(Poll) Evo next year?

I’m curious. Post/vote away…

*Edit note:
I think I phrased my thread inadequately… it probably should’ve said, “were you satisfied with Evolution this year?”… because a want to see Evo next year implies that one was satisfied with it this year anyways…

If your answer is “no” please post why not.

Even with all the crazy stuff that happened evo is too good to not have next year. everyone should be voting yes.

Why in god’s name would you vote no? I mean, you could vote yes, and then say “but no more console” or yes “but this sucked, change it”, but to just not have the biggest event in the community? Yeah, ok.

why would anyone vote no @_@

I gave “no” a sympathy vote…

My thoughts exactly. Of course they should continue to run evo. The biggest tourney in the country and a good way to chill and play with ppl from all over.

who the fuck would vote no? probably the people who have never gone, i went and i give it a fucking YES, waaaaay too much fun for your own health in 4 days. good shit.

Next year should be in florida somewhere. yea. florida.

Florida sucks. Its in east coast

I guess the ops should find out who voted no and ban them~

The cannons ( who run evo ) live in so cal

evo was held in ( o shit are you for real ? ) So Cal

odds of next evo being at so cal once again? 300 %.

i’m like 100% sure cannons live in nor cal.

bump that to 700%

I think I phrased my thread inadequately… it probably should’ve said, “were you satisfied with Evolution this year?”… because a want to see Evo next year implies that one was satisfied with it this year anyways…

I don’t live in So Cal. Neither does ink.

And your percentage is off.

you can move in with me, i got a closet and a wash room that are vacant. :^) now we so cal bound, 400 %

zing !

I don’t see Evo stopping for some years ahead. Why do people keep asking this, I’ll never know…

Heck yeah I want EVO2K5. This time I’ll actually participate in the tournament instead of just spectating :smiley:

Actually, I wasn’t satisfied with Evo this year, but I’m still going next year. Evo2K4 was definitelty the biggest and best tournament of the year (yes I went to all 3 majors), but it did have a lackluster feel overall, compared to last year. Like the Cannons said, this was due to factors out of their control ie: no new tourney games. This void was filled with lots and lots of casual play, something most people didn’t get to do in past years. So if your a true player, you’ll definitely be lookin forward to EVO2K5 and hopefully at least two new games.

Good point Som.