Portland and Southern Maine- Make It Happen!

Ugh, I had XvSF for the PS1 back in the day! I loved that game, but in retrospect it was really bad, not being a true tag game and all. Still, would be fun to break out again for old time sake! Mecha-Akuma FTW!

Edit: I really wonder where nearly ALL my old PS and DC games went! It is kinda blowing my mind, not being able to remember what happened to them at all. I had some good games, too:sad:…

I still have all my dreamcast fighters so give me some notice and i’ll get em out of storage if the ol’ Dreamcast ever gets dragged out on game night.

Wish I had sticks for my saturn, I have the 4MB import fighters for that (Xmen vs. SF, Marvel vs. SF, SFZ3, Darkstalkers etc)

Hey, Matt, is there gonna be a fight night tonight?

What time do you guys typically do this at? I’m thinking about checking this out.

Sorry everyone for not posting this sooner but I am at work and don’t much access to the net, but game night is TOMORROW, Monday, come by around 7pm for some games! Last week was pretty hype, and the games we got on hand are great, so this week should be another great night.

Scrooge, if you got a ps2 stick bring that ish man! We only have one at the moment, so Josh or some other poor soul usually has to pad it up.

I’d like to get started on my PS2 stick if only lizardlick would restock their Sanwa JLFs :sad:

Sorry guys. I’m not going to make it Monday because I’m heading down to Lowell.

I’m psyched for tonight!

What time were you guys heading over or am I too late?

yikes, just saw it was at 7 for some reason was thinking 9.

I’ll just check it out next time, I’m only a casual ssf4 scrub anyways.

Sucks you couldn’t come, scrooge. Last night was fun as hell. Come down to the Souper Bowl on the 24th in Lowell, Massachusetts.

Hey, guys! What’s up with the car pool to Lowell? Fill me in with some details, if you can. Thanks!

So whats the carpool situation gonna be this time down? I think there are four of us looking to go (assuming Dusty and friends are going to go down alot earlier on there own).

I think that you should round up everyone that’s going, then come to my house, because I am the most south(?) of all of us (except for Dusty). From there, we prepare, and travel!

Sorry to post this last-minute, but I am unable to go to the tournament tomorrow, so you guys will have to go without me. I’ll do my best to go next time.

LOLOLOL what happened Calvin??

What are the plans for the next meetup?

Hopefully Sunday. I want to sit down and chat with everyone about the Souper Bowl and the stream I’m going to be starting soon. I’m also going to bring another new player. Also I’m going to show off a bit more Makoto. Really like playing as her now.

You starting a stream, Dusty? Awesome! I’m willing to help any way that I can.

Haven’t been around to go to one of these for a while since I’m up in orono for the school year, but feel free to add my on xbl (shenghao) to play guys. Dusty Feets, I’ve only heard good things about your bison from Josh and Matt, we should play a first to 5 sometime.

Sunday night, lets do it!