^ The general public born before the 80s isn’t very computer/net literate. Except the hardcore geeks. Get over yourself, a bunch of old computer-savvy people like Gates and Jobs designed and marketed today’s world of personal/mobile computing.
If you’re 30-35, you grew up with at least a video game system in your living room or bedroom, or the bulky white family computer. In your 20s, you grew up with your own desktop/laptop, Internet access. Teenager or younger, mobile devices. Going forward, computer coding will be taught in elementary school. (Edit: actually at the school I work at, they teach Lego NXT programming language to kids born after 2005.)
Insurance and car commercials are targeting the middle-aged with video game references and NES chiptunes. That would’ve annoyed adults from a decade ago who weren’t born and raised surrounded by consumer electronics.
Computer literacy is growing and is a lot easier to access. It’ll be something else that will separate current generations from future gens. Like bionics or something crazy. But everybody’s going to be net-savvy or computer literate from here on out.