Yeah, plus you can actually move spots in the loser’s bracket around to avoid people eliminating each other twice as long as possible.
yeah, I have a few questions to ask you about it, the tutorial while cool has a few glitches in it.
Siqq. :tup:
Should hammer out a few more details today, and then I’ll get them to tau to update the site and make an official announcement thread.
One thing I would like input on is what you guys think of also trying to add Brawl… anythoughts would be good.
Wow. That looks great.
Do it. :bgrin: We could use Evo rules and shit would be mad fun. Random and crazy as hell.
I’d enter, so I’d be down for 3 games. Marvel, ST, Brawl
from what I’ve seen on forums related to that series - the less smash crowd the better IMO. It’s up to you guys but I think with time constraints, CvS2 taking forever sometimes as well as other games running longer than scheduled, and Brawl being one of those games where you can runaway a lot - I dunno. I’m not vehemently against it but meh.
brawl is longer than cvs2 me thinks.
also, if its just one match then its gonna be hella random. it seems like theres no good way to handle the time issue in a tournament that already has too many games.
but im down with it and will enter if thats how it goes.
I think we should vote on weather on to have VF5 or KOF 98 now that i think about it. I mean really, VF5 is here and always has a standing, KOF 98 is a nitch game at this point and who knows, it can go the rought of the past 3 KOF’s where only maybe 4 characters are useable, people get bored and quit it.
98UM looks a LOT more balanced than XI, seems like there’s a lot of characters that can compete.
There was a fairly strong turnout just for the XI side tournament at Winter Showdown, but I don’t know how many of them play 98UM too…
Oh yeah guys, what about SOUL CALIBUR 4?
That actually might not suck, but I’m not holding my breath or anything.
I would vote no smash unless theres an outside interest in running it, ala what tekken did for NWR. Outsource that shit.
Fuck a SMASH
for KOF98 um i think that there will be a strong turn out for it.For one 98 is the most liked among the kof community and plus I’ve already told some of the WA KOF players about it and said they are down for it.
I think Soul Cal would be better than smash
I dunno, that doesn’t seem to have happened yet. The fact of the matter is, there’s a lot of interest for KoF, and VF never seems to turn out more than maybe ten or twelve people if it’s lucky.
Seems pretty cut and dry, but if there’s a vote, I vote KoF.
Okay, now actually look BEYOND your community at PSU where everybody preety much plays the same thing.
When is Soul Caliber coming out?
I feel like sooner or later, the fighting game scene is going to have to let smash in, even if it stays its own scene in someways. I like what EVO is doing including it. It’s a fighting game with huge interest and enormous base of players. And its fun!
Just some thoughts.
is it just me or does anyone else think this tourney has too many games already? id like to play in a smash tourney, but this tourney already has one more game than winter showdown and remember how long that was? i dont see how a game that takes longer than cvs2 would possibly fit in, especially if it has a buttload of entrants. not to mention the trouble of managing wiis along with ps2s, dcs, and ps3s.
if it were up to me i would actually keep the winter showdown game roster and thats it.
Well every time I’ve thrown a KOF tourny it was always a big turn out.When we threw the Neowave tourny at loki’s and the XI tourny at Winter showdown we always had 16+ people join I think with 98um it’s gonna be a bigger turn out then before.