characters.

What is this stuff? Not that I can stop you, but can y’all take this non-fighting game stuff somewhere else?

No we cant.

Agrais is still terrible. Any character can be good if you buff her up ovbiously, but her class set and low move inherit make her bad. Plus shes weak throughout the entire game.
Anything she can do, beowulf or cid do better.

Mustadio does what, 200 damage TOPS with blast gun or whatever the lightning one is? The dont act / move thing is null and void really since random battles are easy enough as it is and most main char story battles cant be dont moved/acted.

Also zodiac - cant you just cast on one of your own summoners once you learn it? I only learned it once on my own summoner and never bothered again.



Dont get what im looking at but thats definitely not a side quest. Thats the storyline battle with balk right before (i think) the battle with kletain.

Come on, this is starting to get ridiculous. Talk this shit elsewhere.
Is it hard to just create another thread?
(waiting for some jackass answer like ‘yeah it is’)

:rofl::rofl::rofl: I guess some people don’t appreciate a good classic RPG like the few of us that knows whats going on.

No we cant

My next biggest rant about CvS2 is that it creates fans that are goddamn motherfucking idiots. People that think that they can just go into any thread and have an off-topic conversation spanning several pages, instead of keeping threads to the topic that they were originally made for. And when the original poster asks nicely, they ignore him. Fuck CvS2.

oh wait, fuck SRK…:rolleyes:

Okay guys, this is CvS2 board, you can make an MSN chatroom and circlejerk to your little RPG’s.

Anyways, my next rant is, why at some arcades I go to people are scared to play me because I’m japanese. Like I don’t even play A-Are, I play like S groove when I’m at arcades and people like jump off machines or some shit.

That’s pretty funny actually.

why is 3rd strike more popular than cvs2? cvs2 has much more to offer in terms of depth and variety IMO, so what do you guys think it is?

A. Who gives a shit?

B. It depends on where you live. People like what they like, and around here, CvS2 seems to get more comp. A lot more.

I have been using C-Grief on and off, but I’m afraid to make him a regular team member because I think he’d get crushed in a statewide tourney. He’s so slow and depends so much on getting in that the A-groove kids would probably slap the shit out of him.

Coming off my Evo West experience, I would say a good benchmark for how successful you can be with your tourney team is if you can defeat C-Vega/Blanka/Sagat consistently.

I was shut out by a very defensive C-Vega/Blanka/Sagat. He stuck with quick, low-risk attacks, without any gross openings. I got behind, then I got desperate and I really started to crumble.

IMO, you have to try harder and take more risks than the turtle to win the match. You have to stay ice cold and overcome that tight defense. I don’t think turtle C-Vega/Blanka/Sagat is a tourney-winning strategy, but it definitely weeds out the nervous, sloppy players from the field.

To take the idea even further, I’d say hurdles to cvs tournament fame and fortune would be something like this:

Hurdle 1: beating conservative low-risk turtles like C-Vega/Blanka/Sagat consistently
Hurdle 2: beating rush-down styles like K-Sagat/Geese/Cammy
Hurdle 3: beating A-groove players with solid RC and CC execution
Hurdle 4: beating highly adaptive big name players

This is just a rough concept, but I think anyone building a tournament team should be mentally preapared to overcome obstacles like these.

Lawl okay, dont hate on an amazing rpg because you have 0 idea what we’re talking about.

I could say to you to just stay in this thread and have a little circlejerk with your fighting games.

To continue with the thread, CVS2 is an interesting game IMO. I’ve gone from loving it and hating it SEVERAL times. I even tried to pick up other games competitively as to NOT play it again…yet here I am…sort of back at it again somewhat. Regardless of the frustrating matchups that can happen and just about everything being figured out in the game, the competitive appeal is still pretty undeniable. Going from HNK back to CVS2, seems like certain things are easier to do (Sak CC), the overall exertion needed to play this game is alot different from HNK. Needless to say its nice to go back to CVS2 in a way.

And A-Kyo is damn fun (yeah, he’s better in C,N and K…I just like being able to
dizzy CC)

I still heart A2 more though.:lovin:

Because of all the Daigo fanboys who started playng 3S after Evo2k4.

3S is one of my favorite games but I still think CvS2 is much more interesting, the game system, the characters, the grooves, the combo system, team play instead of 1 on 1, etc.