how important is jd in k groove. As a new player should it be one of main focuses or should i not worry about too much until i get more comfortable with the game?
if you don’t know at least how to jd single hits, k-groove is a waste of time imo.
if you want to get comfortable in the game, imo is to start in C-groove, and start practicing JD’ing once you’re use to the game’s timing.
Starting in K is a good idea. You learn JD, its a very strong groove, you dont fall into dumb ass tactics like roll super, you cant abuse roll too much, you learn to play footsies better.
errr, im retarded, i meant to post this in the ask me a question thread, but thanks for the help anyway
pretty much everything i was going to post until i realized you already did. Learning to JD is very important to K groove, especially against A groovers. Against Sak (best example, really), JD low short, DP could be what saves you from losing more than half your life to chip damage.
I started in K groove. Damage output is just too good.
Speaking of which, does anyone know the exact numbers for damage boosts in K groove (normals, specials, throws, supers)?
Nice avatar :arazz:
Velius is A- Blanka r4
Hashmalum is harder than velius.
My biggest gripe about CvS2 is that the PPP and KKK colors are so hard to select. No other moves in the game require pressing three buttons simultaneously. Crazy hard.:annoy:
35% normals, 30% specials, 10% supers
throws should fall under the same catagory as normals
Queklin is gay.
You’re right in that Sagat doesn’t need to get in on Yama. But it’s mostly because of his S.Short, S.Forward and S.Roundhouse (learning how to use these against Yama changes so much).
Another big key is punishing Yama’s roll. He can mix you up pretty bad if he get’s in.
Preemptive S.Fierce and Cr.Fierce are easily punshied by S.Roundhouse. A good Yamazaki waits to press that button.
Jab Dp trades or loses to S.Roundhouse believe or not.
Use walk forward->S.Fierce to punish S.Roundhouse.
Super his jump-in’s.
That’s pretty much how you beat him. Rolling in on Yama is very hard and you have to be very creative or get lucky. That character waits for you (never a good idea to roll against that) and rolling on reaction to S.Roundhouse gives him a free throw/BnB combo.
sagat’s medium DP probably hits Yama RH clean right? I remember reading that Sagat’s Jab DP has lower body invincibility while the Mp version has upper body invincibility.
Roof stage. nuff said.
Your not trying to out poke yamazaki. Once you get in with a knockdown, you just rush yamazaki down and watch for a wakeup super. I put yama as my anchor all the time and i always have to play against a sagat and it is so in his favor its not funny. You just dont let up and dont cater to yamazakis game, its very easy to beat him with sagat/blanka/rolento.
Roof stage is easy.
i knew you were gonna be the first to post, because i fucking told you what the numbers were that i read so long ago. If those are correct, i want a link to where you found them.
Queklain dies in 5 fucking hits from a decent level party. If you don’t suck, he gets to cast Bio once.
roof stage - unequip one of your characters. Done.
Hashmalum is broke.
No, queklain definitely doesnt. If you power level, yeah he dies fast. If you gain a couple levels before fighting him, hes still hard. No matter how much you spread your party out, 2 always get either sleep or deathsentence. And then he runs away. Then you move your party closer, he gets another turn, and its usually nightmare again or bio which either petrifies or frogs you
Without power leveling, Velius and the roof secuence are IMHO the hardest parts of that game. Queklain is not that easy, but not that hard either, and Hashmalum is crap tier mainly cos at that point in the game you have REALLY powerful classes, abilities and YOU HAVE A-BISON AKA TG CID AKA IM GONNA RAPE YOU.
Cid = game on easy mode. play hashmalum without him and tell me how easy he is
that’s pretty much what i was getting at. vs Hash without Orlandu.
i don’t remember if you did or not (probably did), but i use this as reference and reminders - (also where i got the numbers from, credit to Buk)
roof is easy, queklain is easy but the status crap is annoying which is gay, i think the hardest/annoying one would be the deep dungeon staying alive long enough to learn zodiac summon for 1-3 characters. (if you don’t want the summon then hes cake.) I would say any battle without ANY of them special characters could prove challenging.
Nah not really. Agrias, Mustadio, Malak, Rafa, Melidaoul, Worker 8, Cloud, Byblos are all bad when you compare them to what you can do with a generic. The only good guests are Beowulf, Cid, and Olan but you dont get olan. Agrias has inherit low movement, mustadio does no damage, malak and rafa are terrible, melidaoul is only semi helpful against humans but cid does it better, worker 8 has low inherit movement and hurts himself, cloud just sucks, and byblos does nothing special.
I think Agrias is fine once she has invincibility combo and move +2 and Cloud with short charge, what about Reis? she has WAY too much life once you give her equip armor.