Portable gaming question

How come the only time you see anybody playing a portable gaming system in public is maybe occasionally a little kid with a ds in Walmart or Target? Are people buying portables…just to play them at HOME?? I take my Vita everywhere because…well, that’s what portable systems are for. I have a co-worker who has a 3ds (or so he claims)…we were in the breakroom, he’s watching me play umvc3 and he’s like “Aw man, I wish I was home. I’d be playing the hell out of my 3ds.” I asked him why he leaves it at home, and he gets this look like he’s thinking “Holy crap…I can play it ANYWHERE?”. People are saying they have a BACKLOG of portable games…unless you only game at home, how is that even possible?

I play my PSP everywhere I go…it’s my MP3 player also basically.
I think it’s the only way I can play Disgaea games.

Oddly enough, I only play my DS at home, or when I travel far.

Yes, I still have a backlog of PSP and DS games.

I don’t know why I play my 3DS at home exclusively. Maybe I just feel comfortable playing it there. Addendum, I get really embarrassed at times when someone watch me play a Pokemon game. :oops:

Well first off, little kids walk around playing them just to kill time and/or they have nothing better to do while waiting on their parents. Id hope I would see a grown person walking around a store just playing their handheld.

Some portable games are only on portable systems…so they just play it at home mostly where I assume most their free time is…like me. I only take my psp/vita with me to tournaments sometimes to play while im waiting for a match. I dont have much time to play at work, I only get a 30 minute lunch…which I like to use to eat haha.

I mean where else can I play it? While im driving? While im at the movies? While im at a bar/club? Wedding? Funeral? Church?(I dont go to church btw).

its not hard to have a backlog of games, im starting to wonder if you’re like 12 or something or just sit at home all day doing nothing lol

I’ve been known to spend time at a red light or in the Taco Bell drive-thru playing Dissidia.

Maybe I have a little more free time on the job, like when sitting in the passenger seat on the way to a job in another county, or only needing 15 minutes of my hour-long break to eat because I brown-bag it instead of wasting time driving around to get take-out to bring back to the break room like my co-workers. And then there’s the bus ride home: 30-45 minutes, not to mention the wait for the bus at the terminal. And I just made 35 this week.

Well its more understandable for you then, but if that was me I wouldnt even bring my system on a bus or any kind of transit, Hear to many stories of people getting mugged and stuff. Except long train rides/flights

I kept the OG PSP at home cause that shit would look like the Death Star explosion if you dropped it. Vita and 3DSXL are more durable. “Stigma” means nothing to me anymore. If I’m not doing anything that you can report to the authorities, fuck off.

Last time I was in New York ('09) I saw a lot of folks on the train with PSPs clipped to their belts. I mean it was the slightly less deadly parts of Brooklyn/Manhattan/Long Island, but it’s still New York. I never thought of a portable game system being any more of a mugging hazard than an mp3 or cellphone… but fuck do I know, the USA is a foreign country to me at this point (tho I still pay taxes there).

The Wii U was a giant letdown btw. The WHOLE console should have been the tablet, that transmits to a ‘dumb’ receiver that hooks up to the TV. That would’ve sent waves through the industry instead of making people yawn at E3. Fuck 3DS. Handhelds have been N’s bread and butter for a decade and a half, but they’re still acting like their home console is their flagship platform. Like Putin doesn’t run Russia.

I like portables, not because it’s appropriate to take them outside, but because I’m not locked to a home theater to play games. No different than finding the most comfortable place indoors/outdoors to concentrate and read a book. Plus it’s hard enough as is to find a TV these days with decent image quality and minimal lag. Wii U at least gives you everything you need to game out of the box, which is a step in the right direction, and was what I thought Ninty’s next console would be when the DS dominated reality space and time. But it’s still a home console, controlled by a ‘dumb’ handheld. A waste.

I hope they make a 7-inch Vita XL, but Vita is stillborn and Sony will be dead in 10 years and Japan will sink into the ocean so prolly not happening.

Hacked v1000 series PSP or a Smart Phone/Tablet is the way to go.
Order and Chaos online man for when there’s wifi , or Monster Hunter and MMX 1 2 3 4 5 all for offline on the PSP

I still have an SP with Pokemon Sapphire and Megaman Battle Network.

I play it every fucking day still, and bring it everywhere. :rofl:

because portables and home consoles are still advertised for little kids.

adults prefer now tablets, smartphones, laptops to watch movies etc

but even for kids, gone are the times when gas was cheap and we used to make long family trips by car. I spent a lot of hours on the original Gameboy back then.

I brought once a DS on a train and I kinda was the only one. Since the train has also a plug, I prefer to bring my laptop instead.

I’m really interested to see how portable gaming will hold up against this age of smartphones and tablets, especially in the future.

I haven’t been playing Phantasy Star Portable lately, but when my addiction to those games was at its peak, I was taking the PSP to work on a daily basis… I can get two 15 minute breaks and I always get 1 hour for lunch, so that was game-time, of course. When you have a portable system with you, a 15 minute break suddenly doesn’t seem like much time at all, sadly.

I’ve also taken it to a few other places, like to somewhere where an oil change or something else is being done to the car and I have to wait…or in line for those annual emissions tests to get a new tag on your car… see, that’s a perfect time for portable gaming right there. Kids have it soooo good with the portable gaming now, since they obviously have many more occasions where it’s nice to have a portable with them. Heh, I just remembered having a Gameboy in church when I was in…probably high school or junior high. It was funny because you appear to be praying like everyone else, but you’re really looking down at a screen, playing Wario Blast or something like that.

There’s no way in the world I would’ve taken it to school back in junior high though. That place was such a pile of shit, with 99% of the student population being straight up morally bankrupt trash. A kid today would be a moron to pull out a PSVita there. The shit would get snatched out of his hands with the quickness, and he’d probably get his ass beat down and shot if he tried to get it back. That’s what my good ol’ “M-Town!” is all about, folks. Fuck that place. …fuckin cesspool over there.

Anyway, portable gaming is always potentially more enjoyable to me than regular console gaming. Because of the portability factor (and the “sleep mode”; I’m not sure if the DS systems have this but PSP and probably Vita does), it’s so much more accessible. I like the convenience of being able to get right into the game pretty much anywhere as long as you have the time for it and a charged battery.

I have a DS so I can play JRPGs during the only free time I have…
While I’m taking a shit. Seriously, my DS sits in my bathroom.

If I’m not on my laptop and I’m just going from place to place even such as my room to the kitchen, you best believe that I’ll have either my DS or my PSP with me. Whenever I’m doing something like washing dishes or whatever, I have my portable playing music or music videos. Also, just anytime I go out, I’m most likely going to bring my PSP or DS with me. It can be either for music or just to play on it to waste time for a ride or just while I go running.

Being that I’m in Asia too, there’s a lot more people with portables just hanging out. I think this might just be a Asia thing though. Back when I was in Minnesota, I would rarely see people use portable gaming systems too. I mean, I did see them used a lot in school though. Heck, I was one of them. I actually got a DS to play Pokemon matches for money back in school though. People were really serious for money matches at my school. :rofl:

Until they can offer complex, console-quality gameplay (instead of one-trick ponies like Angry Birds, driving games, and failware fps), stable framerates and physical controls, portable systems won’t die anytime soon. Tablets and phones are for casual gamers. Look at sf4 and sf x t’s iphone (touted as oh, so powerful) incarnations vs the same games on 3ds and vita. Jerky, inconsistant shit that only a child (or really jealous casual gamer) would claim hold a candle to the portable system versions.

I don’t have a portable gaming system. It is enough that I’m gaming at home with the console and PC.
When I’m travelling I have my thin & light 13’ laptop (with a decent GPU) or my phone suffices if the journey isn’t too long.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m out it’s usually to do something. I can’t play a portable while driving, shopping or taking care of whatever business I have to. If I know ahead of time I’m going to be somewhere where I’ll have a wait, like getting work done on my car, I’ll bring along one of my handhelds. I also like to bring them along if I’m a passenger on long trips, but I’ve found people tend to get upset when you don’t talk to them the whole trip, so I can only somewhat manage to play a platformer or something that doesn’t require concentration on story while traveling with someone.

Put all that together and that just leaves me having to play RPGs and more involved games at home.

One problem I have with portable systems is when developers seem to forget they are meant to be making games for PORTABLE SYSTEMS

The bus is getting to your stop and you haven’t got to a save point yet? Tough shit.
Battery going low and no save point? Tough shit.

It’s a portable game, you should be able to save and power off at the drop of a bloody hat, it doesn’t have to be some trashy angry birds shit to be a portable game, you just shouldn’t have to finish a battle or run around looking for a savepoint before you can power off your console without loosing progress.

Seriously I’ve been emulating gba games I own on my phone just because of this, mid battle/mid text/mid whatever, bus pulls in stop, save-state, exit as portable gameing should be.

Dude…get rid of your old gameboy. That hasn’t been a problem since psp first came out. It’s called either tapping the power button, or flicking it upward for a split second. There isn’t a portable I can think of that came out in the last 10 years that doesn’t have sleep mode. You trolling, son?